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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger and was on medicine for a while. My inability to focus and get things done is increasing. I will start folding clothes go in another room to put up clothes and start on another project leaving the rest of the clothes folded on my bed. It is hard to focus for my children school work without jumping around. I have four children 8, 7, 4, and 11 months. I have been taking Omega 3s but it has improved much. I want something that has been on the market for a while with minimum side effects. What medications should I talk with my Dr. about? Thanks so much!
  2. We bought a new house a couple of months ago my classroom is in the basement has sheetrock on one side of the room and a painted cinderblock wall on the otherside. The floor is a cement floor painted gray. I want to paint the sheetrock wall what colors would be best. I was thinking of blue or a minty green. I want colors that are bright and encouraging and inspiring.
  3. My son who is born early he has some developmental delays. He is in speech and OT and we are going to do vision therapy at the end of the summer. He is having alot of trouble reading and tracking. We were told by one practioneer he had aspergers and two others said No. I need an outlet for him to make friends. I have been through multiple reading programs. I feel overwhelmed I don't want to fail my child. He is starting to be embrassed of his lack of reading in his sunday school class and at home. He covers his mouth when he talks because of his speech impendiment. I have seen kids pick on him and it breaks my heart children are just plain mean. He is the sweetest child with the sweetest spirit. I feel like I am failing my child. My daughter who is 8 almost 9 is miserable. She has asked to go back to school. She went to a private Christian school for preschool and kindergarten. She wants friends. She does well academically but she needs more social interaction. She is in dance. Most of my friends have boys. I am in tears over this. I am overwhelmed and want to do what is best for my children. I keep being told that my son will have so many services open up to him if he is in school and my daughter will be happier. I contacted school system we can only get 10 mins of speech 2 times a month since we homeschool. No flames please just give your honest opinion!
  4. I mix two tablespoons of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of water and drink it each morning. I read a study in a fitness magazine that says it can boost your metabolism by 30%. It sounds kind of gross but it has worked for me and my friends. I also have a water bottle that is 32 oz I put 4 rubberbands around the water bottle to keep up with how much water I drink. I know I need to drink four water bottles of water each day and after I finish a bottle I take one of the rubberbands off till I have drank all four bottles.
  5. Thank you. I am going to see if the library has that book. If anybody in NC area of Wake Forest, Raleigh/ Durham area is interested in doing a SOTW and Apologia coop please PM me or message me. Thanks Susan
  6. I am going to start a co-op using Story of the World and Apologia? What do I need to do? How many people should I limit it to? Any advice on anything co-op related please share. My daughter who is going into 4th grade is getting stir crazy and wants more friends. We go to church 3 times a week and she is in sports but she wants to do classes with other people. I just had Grayson last July and we bought a new house so we haven't been doing any co-ops. I want a co-op that is educational not just for enrichment and social interactions . My daughter wants some classes with other people. I want her to learn with others. I have been in a few co-ops that were basically a few people doing all the work and my children didn't learn much. I was thinking of joining a TOG co-op but they are not taking anybody with children under 3 for childcare reasons.
  7. http://www.diannecraft.org/ You can find lots of valuable info on her site. You can go to the store link to find The Biology of Behavior and the supplements.
  8. I was told it averages it out to about $50 per month per child. The intial investment is a little more because some of the capsulse bottle contain 2 months of pills. I will have to add all of it up and divide by dosage and I will update you when I figure it all out.
  9. Yes it has the complete supplement program with brands and dosage written out inside the cd package. :001_smile:
  10. Thank you so much. I am hoping it will help with my sons Sensory Issues, and his ability to stay focused.
  11. We are excited about starting the program and seeing how well he does. Have you seen an increase in their ability to focus on schoolwork. Thanks so much! Susan
  12. I was wondering if anyone here as tried the supplement program and what kind of results did you get. I talk to one parent who was staying in the same hotel as I did at the NCHE conference she said her daughter was a different child and did great with the program. What are your thoughts and where did you get the supplements? I have ordered some from VItacost and Amazon. I am going to start phase 1 next week. Thanks in advance!!!
  13. I was wondering if anyone here as tried the supplement program and what kind of results did you get. I talk to one parent who was staying in the same hotel as I did at the NCHE conference she said her daughter was a different child and did great with the program. What are your thoughts and where did you get the supplements? I have ordered some from VItacost and Amazon. I am going to start phase 1 next week. Thanks in advance!!!
  14. I have seen some books on Amazon that have vision therapy exercises. Can this been done effectively? I talk to one doctor who quoted me $3000 for vision therapy and that didn't include testing. Has this been done by a parent at home if so what book did you use? Jackson is seven and is having trouble reading. I know he needs vison therapy. Thanks for any and all input.
  15. Nance, I have been were you are I am so sorry. I am praying for you! I had a miscarriage in 2008 and a molar pregnancy in 2010. My fourth child Grayson was born 7/15/2011. Sending some baby dust your way!!!!
  16. I would keep them, because they are a good set of books and you will probably use them. The other reason is you probably won't get much for them at a yardsale. The yardsales I have had people don't want to pay much for anything. I have had brand new Gymboree clothes with tags and people don't want to pay $1.
  17. My children are 9, 7, 5 and 9 months if this helps. I have a $200 gift card to Jerrys Artrama tell my some must have art supplies. I am getting a 2nd set of Prisma color pencils but what else should I get. I am drawing a blank? Thanks for your help!
  18. My son is having his testing done on the 23rd. We are very excited about the possibility. I wanted to make sure it was worth it to spend the money. I will pm you with some questions. Thank you so much for all of your responses.
  19. Can you share your thoughts and experiences if you have gone through the brain balance center program or know anyone who has. I will give a little background. My son Jackson was born at 35 weeks. I had pre-clampsia. He was born not breathing and was black and blue all over his face. He has had devlopment delays since he was a baby. He never liked to be held touched, and couldn't sit up till he was 9 months old. He has been in OT since he was a infant. He has been in speech since he was 3. He is now 7 years old. He is reading but he struggles. He is advanced in math he loves numbers and he tested at the end of kindergarten at a 2nd grade 4 month level on the Woodcock Johnson test. I want to give Jackson ever advantage to excel in life. He is very ackward social he still bites, and he has a hard time articulating what he wants. I was told he has Aspergers but he is to young for an offical diagnoses. He has ADHD for sure. He is all over the place. As a last resort I put him on Focalin last year and it has changed him for the better. He is able to focus and learn. We are thinking of going through the Brain Balance Center program it is expensive $ 7300. I would need to get a part-time job to help out with therapy can you give me some ideas on what you would do. I can work part-time on the weekend but want to make sure it is worth while for me to do so. If you also have any ideas for Jackson please share. If you got through this Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully comment.
  20. He is suppose to have errors and ommissions insurance. I had to have it when I was a real estate agent. I just feel it was to many things that should have been caught. I am hoping and praying this house doesn't turn into a money pit!
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