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Everything posted by lynn

  1. It means you have done your job so you let them go and enjoy and experience a new found freedom, you trust them and let them grow more on their own.
  2. Everything use to upset me, everything use to be personal to me now I take things for what their worth learn what I can and move on. I still have some work to do but I am getting there.
  3. After kids were out of potential harms way, the person was assessed harmless, police are called would you try to talk to the intruder, offer food, drink, blanket, coat? Keeping your guard up of course. Sorry it just has been bothering me all day that someone was thrown out in the cold without some basic needs being met. How about driving to a church, shelter, police station, something.
  4. I was and probably still am a little ornery:rolleyes: Not sure why, just my nature I guess. I refused to listen to the bus driver stood up when I should sit down that kind thing oh and there was a girl that annoyed me not sure why but she just annoyed me so I slapped her. Mr. Spina was waiting for me when I got off the bus. Maybe it was an attention getting thing or something. Okay there I said it. Phew glad to get that off my chest. :p
  5. Were there no shelters to bring her to if you didn't want to call the police. I am with you in being concerned with her wellbeing. I am glad everyone is safe.
  6. Coolrunning.com I believe has a gentler version of couch to 5K. I used one from prevention magazine. It's 40min 6 days a week walk 5 run/jog 1min walk 1 min for the next 30 min then walk 5 min week 2 walk 5 run/jog 2min walk 1 min for 30min then walk 5min week 3 walk 5 run/jog 3min walk 1 min for 30min then walk 5 min I believe by week 6 it the running jumped by 2 min intervals instead of 1 and I always finished the hour. I started this august and I can now jog/run for 1 hour but I change it up with sprints, inclines etc.
  7. I don't know if it would as many calories as keeping your heartrate up for a longer period of time but to me movement and movement has to do something, burn a few more calories, get the metabolism up and get some extra energy. I also have to watch what I eat. although I do not diet.
  8. ahem....baby weight:rolleyes: I decided I was not going there so I found a doable walk to run program and lost 30lbs. I now have 10 more to go I run/walk/crawl minimum of 5 miles and 1hours each day and weight train. Wimp little 30 min workouts just didn't work anymore. Now I love running and exercising it's part of my everyday life like brushing teeth. There is time break it down 15min at a time throughout the morning or whatever you have to do. The way I looked at it is I could keep complaining and get no where or do something about it.
  9. Keep drinking the water until the pill goes down. Or I've heard it recommended to have children practice with m&m's. nt
  10. We now have a HP laser jet1018 we purchased on sale at Staples and we have not purchased ink cartridges in the 4 month we've had it. Now I have seen signs at walgreens that they refill ink cartridges fairly cheap.
  11. I went for the physical with full bloodwork. everything is within normal range except bloodpressure. Went for the mammo, it was all clear. **now ladies if you are putting this off because of fear of the procedure let me tell you it was pretty easy and painless. Now I do understand that some b**ks are tender than others..... Don't let fear keep you from this, bring dh or a friend to hold you hand. But Please go......this concludes my Public Service Announcement.
  12. I am ordering pizza, hot wings, chips and dip and coke.
  13. Why can't anyone help her, get it documented why she wants to leave and take the children. this seems so wrong. There has got to be something she can do with getting charged for kidnapping or abandonment.
  14. DH called about an hour ago that he was now inthe UK. Now I can't sleep. He said he was going to keep going so when I told him to call when he got there I was thinking OUR morning hours which would be his afternoon.
  15. I they always have what we are looking for or get it eventually. Transfers from library to library are pretty easy and I can return anything from one library to another in the system.
  16. Fruit goes through price cycles and right now grapes and cherries are very expensive but oranges are cheaper thant hey were a few months ago and organic apples are about the same price I've paid for a while. I get what we need somethings have gone up but there are staples of thigns I just always get. Then again, where I live it's cheap housing, ins, taxes etc. We are usually the last to feel recession at all. Houses are still selling, people are still eating out, shopping etc for and groceries are going up but have beena bout the same for the past 6 months or so. There were always things I buy more of when it's on sale but less when not but I don't overpay for items.
  17. I really liked abeka for that age group because they drilled, drilled, drilled daily. It was flashcards which just took a few minutes and timed speed drills every day. It's the only way I know of to really get them in the head.
  18. is let them decide where they want to eat or mine usually wanted me to make them a special dinner, what kind of cake, icecream etc. Any birthday gifts were cash which went into the childs account accept for x amount to buy what they want. It's worked for years here. Sometimes we have friends and relatives some years not. My children are very happy with this. Of course we get themed table cloth, plates, napkins, balloons I have very content children.
  19. Do they have everything imported from china also? Anything that is known in the region? TIA
  20. She has recently moved her shop into her home. She cuts my daughters hair for free and has been able to take a buzz your hair emergency of ds. We love her and will be sad if she retires. It's really hard to find a good hair dresser even in high end salons.
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