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Everything posted by momto2blessings

  1. I had the same misconception. So glad to know I'm not alone:) Thanks for book recommendation!
  2. Thanks for the added input ladies. I do think a group might be more motivating, but she generally only likes to do things these days if she knows people and her friends are at the local coop, not the MFW one. It's a great coop, but a drive, too. Thanks for the affirmation that this would be a lot:)
  3. Thanks for your input. That was my concern, so it's good to hear from someone experienced with the program! I appreciate your time:)
  4. Hi Gals, You MFW users have been such a blessing. Can I ask another question?:) I just discovered a MFW coop in our general area that sounds great, but they are studying US history next year (my dd will be a freshman and just starting the program). Do the levels get progressively more difficult? The coop also teaches lit/comp. I'm not sure how integrated into MFW those subjects are, but I imagine pretty intertwined. I guess I mainly wonder if the reading and composition level would be a big jump for an average (smart, but not super academic) kid. The coop is a long drive and my dd's friend's are in another (local) coop, so I'm not even sure I could interest her. But they teach MFW/Lit./Comp./Math/Science/Life Skills/SAT prep. for only $500 a semester, meeting 2 days a week. Thanks for any input!! Blessings, Gina
  5. I don't know if My Father's World would help for some of this, but the high school level is written to the student and counts as a full credit each year of Bible, English, and History...with writing instruction. He'd still have to be motivated to do it....but it seems easier for me when it's laid out by SOMEONE ELSE rather than my plan:) Best wishes. I know it's tough. Dd (8th) is talking about wanting to go to the local Christian school for high school (which is very good and we are considering)...but after always homeschooling it's tough to think of letting go!!!
  6. Agree that Prisma Color w/Hobby Lobby's 40% off are quality w/affordability:)
  7. http://allinonehomeschool.com/ We've used Spanish and PE, but they offer a lot more...
  8. I tell my kids to do 3 things on days that we don't have out of the house plans: 1) Read 30 minutes 2) Logic puzzles...have used Critical Thinking Co. 3) Something creative/musical for 30 min. And we shoot for some exercise, generally our neighborhood pool:)
  9. I found the Penny Gardner book super easy to teach and for the kids to learn:)
  10. I haven't done the two-day intensive lab w/Landry, but are any close to you? It's base on Apologia which it sounds like is not a fit for you, but maybe just doing the labs wouldn't matter? http://landryacademy.com/lab-intensives.htm
  11. I just wanted to ditto Lori about checking w/your public high school about what they will accept. I'm not sure of all the details because we only briefly checked it out, but our district would not accept an 8th grade Algebra credit taken at home. They would not even let her take the required end of course exam to prove she knew the material(I think because they are so concerned about their scores). And I heard the neighboring district would not award a diploma w/their name on it if you transferred from homeschooling. Our private Christian H.S. is much more accepting and willing to work w/homeschool credits. Blessings:) Gina
  12. Oh my...this was my first time using the 'quote' function and I really messed up:) I was only trying to quote a few sentences and ask for resources on the prep work! Thanks, Lori! I think if we wanted a bachelors in 2 years/by the end of high school, I would defintely think $3500 very well spent and needed to keep dd motivated:) I don't know if we could otherwise do it. I don't see us going that fast, though. I guess we need to figure what our goals are and how much schooling we're o.k. w/being clepped out. I just got a voicemail and e-mail from a CP rep this afternoon in response to my online inquiry. They are definitely eager:) Thanks for the input. I'll keep all thoughts in mind as I chat w/them and as we go about planning w/dd. Thankfully she's only in 8th and we have a bit of time...though I know it will go too fast! Blessings, Gina
  13. Lori D...thanks! Great things to think about. My dd is not the type to push/push through summers, etc. And though I can see how the high speed could work great for some kids, I really want her to savor some things....studying Bible, literature, etc. and having discussions. Amy...thanks for sharing your friend's experience! I see how it could really work well for some kids. iprstn...wow, thanks for the breakdown! That really makes it seem doable. I guess there isn't much point in paying for the mentor unless we did the high speed option and needed the accountability. Thanks ladies, you've really helped to clarify some things as I'm thinking it through! Many blessings, Gina
  14. cbollin (I think your name is Crystal?)....thanks for sharing the stories and the website. Great to know a site for just clepping if we don't want to go full force:) Lori D...thanks for the stories and links! I've read so much info., but it's a bit mind boggling for me. My eldest is 8th, so I just finally got pretty confident in a 4-yr. plan for her high school years. Now it's just the figuring on how much college to take and how to go about it. Has anyone used CollegePrep? I'm wondering if this might be a better option since I don't think our goal would be bachelor's by hs graduation. I want her to savor her classes and not rush through (overall) and get maximum college credit, and then finish a bachelors after high school. If anyone has used/knows anyone who has used CollegePrep I'd love to hear if it was worth it:) Thanks again! Gina
  15. Oh, and just to add I wouldn't want to do the plan to have a BA by end of high school. There's a lot I'd like her to do in high school, like complete MFW, take live Spanish/Science/Speech classes w/our co-op, take some live college courses, etc....
  16. Hi Ladies, Just wondering if any of you have experience w/College Plus. I've read tons of great reviews of kids using it, but haven't actually read what they're doing after College Plus.....do they have any trouble getting jobs? I'm just wondering how Liberty or Thomas Edison are viewed in the workplace. I realize that most other colleges will only accept so many CLEPS, but if you stay w/the program all the way through that wouldn't be an issue. I suppose a lot depends on your career field. Dd is 15 and has no idea, really. But she loves animals and is into 'beauty' and it seems that having her own grooming/boarding business might be a good option. Besides grooming school, I'd like for her to get a bachelor's in business/marketing to help w/this and as a back-up. With the college $$ saved we could help her get the business started (if she goes that route). Thanks for any thoughts/experience! Blessings, Gina
  17. Thanks for the encouragement:) Ds (only 5th:) currently wants to be engineer. At least I know for him that maybe I should transition him out by Algebra. But for dd I just don't know that it's worth it....
  18. Just wanted to add that if you use SCM and don't use the Bible portion, you can complete Ancients (Modules 1-3) in one year. Since Bible is intertwined w/history and the OT is so large, 3 days a week are spent just on Bible. So, you could do: 1st Year: Module 1-3 (Ancients) 2nd Year: Module 4: Ren./Ref. 3rd Year: Module 5: Early American 4th Year: Module 6: Modern American Just a thought....I only have 2, but I think the modules work well for large families/combining. They have science options to combine, too. We used Apologia, then in 7th/8th my eldest did Apologia General/Physical mostly independently and my younger son kept on w/Apologia elementary (if I had youngers they would have stayed w/that, too). But if I had it to do all over again I'd likely use the SCM/living books for science in the early years w/more nature study! Blessings as you figure it out:) Gina P.S. The SCM guides are cheap and mom-friendly, too...I love that it's a day-by-day schedule rather than weekly. Just do the next day:)
  19. Thanks:) Not sure what we'll do. I'm leaning towards just keeping on w/MUS since it's working, I own AMUS Geometry and Alg. II already, and I really don't want to have her spending 1 1/2 hrs. per day on math with all the time other subjects will take...and since she likely won't go into a math/science field....
  20. Co-op uses 4th edition, so separate Geometry. She's now doing MUS Algebra 1. Good idea to use some Saxon Algebra, except I just don't know when we'd find the time...and I'd probably have a mini-revolt:) We did sit in on the Saxon Algebra I class and I was happy to see that it was all stuff that she could do, except for one thing we hadn't learned, but would only take a short lesson to learn....
  21. Thanks for your perspective. That makes sense. I'm leaning towards MUS at home, but hope not doing Saxon won't hurt us if we decide to do Algebra II at coop. Our teacher has a weekly tutoring class, so that's an option. I already own MUS for both these levels so that's another plus for doing it at home:) Thx!
  22. Thanks for the reply. At least there's a bright side if we use it..college transition:) Just not sure what to do. She's likely not going into a math/science field and we plan to use MFW which is about 3 hours a day. If we add on 1 1/2 hrs. for math, plus time for Apologia and Spanish...plus her music practice...just feels like a long day:) Any one have a comparison of the two programs? I thought I read that Saxon has more proofs...which can be a headache. And that MUS has enough for what's needed w/o going overboard. But this is my first highschooler so I don't really know what's needed:) Thanks! Blessings, Gina
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