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Everything posted by SeekingSimplicity

  1. Nope. He grew up eating beans several times a week, and eggs for breakfast every morning. These are foods that have always made him that way. He's T1 diabetic, and and has a nephew that is T1 diabetic also. I keep wondering if it diabetes related. Or at least something genetic in his family. It's a theory anyways.
  2. I've tried making fermented carrots and fermented slaw, but it makes him even gassier. He won't touch it.
  3. TY for the ideas. I'll plan to do some sort of stir fry most of the week then.
  4. Dh's stomach doesn't tolerate the foods that we're able to afford right now. Beans, eggs, cabbage.... it all gives him gas. The worst part is he is working in a lab, in a sterile enviroment and has to wear a plastic suit. he says there is no escape from himself. So he has asked me not to feed him those foods anymore. What's cheap, and gfcfsf, that I can cook this week and give his tummy a break? I've got about $50 to buy groceries with this week. I have grits, zucchini, powdered milk (for his coffee), gf flour blends, a can of broth.... um.... not a whole lot else.
  5. Dd1 is doing TT and is on disk 2. I'd like to start dd2 on disk 1, but it won't let me. Is there any way to reset it so it will let both students work?
  6. cool. thanks for the link. Yeah, I've been singing that all day too
  7. This is for the black plague, and there's several others too. Bad romance for the french revolution. Hilarious.
  8. This was a silly thought I had at 5am this morning. My 6yo has a cold. He woke up and yelled, 'mama! I need a drink!' a couple beats later he yelled, 'Badly!' It made me think of the thread on here once about the death of adverbs, how no one uses them any more (like labels saying fresh baked bread). I thought, adverbs, they will live on through my children. :D
  9. It was for nosebleed. I just reread the paper they sent home and found where it says no blowing for 1-2 weeks, especially if a cauterization is performed. I missed it the first few times I read it. It doesn't say what to do for the itchiness. The instructions he gave us are more on nose bleeds in general than on the cauterization itself. I guess I should call and get some better instructions.
  10. what do you do if you feel like you really need to blow your nose? Dd just had this done and she's going nuts because it's so itchy and weird feeling. Now she really feels like she needs to blow it, but I don't think she's supposed to.
  11. It's been a very long time since I read this, so help me out. How did he know about Adam?
  12. Did he have a name? The kids want to know, but it's been so long since I read the story I can't remember. I don't think he had a name, did he?
  13. oh gosh, I hope not. I haven't been able to use my neti pot in a few weeks. I've been having problems with my ears since... the first season of dr who with matt smith in it. (I remember it that way, because I was watching an episode when someone wrecked their car in my yard and I didn't hear it because my ears were clogged up.) The doctor washed out my years and gave me abx. I've had to get abx a few times since then.
  14. for the past few weeks, I keep trying to use my neti pot, but it burns. It's not the temp or amount of salt. The water won't go through my nose, then it starts burning badly. And when I tried it the other night I ended up with water in my ears. I've been doing this for years and have never had that happen, so I don't know what the deal is. And now I haven't done it in days and my nose is runny and stuff is draining down my throat and I really want to wash my sinuses out. :confused: What's the deal here?
  15. Wings can be made from old tights and a coat hanger. One year I hot glued flowers onto an old dress and used a garland I already had to make a crown. Dd went as a nature fairy. I also sacrificed an old white sheet one year to make an angel dress. Sweat suits can be turned into a multitude of costumes. We've done devils and skunks made from cheap red or black sweats and a little felt. You could also do puppies, cats or rabbits from sweat suits.
  16. I was just saying that's what they recommended at the time. :001_smile:
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