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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I just wanted to wish all of the WTM forum dads a very happy Father's Day. :) I hope you fellas enjoy your special day with your families. God bless you for all that you do. :)
  2. My dd (12) just recently discovered The Beatles on her own. She loves the song Eleanor Rigby. She also likes jazz fusion (my fault) and Joe Satriani (my fault again). My son also loves Joe Satriani and always dances when I put him on. He is Autistic but he has a few words and whenever we are in the car he will call out the number of the track he wants to hear. He loves track 8 "Ceremony" from Joe Satriani. :)
  3. I have to thank the OP for posting this thread. Although it is disturbing, I had NO IDEA that all of this was going on in the library. I have even been entertaining the idea of letting my 12y.o. dd to practice some independence skills (going into the library by herself to check out books while I wait for her outside the front door) because I thought it would be a safe place to practice. I am so glad that I read this thread. Now I am better educated about what goes on in the library I will never, EVER let her go in without me. YIKES!! I have to say after the initial shock of some of these anecdotes, I have to say that it leaves me VERY sad. It is a sad thing to imagine that many people walking around in such a state of depravity. :( It really makes me sad for the future. :(
  4. Mine were all impacted and the dentist cut them all out at once. It was pretty rough the first couple of days. Don't plan on going anywhere while he's recovering. But it is amazing how quickly the body heals itself. I don't regret having it done because now I dont' have to worry about them anymore. They were pushing in on my other teeth and making them crooked.
  5. Mine has "Promotion Night" where they call out all the individual students for each grade and give them a certificate of completion for that grade. They take their class pictures for each grade and they go into the yearbook which they get about a month later. We also have a pot luck dinner party after and the kids get their friends to sign autographs. They also get together over summer for free movies, water parks etc, but the promotion night is to signal the end of the school year and the start of the summer fun. :)
  6. Oh my!! :eek: I'm afraid to ask what he "unloaded". Are you talking urine?? or *choke* sperm? Ay I'm gonna faint now right after I hurl again. :ack2:
  7. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Or contact the local news and have them do a piece on it. I think that might go a long way to bring about a change as well. The problem is exposed while at the same time pointing out the problems in the library system and the news gets yet another salacious story to boost their ratings. Seems win win to me. ;) :D
  9. Sheesh!! It really makes me appreciate my library that much more. I really like the way they run the computer area. There are probably about 60 computers or so for public use. They are all in one area with clear glass walls and doors near the entrance so people are always walking by it. You have to type in your library card, last 4 digits of your phone number and your last name into the computer in order to access the internet. The usage is timed and I think you get about 40 minutes. Since patrons might need assistance with the login or with printing, there is an employee of the library who stands at the back of the room and can see the screens of all of the patrons who are in front of him. If there was ever a problem the policeman is just outside at the circulation desk. I think that would be a pretty good system to deterr porn surfing on the public computer. Oh and the kid's computers are all the way on the other side of the library in the kids's area and there is a library employee at a desk there as well. The kids' computers all have filters on them I believe.
  10. :lol::lol::lol::lol: She can replace 7 of Nine! :D
  11. Oh Lord please tell me you are not saying what I think you are saying!! :eek: How gross is that!!! :ack2: Certainly men can be arrested for THAT!!! I mean, Pee Wee Herman was in an adult movie theatre and got arrested for ahem "making a mess" YIKES!! That is just disgusting beyong words... I think I'm going to go hurl now.
  12. They can do a quick skin test to see if your body recognizes TB or not. My daugher had this when she was a year old and her test was positive. Which means that she was exposed to TB at some point. The doctor gave her this medicine called INH that she had to drink everyday for almost a year to keep her from developing the disease but after that there was no other concern. It might be reassuring for you to know that TB is apparently quite difficult to "catch" because it is such a slow growing bacteria and a healthy person has strong defenses, but because my daughter was a baby when she was exposed to it she was more at risk.
  13. :iagree::iagree: I stumbled in here quite accidentally because I was buying a used curriculum set that was listed here. I had no idea these boards even existed!! I'm so happy to have found them. :)
  14. Ugh. Am I the only one who feels sick to their stomach reading all of this stuff? I realize that there is all kinds of misery in this world, but this stuff.... it just really turns my stomach. :ack2:
  15. ROFL :lol::lol: I had to actually look that one up on Youtube because I thought hmmmm I've never heard of that Beatles' song. hehehe Then the Nazi anthem starts playing. :lol::lol::lol: YIKES!! Propaganda anyone?? ;) :D
  16. hehehehe I played "I am the Walrus" for her once. You should have seen the look on her face as she was trying to process the lyrics. hehehehehehe Ay, I like Yellow Submarine, but that song has a way of getting stuck.in.your.head. in the worst way. That's one of those lying in your bed at 2am with "we all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine" going through your head like Chinese water torture!! hehe
  17. I noticed the same thing when I went to Europe. I've lived in South Florida my whole life and back in 1995 I had the opportunity to go to Europe for 3 weeks. It was a direct flight from Miami International to Schiphol airport in Amsterdam. We arrived at around 6am local time. The very first thing I noticed when I got off of the plane was how different the air was there. It was nice. I also realized that September is COLD in Europe. It's still part of summer here. hehe ;)
  18. hehehe You know, she actually really likes the Beatles. She takes great pride in telling everyone that she has listened to Eleanor Rigby almost 1,000 times!! hehehehe
  19. ROFL :lol::lol::lol::lol: Ay IF ONLY that would work life would be so much simpler in this madhouse that I live in! hehehehe I have to confess something to you, Bill, when I read your "what's that over there?" My reaction was "what?" and I looked away from my computer! Ay, I think I need more coffee. ;) :D hehehehe
  20. "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..." ;) :D hehehe I'm sorry, when I saw your question in the thread title it made me think of Dory. hehehe I totally agree with Impish about Timez Attack for multiplication practice. My daughter loves it as well. :)
  21. Yes we are in agreement. hehe I'm apologize. When I'm writing something I know what I am trying to say and I think it makes sense so I assume that it is clear to everyone else as well. Thank you for pointing it out though because I'm sure you were not the only one who was fuzzy on my meaning. :) I'm glad for the opportunity to clarify. :) Yes we have cops in our library. I"m not exactly sure why to tell you the truth, someone is just always there. :confused::confused: I'm glad for it though because it's really convenient. I live across the street from my library and there have been times when I've been walking in the neighborhood and have seen a car accident or a fight going on or something like that and I can just run right to the library and tell the officer.
  22. Oh I agree. I would notify the police right away. I thought I said that. I was just saying in addition that I would have no qualms about letting the librarian know that the police have been called. :) In my library we actually have an officer who is there on duty all the time so it would be easy for us.
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