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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I participated in one of these last year over the summer. We sent word out through our homeschool group and it went out on the email loop and we posted notices in a couple of other places that we were having a huge curriculum sale and only 2 homeschoolers showed up. :confused: Most of the traffic we had were from people driving/walking by who thought it was a typical yard sale and wanted to see. I stayed there all day and sold only 2 things so I came back home, took pictures of what was left and put it up to sell here on the message boards and fared much better. With the books that I had that were old but still good, I listed them as a free gift with a purchase. :) I wish you well. It's a bit of work to sell your old curriculum, but it is good that it is able to be used by another family and it's good to get a few dollars back from what you spent on it. God bless. :)
  2. Do Tai Chi and Qi Gong have religious roots as well?? The Yoga thread got me thinking more about this. I have never done Yoga because I had some reservations about postures like the "sun salute" and saying "Namaste", but I have long been curious about trying either Tai Chi or Qi Gong instead of yoga for stretching and relaxation, but now I'm wondering about those as well. I really don't know much about them other than the fitness aspects of them so I was wondering if someone here knows if there are religious implications in them as well?? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  3. Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for your replies. :) You're all so helpful. :grouphug:
  4. My heartiest congratulations, Heather! She's gorgeous!! God is good. :)
  5. I can imagine. I hope they are okay. This is so tragic. I read that they haven't had an earthquake this powerful in 200 years! :eek:
  6. Plexus. http://www.amazon.com/Plexus-Plastic-Cleaner-Protectant-Polish/dp/B0002JEHM6 Works great on computer and nav screens. :) Spray it onto the cloth and wipe on screen, don't spray it directly on the screen. :)
  7. Wow. I just read that the quake was felt 160 miles away in Cuba!! :eek: My husband is Dominican and has family on the Dominican/Haitian border. Hope they're okay. This is tragic. These poor people just can't get a break!
  8. Thank you. :) We're listening to it right now. Just learned ano sumimasen. :)
  9. Oh, I'm not sure which type of writing she would need. She loves anime and wants to be able to understand what they say in tv shows like Lucky Star and Tokyo Mew Mew. She has also bought some of the dolls for the characters from these shows and the writing on the boxes are all in Japanese so she wants to be able to read the boxes and also the Japanese subtitles in the t.v. shows. Would that be Kanji?? How can I know the difference??
  10. Thank you so much! :) Does it teach them how to read the characters and write them too? She really wants to learn to read it. :) Thanks. :)
  11. I don't even know if this is doable because I don't speak Japanese or know anyone who does, but dd wants to learn it. Has anyone ever tried to learn Japanese at home?? Any book/cd-rom/DVD/etc reccommendations?? Thanks for your replies. :)
  12. My brother who was a total party animal and guy-ho in his single days is going to be a pastor! what??!! :D God is really GOOD! :) hehe
  13. Has anybody done the Holy Land Experience?? We haven't been able to take a vacation for a few years now, but my husband is talking about going back up to Disney when we do and I'm thinking I'd like to go check out that Holy Land Experience while I'm up there. Have any of ya'll done it?? What was it like? Thanks to all who reply. :D
  14. Your mango might come back yet. I had one that I thought for sure was firewood (due to crummy neighbors and their pets rather than cold) but it would up coming back with a little tlc and it was a dwarf one too! And the mangoes were even better tasting after it came back so maybe yours will be alright too. :) I hope so. :)
  15. Wow! I didn't hear about the fish in Miami. The poor manatees. I know they like to hang out around the power plants here to in the winter for the warmer water discharge. They said on our local news too that FPL wants us to not run the heat unless absolutely necessary, but I didn't hear about the laundry part. This is a winter for the record books I guess. Stay warm ladies. At least the sun is shining nice and bright today. :)
  16. Oh no!! And I take it they were in the ground so that you couldn't bring them inside. I'm so sorry to hear that. That stinks. :grouphug:
  17. Yeah, he most certainly was raised by wolves or maybe jack asses. ;) When my daughter was an infant (about 5-6 months old) I was walking up to the door of a bakery in my neighborhood and an elderly man (a tourist) was holding the door open for his wife to walk through. He saw me walking up with my baby in my arms, I know he did because he looked me right in the eyes, once his wife had gone through the door ( I was right behind them by that time) he went through the door himself and then let it slam on me and my baby. I never in my life saw anyone behave so rudely!! :mad: I'm not usually one to make a scene in stores but when I got in there I said in a very loud voice to the man that he was a rude pig. He just chattered back at me in his language and I was like "whatever!" Jerks are definitely everywhere.
  18. Wow!! Icicles??!! Amazing! I can't even imagine it. We were praying so hard for snow. I mean, if it's going to get this cold, might as well get a few degrees colder and snow right? But alas, it never got quite cold enough here for that. :( Bummer. I'm glad it will be warming up again too. The weatherman said last night that it will start warming up tonight into tomorrow and we should be in the 80's again by the end of the week. :hurray:
  19. Wow, I've never heard of that one. But I would think that the Fast Pass would kind of make it a moot point though, no? I mean, you can just return to the ride at the time on your ticket so you wouldn't need to stand in the long lines anyway, or is there more to it than that? Thanks. :)
  20. Sounds to me like he's just a jerk and they're universal. I'm sure that guy would be a jerk to whomever no matter what country they were from. ;)
  21. It hasn't been this cold here since 1977 and that was the coldest winter ever recorded at that time in South Florida!! It's 36 degrees outside now here in Hollywood at 6:54am!! Unreal! :eek: brrrr I just wish I had clothing for this cold. I'm out there in hoodies freezing my butt off.
  22. There are plenty of gentle rides you can take youngins like yours on in the Magic Kingdom, plus they can see Mickey's house in Toon Town and participate in the parades (if they wish). Just make sure you bring a stroller (or rent one of the Disney ones) because there's no way they can walk it all. :) Have fun. :)
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