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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree: It was Jesus's gentleness that drew me to Him and got me saved. "Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." That was the verse that did it. :) I haven't read The Shack, though, but I just really agreed with your statement. :)
  2. :iagree::iagree:I know you can't please everybody, but I agree with Cat and Joann.
  3. Update: His fever is still down and he is much more active than he was before. He's still laying around a lot, but he's not sleeping during the day anymore and he slept really good and sound last night with only maybe 5-6 bouts of coughs in the night. His fever is still down and he's smiling a lot more and laughing some. I went out again today to McDonalds to get him some more french fries, but he didn't eat them. I waited a few hours and just made a very simple spagetti with tomato sauce and olive oil and he ate everything that I gave him. :) Thanks so much everyone for your prayers. :) I"m going to go to the doctor tomorrow about my ear. Hopefully I'll get some relief from this pain soon. Thanks again ladies. :grouphug:
  4. Wow, is your dog really as big as it looks in the picture? How much does it weigh?
  5. I saw this thread late. I'm glad you're okay Imp. :grouphug:
  6. Oh my gosh this is so dreadful. My heart goes out to Emilio and Kacee. I pray he is returned safely home. :(
  7. Not sure. The one I had was The Live Set. It had Rocket Town, Emily, You really need a Savior and some others on it. :) How was the concert?
  8. Pretty rotten tbh. We're just trying to hang in there and ride this cold out. I can't wait til I can go to the doctor's tomorrow and deal with this ear. Ouch.
  9. Thanks so much hon. I'm going to use a heating pad and see if I can get some sleep.
  10. Thank you. I just need to hold out til Monday then I can get in to see the doc. I think I have a heating pad somewhere. :)
  11. I am pretty congested still. I've been taking decongestants all week, but this cold, flu, virus, whatever is really tenacious and the meds don't seem to make a dent in the symptoms. My whole head feels like a balloon.
  12. AWESOME!!! I love him. When I first became a Christian the girl who brought me to church gave me a cassette of his. It was the first Christian music I owned. I always have a special place in my heart for him and his music. :)
  13. Thanks for the suggestions ladies. Catalina, does it have to be a brown onion only? I only have vidalias at home. Does anyone have a recipe for the garlic oil? Thanks so much girls. :grouphug:
  14. I've been very sick this whole week with the flu or something and last night it started moving into my right ear. Now my ear is throbbing with pain and I can't sleep it hurts so much. Of course it's Sunday now so there's nothing I can do about it until Monday when the doctor's office is open. So do you all have any home remedies or anything that I can do to help alleviate this pain until I can get in to see the doc on Monday?? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. :grouphug:
  15. Can I just say that I officially LOVE McDonalds now. For all the harsh words I've had to say about them in the past, I gladly recant, my boy is finally eating some french fries. :) I"m so happy. Of course it had to be pouring rain, but whatever, I got him french fries and he's eating them. :)
  16. Thanks Cat. I'm going to make my little guy some french fries right now. Wish me luck that he eats them. :)
  17. Oh she's so beautiful!! Congratulations on your precious baby! Welcome to the world Merle. :hurray: :grouphug:
  18. That is interesting. Wow, wouldn't it be amazing if it is her. To think all this time that she was a castaway. Wow!
  19. LOL That's awesome! yeah, I love my Ibby's! :) Did your son get the electric set or the acoustic one?
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