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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL No, it was what it was. I can't say it was good or bad. My young mind just kind of struggled to make sense of it is all. The psychadelic colors, body painting and the dark tans and nude colored lipsticks. :confused: Compared to myself who didn't wear any of that because I was just a child it just all kind of seemed strange and maybe a little mystic somehow? :confused:
  2. LOL This is me. I don't know what period I would choose either. I think every period has its pros and cons. The pros may look great and I think *maybe* but then the cons are :eek: :svengo: :ack2: or :mad: I was born in 1971 and my parents were kinda sorta hippies and I just remember how strange it was for me as a child. I have these memories of vivid colors and strange images that just didn't make any sense to me. I did love (and still do love) the music however. To me personally the best era in music was 70's rock, but that's just me. :D The rampant drug use/abuse was awful though. It seemed like it was everywhere when I was a kid and the wreckage that it caused was truly frightening.
  3. LOL That's funny. That would probably be me if I ever really saw snow.:tongue_smilie: I didn't exactly get the part where the house was noisy? Is that because they're supposed to be going crazy or the snow somehow makes your house louder?
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That's hard, but it's not up to you to solve her problems. I understand how you would feel guilty. You're a kind and caring person. :grouphug: I pray you don't get sick too. I feel so bad for your kids. We had the flu over the Christmas break and it was awful. hahahahaha Like the Truman Show. We should have a sticky thread dedicated just to Stacie and what next weird encounter she is having. lol :)
  5. :lol::lol::lol: :eek: I HOPE that she wouldn't do such a thing! Ugh tell me about it! My husband is watching Eva Luna right now and it's driving me bonkers. That show is awful! He even admits that it's awful, but he can't help himself, he has to find out what's happening anyway. lol The one good thing about Spanish soaps is that they end unlike American ones that go on until the end of time. lol To me, the only telenovela that was worth watching was Betty La Fea. That one was great! :)
  6. Praying for you honey. You'll be holding that sweet baby soon.:grouphug: :iagree::iagree: Praying for all the moms and babies. :)
  7. Sorry your kids are sick, Stacie. I hope they feel better soon. :grouphug: Thanks for the update. So the old coach was still there, but as a parent you're saying? Do you think finances were to blame for her always bringing her kids to class instead of having a babysitter? Honestly it's the only thing I can possibly think of to explain her behavior. :confused:
  8. Awww, that's cute. How nice the dad was. :)
  9. Thank you for your kind words Isabella. I pray you have a full and complete recovery. You are a brave woman. :grouphug:
  10. Oh Rosie, I'm SO glad to hear it. :grouphug: :iagree::iagree: Amen!
  11. That's nice. I wish our set had more color photographs, but they are mostly black and white. It's so weird though to read through them and see how much has changed.
  12. What a sweet heart you have. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I agree. These boards are amazing. I have learned so many things here that I probably couldn't have learned anywhere else.
  13. :eek: :svengo: Wow Melissa! That is just incredible that size and scope of that fire. You guys in Oz just can't get a break this week! :grouphug: I am so glad that your home was spared. That was really close and your friend! Unbelievable! I'm so glad everyone made it through safely. :grouphug:
  14. I remember so clearly in the days right after hurricane Andrew how dazed everyone was who had lost everything. They just seemed like they were wandering around not knowing what to do or where they were going. It was heart breaking. For those who are hardest hit, it is devastating, but like you say the human spirit is amazing. When you are down, the only place to go is up. I am so so glad to hear about your inlaws. I was praying for them last night and all day today. Thank you so much for the update on how they fared. :) I hope your MIL feels better soon.:grouphug: It is very scary to go through a bad storm like that. The winds are just unlike anything you've ever heard before. It's very frightening.
  15. No answers to your questions, but lots of :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for you and your dd. Poor thing! How frightening for her and for you too I'm sure. I'll pray for her and for wisdom for you to find the solution to her nightmares. :)
  16. A question for you gals who own a set from the 90's... Are the photos mostly in color or were they mostly black and white with some color? Just curious. Thanks. :)
  17. That's wonderful! Celebrating with you and your young man. :party: :hurray: :)
  18. That's wonderful, Peela. :) I don't want to butt my nose into your conversation, so I will go, but I just had to pop in and rejoice with you. :) May I also just say how beautiful I think your dd's name is. Lovely. Your signature rocks too! :) hehe
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