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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. How to get your Child off the Refrigerator and on to Learning I always just use a big stick.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug: Yikes. That's terrible. I'm so sorry for what you went through. Thank you. :) Interesting. I live in South Florida so the sun is pretty strong here. Maybe I'll start taking her out for daily walks. Thanks for the advice. :) :grouphug::grouphug: That's awful!
  3. Thank you so much for chiming in here Diane. I appreciate the advice. :)
  4. What is your favorite season of the year soccer season. :thumbup:
  5. Child's IQ dropping 20 points? Hmmm. Has your child lost weight recently??
  6. let'sgolearn or catchupmath Maybe you all should focus on Language Arts for awhile instead. Just a thought. :)
  7. Which math did your "mathy" child use for high school? Mathy Math for Mathy Kids by Math Matthews.
  8. Teaching Respect for Adults Stop calling them dirty, stinking bastiges. Once you get that down, the rest is easy. :thumbup:
  9. Termite Treatment--Which Option Would You Choose? I'd choose the option that leaves them dead. But that's just me. I'm not known for my kind treatment of bugs.
  10. I am seriously out of the loop here.. Here. Borrow my GPS navigator.
  11. Ham strikes again...this time he goes after SWB in earnest Bad Piggie!! If you don't behave and leave Susan alone you will be turned into bacon and ham sandwiches!
  12. What made you change your mind? Hmmm. I'd say the gun to the head was pretty persuasive. :o
  13. I need to have a small tantrum .... inside No worries. Just scream with your mouth closed and you can keep it all inside! :thumbup:
  14. Do you ever wonder if you're wrong? I don't have to wonder. Someone always tells me I'm wrong whenever I say anything. :confused: :glare:
  15. Getting Rid of it all!! Hang on! Hang on now! Keep your shirt on!
  16. Not Wanting this to get lost... Try putting it in a safe or a safety deposit box. :thumbup:
  17. Eat Fat, Lost Fat? Anyone? Ummm, no thanks. I don't want to eat anyone's fat, especially if it's been lost. Who knows where it was in that time. Ewwww. :ack2:
  18. I miss working... You can come to my house. There is plenty of work here that needs to be done. :thumbup:
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