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Everything posted by momto4greatkids

  1. Breakfast for dinner is our answer for a hot dinner in a hurry. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, or even bagels with cream cheese. Staples that are in the pantry or the fridge, but still a hot meal.
  2. Our experience... Last year we were in Saxon Algebra I last year and just "hit the wall" at Lesson 100. So we stopped. Then we started up with Florida Virtual School Algebra II this fall, and he picked right up without difficulty. We usually try to finish all of our math books too, but then I "test through" the next level so we pick up without too much overlap review. In this case, we just stopped early, then did all the review at the next level. It just worked....
  3. We used BJ Grammar 3 this year and really enjoyed it. It went back and forth from a unit on grammar to a unit on writing. I don't know about the other grammar program.
  4. As far as being overwhelmed, having children in school is a job too! At 3 and 5, in my opinion, its easier to run your own ship and keep them at home. Otherwise, you introduce school's schedule into your life. Now you have homework, parties, and issues with teachers, other children, etc. At home, you can plan play dates with the friends you want your daughter to be with. There's so many groups to be a part of for socialization without the commitment of 35 hours of school/week. Do what you know you are being called to do, and your mother will see.....
  5. My daughter is in 6th grade and is doing SP this year in a group setting with friends that are 7th graders. Each student is different, but my daughter is definitely still in the concrete thinking stage, not having moved over into the abstract thinking arena yet. We are splitting the class into 2 years, and we are definitely moving forward. On the other hand, this year has been good for us to work through these life-defining issues together. Better early than later, I say. I just try not to push her past her frustration point. We have a friend doing this in 10th grade and it seems to be grade appropriate for her. Just know all this going into the class. Its worth the effort.
  6. I don't think you are crazy for considering it. You are probably thinking that is really is the last year you could consider it, so you are going through the motions. What does your husband think? That has been my biggest strike against trying again at 39. Sometimes I think when I want another one I'm thinking that I won't have "anything" to do once my kids are a little older. Looking at my mother though --who had 4 children of her own and now is helping out with all of their children--she is busier now than she's ever been. I am praying that God would give me a passion to pursue in life once my children are older. Maybe that is foster children, maybe other ministry. Having a 10 year old daughter at home is such a great opportunity for both of you to serve foster children together now. God bless you as you pursue your dreams.
  7. We are using Starting Points (dd12) WVWW I (ds14)this year. These are really core curriculums. Add in Science, math, latin, and that's all they need. We have done a little IEW for dS as we prepare for SAT.
  8. We live in a small town in central Florida, but drive 11 hours to Brevard, NC once a month to stay in our cabin in the mountains. We would move there in a heartbeat if we could live anywhere. Perfect downtown, diversity, small college in town, a short drive to Asheville or Greenville, SC. We're always amazed how friendly everyone is even though we live in the South.
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