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Erica in OR

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Status Updates posted by Erica in OR

  1. Gave myself permission to give away clothing that is five sizes away from the next child that would wear them, instead of storing them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soror


      Amen! I finally gave away boy clothes when my son turned 10 and I had no other boys :)


    3. EmilyGF


      I did that after we had a few bags of clothing mildew in storage. Good for you!

    4. Gil


      Kudos. So now your next child will gain 3.5 sizes between now and New Years. By summer 2016 they will be in desperate need of those exact clothes you gave away and no store will carry decent clothes in that size/width.


  2. Making a bid for sanity - just gave up two long-term commitments. Short-term guilt for long-term relief?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SorrelZG
    3. MerryAtHope


      No guilt needed for this trade! Everything has a season...

    4. fourisenough


      Sanity trumps guilt.

  3. Why do I hate the word "delish"?

    1. MerryAtHope


      To me it never sounds like a "real word," but the shortening of delicious is not as recent as I thought--Online Etymology says from the 1920's: http://etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=delish

    2. Janeway


      I hate when someone posts and then puts "go!" at the end. It is my HUGE pet peeve. I will not even answer them no matter how good what I had to say was. Or how good I thought it was, LOL.

  4. New edition of TWTM arrives tomorrow!

    1. Loesje22000


      +10 days to Belgium

    2. SEGway




  5. Finally ordered The Well-Educated Mind.

    1. swimmermom3


      You won't regret it. I am grateful that TWTM and TWEM have very strong spines!

  6. Any other Better Off Ted fans? DH just discovered Veridian Dynamics' real fake website. http://veridian-dynamics.org

    1. hornblower


      Loved that show!


  7. Liking the "Recent Topics" feature more and more. I'm reading parts of the board I never would have ventured into before.

  8. Latest WTM-forum-inspired purchase: menstrual cup. What next?

  9. Some threads are like a car crash. I can't stop gawking.

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