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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. And, BTW, these are the AWESOME audiobook versions by fabulous, fabulous British actors - we paid around $100 for all these CDs. We have definitely gotten our money's worth, but this is an incredible deal!


    I once found a piece of paper in my then-four-year-old daughter's room that said, "PATRIC STOOART." I said, "What's this?" She said, "He's the narrator of The Last Battle. I just didn't want to forget him." <3!

  2. My daughter is 7.5, and when she's frustrated, she storms off to her room, throws herself on her bed, and cries. After 15 min. or so, I go up, we chat, she seems better, and we move on. Some days, though, it happens two or three times. It's making me crazy. I'm thinking about having us see a counselir because it's really fragmenting our days, affecting our relationship, and hindering school. Frustrations are usually school-related. Today, it was over vacuuming and spelling the word "whose." I know that frustration is normal, but I really feel she needs to learn better coping techniques, and maybe I'm not the one to teach them. I bear the brunt of it b/c I'm with her all day, although my husband sees it too and does what he can to help. Please chime in with some advice!

  3. I stressed out about all of this last year, too - especially since we were also arranging for the tickets for my niece, nephew, and SIL - and it all worked out. We got the tickets, they worked at the entrance and everything! Just followthe instructions andit'll be fine.


    Oh, BTW - turns out my kid doesn't like amusement parks...didn't see that coming, so I'M GLAD IT WAS FREEEEEEEEE! :) Have fun!

  4. I'll write more later, but I've lived here all my life and I LOVE IT! YMMV, but it works for us! :)


    We live in a great neighborhood near Syracuse University. I can walk or bike everywhere - library, organic food co-op, grocery store, deli, bakery, restaurants, parks, public pool, ballet and piano lessons, friends' houses, etc. Most of my friends and neighbors have one car; at least one spouse always walks to work at the university or the nearby hospitals. It's a very friendly place to live, too, with tons of stuff to do, as beaners mentioned. Our library system is huge, and we have a good-sized homeschooling community. The University neighborhood is diverse, liberal, activist, and dynamic. People are always out walking, riding bikes, stopping to chat with neighbors or people passing by.


    People do commute from the suburbs; it's really easy, and nothing is much more than 30 minutes away. I wouldn't live in the suburbs, but that's just me. You can still get a lot of house for not much money, but you've got to drive around. That's no fun for me.


    Our house was just over $100,000 ten years ago; 5 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, and all the other usual rooms. Great yard. Houses nearby are now selling for around $130,000, which is still quite reasonable. We pay $3000 in property/school taxes. Is that high? I don't know. It goes to pay for all the things I love about living here, so it seems reasonable to me! Let's see - I could pay $250 a month or $52 a week to belong to a gym, buy books, pay for trash pickup, find lots of expensive entertainment, or I could pay my taxes. Just my $0.02, but I find that we live very well on what we have left after taxes.


    The economy is definitely struggling, but it has been for a long time. There are rougher parts of town that deal with way too much crime, but I have never felt unsafe in most parts of town. I've never felt unsafe driving through rougher parts, either, but I don't do it frequently because I don't have any need to.


    Maybe you should come visit to see what you think. :)

  5. My issue with the recipes that hide fruits and vegetables is that each serving contains a miniscule amount of fruit or veg. The Sneaky Chef pancakes have 1/4 c. of puree spread out over 30 pancakes! Now, I realize that these are very small pancakes, so let's assume that this actually makes about 4 servings, but still you're talking about 1 tablespoon of fruit and veg per person! Serve a fruit and veg that your kid likes with every meal and she'll be good to go.


    I do like to use spinach and eggs in smoothies, and those are foods my daughter wouldn't ordinarily eat, but she doesn't notice them. I use 1/4 c. spinach, 1/4 c. blueberries, 1/4 c. plain full-fat Greek yogurt, 1 egg, a splash of V-8 Fusion, and a bit of vanilla. It makes just under a cup, which is just the right amount for her, and she likes it. She does know I use the spinach, but doesn't know about the egg. I agree with what Joanne said above; I do think it's rather sneaky, but I do it anyway.


    I've also recently relaxed my rules about out-of-season fruit. My daughter is largely vegetarian, but my husband and I have switched to a primal eating plan. She deserves to eat good-for-her foods that she enjoys, and it won't kill me to buy her fresh organic strawberries in February. The impact on the environment bothers me tremendously, but I want her to enjoy food and good nutrition.

  6. We just went this morning! My daughter liked it. I never buy stuff like that for her, but I had planned to spend $50, and, after a book and an outfit - both of which were total surprises for her! - she was very happy, and I was $46 poorer. ;)


    I liked being able to see everything up close. We had reservations for brunch, but we were feeling off and I canceled the reservations. I'm glad I did - she ate half a muffin from the bakery. Brunch would have been a total waste.


    Then we went to the Thorne Rooms at the Art Institute, and she was over-the-moon excited. They were absolutely stunning.

  7. I haven't taken mine in for a cough, but that's just me. Sometimes a cough hangs on for a bit for both of us, but it's usually post-nasal drip. We drink tea with honey, plenty of fluids, neti pot, etc. If it seems more mucus-y, we use Guaifenesin to help clear things out.


    How long has she been coughing?

  8. Thanks for everyone's input - my SIL is nuts, but apparently not completely nuts in this GS patch procedure!


    She feels that her 13-y-o daughter can't adequately explain why she has earned certain patches, but they're not a big talking family anyway. My niece has had some learning difficulties as a result of frequent ear infections and slow language acquisition as a toddler combined with her mother's own learning delays, so there's some resentment against this alledged usurper (and her G&T daughter) who is trying to push my SIL out.


    I think that my SIL doesn't really take the time to make connections between the badges and their novel, real-world applications, not just what's in the Journeys book or the questions that are apparently asked in the earning process. By the time the ceremony rolls arounds, I'm not surprised that my niece can't really remember what each is about.


    My SIL tends to resent people - even children, such as my own sweet child - when she feels she has not gotten something she deserves, and sadly, her daughter is being raised similarly.


    Anyway - sorry about all that, but it's been on my mind!

  9. Is it like this?




    I have no idea, but I want to ask you another question and slightly hijack this, so I looked around a little to try to answer you...


    My SIL says she doesn't give out any patches until the end of the year. That sounds weird to me. Wouldn't the girls enjoy earning their patches throughout the year as they achieve things? She's also (according to her) being forced out of her troop leader position by a mother of a kid who's in a gifted and talented program, so she's a little...off.

  10. I love the soapnuts for all our clothes! They have worked great - everything smells clean, fresh, not perspiration-y - AND we switched to coconut-oil deodorant, so I was worried. Interestingly, my new white shirts no longer have gross yellow armpit stains, and I attribute it to the deodorant. Sorry for the brief hijack!


  11. I find my whte towels still get discolored. I used to use regular liquid detergent, bleach, and hot water. Then I switched to detergent and ammonia - much whiter! Now I use soapnuts, occasionally with ammonia for really stained whites, and I'm going to try bluing in the rinse water next. I love white, white, WHITE towels...not dingy ones! My white towels and napkins are taking up way too much of my (limited!) brain power!


    We also have hard water, just to add some additional info. that I'm sure you were DYING to know!


    Maybe I'll try this every other month or so:




    I <3 Jillee!

  12. Let me give you this advice if you go with my dad in the early '90s - DO NOT do endless Hans and Franz impressions from the then-popular Saturday Night Live skit. You and your brother will be banished to the back of the (capped, fortunately!) truck after a lengthy lecture on respect for the fallen heroes of Gettysburg, you will wet your pants from aughing so hard, and your dad will not stop until he pulls into your driveway...292 miles later.


    You'll have a great story to tell 20 years later, though! ;)

  13. We have a wood-burning insert with a blower, and we love it! We use it as supplemental heat and we burn salvaged pallet hardwood in it. Not everyone has to go that route, obviously! We paid about $2500 for the insert, intall, and a full stainless-steel liner for our chimney. It has been worth every penny. We live in the Northeast, so a gas fireplace would be pretty, but not at all useful for actually heating the house. I think it depends on what you want it to do.


    This is like what we have - same brand, different model:




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