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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. I have always wondered what kind offices the Victoria Secret models wearing suits work in, but I figured it didn't impact my choices, so I didn't care.


    I went over to the VS page to see if they were still what I remembered from when I ordered fancy stuff from their catalog, and OH, YEAH!




    I've truly never encountered any of the negative SAHM treatments that some people complain about it. But I'm only friends with other homeschooling SAHMs, sooo... ;)

  2. Would anyone be willing to send me a scan of the Mythbusters forces of flight kit directions or just a better list of the projects? I bought the kit at the Salvation Army today for $3, but it didn't have the instructions! The box gives you an idea about what projects you can do, but I could use a lttle help. Nothing in the kit has been used, so I think it was always missing the instructions and the original owner didn't have a resource like the Hive. ;)



  3. Although I agree with KungFuPanda for my own green drink options, my small child would be - well, probably quite drunk - so for her I just use spinach, fruit, and that V8 fruit/veg drink. I was making her one last night and I added the spinach while she was standing there. "You're putting LETTUCE in?!!" she asked. When I told her I always used spinach but just never told her, she said, "Well, I guess I sort of LIKE spinach then!" Bingo, small child... :lol:

  4. I have two - one with a handle and one without. I nest the handled one in the other one so that I can let both of them dry as they sit on the counter.


    Now, not to make things more difficult for you, BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE GLASS BOWLS?!! I just -as in I'm watching right now - saw one on Cook's Country and checked on Amazon. I have a 4.5-quart, and a reviewer says the 5-quart bowl fits on the 4.5-quart mixer. But it's almost $60 freakin' dollars!!!




    But it's so beautiful and microwave-safe...great for softening butter in my meat-locker cold house! ;)

  5. Growing up, our house was clean enough, and I keep my house clean enough, too.* But my best friend's house was always a disaster; you could never see the kitchen table, every counter was covered in carp, etc. Not actual carp, or carp for that matter, either, IYKWIM! We loved cleaning it so we could make cookies and stuff.


    *I have to add a story about what happened JUST THIS VERY MINUTE. I dropped a piece of Boy Scout caramel corn on the living room floor an hour ago, but I didn't notice. My daughter just ate it. See, it's clean enough here that you CAN eat off the floor! ;)

  6. I did the Infant/Toddler course through NAMC after I got a BS in secondary English education and taught high-school English for 5 years. I wanted to use Montessori techniques once we had a child and started homeschooling. Although it was fun to take the course, knowing what I know about actual teacher training, it would not have prepared me to teach in a classroom. I just looked at the tuition - did I spend $2000?!! Holy carp!


    I wouldn't recommend that program over an AMI or AMS-cerified program; the caliber is not the same at all.

  7. I'm with Pegasus and Parrothead - we keep ours at 58 and it's 30 outside right now. We also have a wood-burning insert, but we don't have it lit all the time. If we're cold, we bundle up. I tell people to wear a sweater and I have lots of blankets if they want them. Our house is older and not terribly efficient, so we would be poor if we turned the forced-air furnace up all the time. You girls must be sweltering! ;)

  8. Oh, phew - i thought a month off sounded...great but NUTS! ;)


    We do 6 weeks on, 1 week off, and 4 days a week with Friday for co-op. In actuality, we stretch our fifth week over two weeks so that we can take it easy for two weeks and never be completely off unless we're travelling.


    Clear as mud yet? :tongue_smilie:

  9. One option is to have them work at appropriate levels, but say they're in whatever grade they should be in. That way, you have the continuity that grade levels provide while accomodating their academic needs. Although I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "part of one grade for the first half and part for the second half" Aren't they in the same grade fom September until June?

  10. Open your mouths (and cover your ears) when they shoot the cannons - it helps avoid pressure in your ears, according to people at a "battle" I was at once. I've tried it ever since, and it really does seem to help. We also bring ear plugs.


    At a Seven Years' War re-enactment at Fort Ti, they had interpreters walking alongside the battlefield as the various troops were marching, forming, and engaging, and it was such a nice touch. They explained everything that the troops were doing and some of the eventual ramifications their actions had. I wish every reenactment did this!


    Have fun!

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