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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. I want to hear from anyone who waited until third grade to start with Strayer-Upton. What I'm telling myself is that waiting to do an actual math curriculum will free up time to do basic science stuff, which will lay a good foundation for practical math application. Right?!! Reassure me that waiting until third grade will not a nit-wit make...


    I really know it won't, but I feel like I'm going to have explain this concept to my father in particular, who just asked a homeschooling family's kids some math problems and complained to ME when they didn't know the answers!

  2. We just got my husband's Legos out for our almost four-year-old daughter. He is a mechanical engineer, and Legos were a great way for him to hone his natural spatial aptitude. Our daughter insisted she was NOT going to be an engineer - come on, girl-child, take the free education- PLEASE! - until she watched the recent space shuttle launch. Then she said she wanted to be a spacewoman. When I told her she would probably need to be an aerospace engineer, or some other engineer, she said, "Well, okay, then."


    But, really, who knows?!!

  3. I just wanted to add a funny homemade laundry detergent story - I made soap for a few years, and decided to grate some of up for laundry soap. I made a beautifully pure white soap using lard. It was hard, so it lasted nicely in the soap dish, but it also lathered really well. It seemed like the perfect soap...until I made the laundry soap. I washed our sheets in it, and when we got into bed that night, my husband said, "Do you think our sheets smell like...BACON?!!" He was right - they did! They were even faintly greasy. My husband loves, loves, LOVES bacon, but it is not a turn-on in bed! ;)

  4. I appreciate the thoughtful responses to my post! We're vax delayers ourselves and have written a more realistic schedule so that we can (hopefully) pinpoint any adverse reactions to one vax (or one combo - my nemesis!). We haven't had any reactions, thankfully, but when a little one gets poked in every appendage , I just worry that it will be harder to narrow down the one that caused a systemic issue, as opposed to a vax site issue.


    We're still up in the air about Gardisil, but our daughter is three, so...

  5. I'm curious if people react so strongly to this because HPV is a sexually-transmitted disease, or do most of you who choose not to have your children get this vax also delay or refuse other vaccines? Hepatitis B is also sexually transmitted, and all of the other vaccines have side effects, too. Some are worse than Gardasil's. Also, this vaccine has been in development for over 20 years. Finally, according to the CDC, "Gardasil has less than half the average percentage of serious reports. These are anecdotal reports, and 'it is important to note that a report to VAERS does not mean there is a connection between the vaccine and the event. It means the event took place following vaccination.' The FDA and CDC said that with millions of vaccinations 'by chance alone some serious adverse effects and deaths' will occur in the time period following vaccination, but have nothing to do with the vaccine."

  6. I just reserved this at our library, so I haven't actually seen it in person yet, but maybe you could try The instant curriculum : over 750 developmentally appropriate learning activities for busy teachers of young children.


    Here's a link to it as a Google book:




    The preview shows quite a few pages, so maybe seeing it that way would be enough!

  7. This advice could have been written for me...I'm freaking out because of some really minor (in the big picture) discipline issues. Our daughter is 3.5, and she's 3.5...KWIM? She's driving me nuts every morning with the dawdling! All I can think is that if this is how it is when it's time for school, I'm not going to make it!


    She also picked up somewhere that HS is not "real school." This is a far greater concern for me, but I'm slowly trying to work it out without making a big deal out of it all.


    Thanks for listening to me! :)

  8. Charles Shields wrote a biography of Harper Lee in 2006 titled Mockingbird. I started reading it recently, but it didn't hold my interest and I stopped. One thing that struck me, though, was that he wrote in the introduction that she had tremendous support from friends, family, and editors that helped her to succeed. In fact, as mentioned in her Wikipedia entry, a couple with whom she was close friends gave her enough money for Christmas one year to live on and write TKAM. Shields felt that without this support, she would not have been successful.

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