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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. We're all coonected to the same huge, flaky homeschooling Yahoo group - I can feel it! ;)


    My favorite is how it takes at least 50 posts to plan on stinkin' get-together...10 to suggest a day, time, and venue; 10 more to say why none of those times work; 10 more to suggest a new day, time, and venue; 10 more to say that totally works and no one can wait to come!!!!! Yippee!!!!! And can everyone remember not to bring anything anyone is allergic to, so everyone plans to bring water to drink and some nice ice to snack on; and finally, ONE HOUR BEFORE IT'S TO START - 10 messages about how everyone is sick, busy, or just can't make it. UGH!

  2. Thank you for all your wonderful replies! I've never spent any time out west, so I think this will be really fun! Amber, I'll be in touch! :)


    We're not Disney people, so I don't anticipate a visit up there. :)

  3. My husband asked me the other day whether I would want to live in Santa Clara for a month. His company needs someone to go there for a month, so my daughter and I woukd come, too. He thiks it would be in about six months. Won't you tell me about it, please?!!

  4. When I was in 11th grade, my dad and step-mother took my brother and me to Colorado. He took me to a local library so I could pick out some books from the book sale cart, and he said he would be outside when I was done. I finished and went outside...no dad. I looked around...no dad. I probably waited for less than 15 min., but I was panicking. By the time he came, I was in tears and pretty mad. He couldn't understand at all why I was so upset, and he became furious. I just remember him yelling, "What did you think would happen? Did you think the boogeyman would get you?!!" Well, no, obviously I didn't think that, but I HAD NO IDEA WHERE YOU WERE and you TOLD me you'd be there. Stress definitely messes with our rational thoughts :(

  5. The reviews I've seen talk about dropped calls (if it's picking up wifi and needs to go to roaming, it will end the call) and some even found they dropped calls when they were in their home/constant wifi spot. Has this been the experience of anyone who has used it?

    We do have dropped calls occasionally, even on wifi. It's not terrible, though, and no worse than any other phone I've used. Did I mention that it's $19? :)

  6. So you end up doing a lot of work you don't get paid for. You are not allowed to be paid for the amount of time it takes you to research a query. And for some queries, that takes a considerable amount of time.


    So when you take that and the work you are doing but NOT being paid for...the hourly rate is much lower.



    Have you figured out how much you're working that you're not getting paid for or what your hourly rate comes out to? I'm trying to decide if this is really worth it to pursue, and you always give thoughtful, helpful advice, Diane.

  7. Thank you for telling others about this.


    I, too, drank and did sexual things, and the way you summed your story up was exactly it. I felt so much better - so powerful, so beautiful, so free - when I drank that it overcame the shame...until I was sober. Until I did it again.

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