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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. You should just use tge leach. I know you don't want to, but it will remove more of the stains and keep the mildew at bay for some time. You could try brushing on Polyblend Grout Renew after to cover up the stains, but they will probably come back.




    Mildew never really dies, and once it's in a porous surface, you've got a friend for life. :(

  2. My daughter is interested in going to an equestrian day camp when she's 10.


    She just finished a week at a farm day camp that was run very well by a family - adult daughter in her 20s, her mother, her grandmother, and her two younger sisters - 18 and 14. It was such a wonderful mix of ages and experiences that I felt so comfortable having her go. There were usually 10 to 12 kids each day, so generally, a 2:1 child/staff ratio.


    Experienced horse people - what do I look for in a well-run and SAFE horseback-riding camp? Helmets and good staff ratio are the only things that come to mind right away. We want a fun horseback riding experience that goes beyond a short ride in a ring, but we don't want to do weekly lessons. Just something fun for a week.


    Are certified instructors meaningful? I've seen ARIA and CHA directories, and we have instructors certified by one or the other nearby, but I don't know without contacting them whether they offer any amps. There are at least three stables that offer camps, but none say anything about certification. One camp has a "Centered Riding" certified instructor, which I looked up, but it's not like the other certifications.


    Day camps are also supposed to be licensed by our state through each county's health dept. So far, I haven't seen that information from any of the camps; the camp she was just in gave that info. right away. That also covers background checks, but only for the directors.


    This whole horse camp thing makes me very nervous, so I want to research it thoroughly. I can make arrangements to visit the facilities and meet the staff, but I'd really appreciate hearing what knowledgeable people here have to say! Thank you!

  3. My sweet Benny - a 1-y-o black cat - fetches a penguin finger puppet named Pengy. I grew up with black Labs, so I wanted to train him to be my little Lab. I treid to teach him to fetch, but it didn't seem to take. He started doing it on his own about 4 months later. I tell him to sit, throw his Pengy, and say, "Back!" and away he goes. My dad is astonished. His response when I asked him how to get Benny to fetch? "Get a Lab."


    Bennyalso comes to me when I call, "To me!" He's a tiny Stark direwolf in my mind! ;)

  4. We love all the Jenny books!


    I always planned to get a shy black kitten for my next cat and name her Jenny. When the time came, our vet said we should get a male cat to go with our two female cats. Although I was a little disappointed, I found a sweet, black male cat at the shelter and fell in love! I named him BENNY Linsky. He's Jenny's cousin who was born on the streets. He made a few bad choices and spent some time in jail. He even has a prison tattoo as a memento of his time in the slammer. He's pretty awesome...and the most loving, affectionate cat I have ever had. I love the NY Review books so much that I made his adoption announcement look like the cover of the reissue of Jenny and the Cat Club.


    All of the Palmer Brown books are very good, too.


  5. It might be this list:




    If so, I notice it has <I>These Happy Golden Years</I> as a second-grade book, which is ridiculous. My kid could read that now, but what's the point? She wouldn't appreciate it! Not because she's not capable, but because she doesn't have the necessary experience.


    I'm also hoping that these are suggested books, rather than required books. Eight Shakespearean plays in 11th grade and another six in 12th? I think I read four plays in my 370-level college Shakespeare class as a senior, and I was an English major and Shakespeare fanatic. Let's remember the importance of multum, non multa.


    Sorry - I'm all worked up!


    Now, as for the Scholastic Book Wizard, I don't think it's particularly accurate, but I use it to try to maintain some consistency. I try not to use other reading-level evaluators and compare what Scholastic says, KWIM? I stick to just one and only use it for my own information.

  6. We went and had it on Tuesday! A man in front of us bought our cones for us, so we bought the next two cones in line. I liked the ice cream, but I'm eeally looking forward to rrying the Perry's Atomic Fireball flavor! Yum...next week! :)


    Maybe we should have an ongoing thread about favorite flavors we found this summer. I had a fantastic cranberry habanero cone at our town's absolute best ice cream palor - Gannon's!




    If you're ever in my lovely neck of the state, stop in here - it's delcious!

  7. Oh, yum! I sense an ice cream run on Sunday! Seven places around me carry it; I'm in CNY. My neighbor always picks up huge Crunchie bars at the duty-free when she travels back and forth to Canada. Wegmans carries Crunchies, too, but the big ones are bigger...which is definitely better!


    QValencia - not like circus peanuts, although my great-grandmother who lived in Buffalo loved those things!


    Here's a Wikipedia article about it:



  8. Can you take the little burner covers off? The things where the flames come out - I can't attach a picture, or I would show you what I mean. If you can take thise off, it's much easier to scrub and not worry about where the cleaner is going.

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