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Posts posted by Mrs_JWM

  1. Last year, I came up with this idea, and it's been great! I have one of these:




    I roll it over the heat vent near the front door. We onky have 3 people in our house, so we each get a basket. The vent dries everything and keeps it warm, plus we don't have to hang anything up but coats, snowpants, and scarves. We have a coat tree for those, which I can also move over the vent.


    I neverr ended up putting the rolling cart away in the spring, and it's been perfect for each of our hats, sunglasses, sunblock, etc. for when we're on our way to the pool or the beach.


    We're in upstate NY...definitely need snow gear!

  2. Two girls live next door to my mother - who lives two blocks down the street from us - and my kid has played with them twice in 8 years. I think that's so weird. My kid plays outside all the time, and her best friends in the neighborhood are a family we met because they were out walking by. I realize the kids next to my mother must just have different schedules, but they're just never around.

  3. I'm so embarrassed...I always said my daughter would only do one activity at a time. This year, she's got track club on Sundays, ballet on Mondays, and free-play homeschool gymnastics, a counseling appt. and voice lessons on Wednesdays. I know the counseling appt. isn't an activity exactly, but it's an hour out, KWIM? Also, I justify track by saying that it's only 6 weeks long. We also walk to ballet, so I don't have to drive, but still...plus, when would I see MY friends if we didn't go to homeschool gym?!! :)

  4. When I picked berries this summer, they had all these little beetles on them. Ooops...just more seeds, I guess.


    When I went to make onion rings this week after not having used my wheat flour in a year, it had bugs. Sifted it, and YUM! Onion rings, family!


    It could be worse, NEPrairieMom...you could be coming to dinner at my house! ;)

  5. My brother went to the CIA in Hyde Park, which now costs about $15,000 a semester. It was amazing. His graduation dinner was sublime. Actually, he has never made me a meal that was less than stellar.


    He worked here http://www.rosaliescucina.com/


    and here http://turningstone.com/dining/wildflowers/


    and here http://www.stowe.com/explore/dining/solstice-restaurant/


    and now he works here http://www.henofthewood.com/ , which has been a James Beard finalist two years in a row.


    It has been so, so much hard work. The schedule is crazy, but he loves to cook. He's now a sous-chef, and I think he graduated about 10 years ago, so that might give you an idea about what kind of advancement can take place. He makes a decent living.


    My cousin runs a BOCES culinary arts program, and those kids do a great job. They have a "restaurant" open to the public two days a week. My impression is that a BOCES or CC program can definitely prepare you well, but man...the CIA is the best America has to offer.

  6. Wow - I can't believe that only takes her 2 hours. Maybe the bathrooms are just individual ones? I can see that taking 5 to 8 min. each, so that's over an hour right there. I cleaned offices when I was in college, and I was young and fast then! I worked 3 hours a night, 5 days a week and cleaned 2 multi-stall bathrooms, emptied all the trash on a large office floor, swept all the hard floors and mopped, and vacuumed all the carpets.


    But if you have help, I guess I can see it. I would ask for at least $10 an hour, but I wouldn't expect any more for any additional people helping. You're going to get it done in fewer hours, so you'll make less money. I would definitely ask what the other woman is making. Is $100 a week good money to you? If so, it's worth it to do. This office is trying to save money on cleaning, so they might not want to pay what you consider good money.

  7. Love mine! I was stealing my husband's every mirning after he left for work and falling back asleep...then I bought my own! I used a coupon at Bed Bath & Beyond to save 20% and spent $80. I've had it for 2 years, and I'll never be without it again. I used to replace pillows every year, so I think it's totally worth it even if it does fall apart. We were told "hot" sleepers go thiugh them faster, so my (sweaty) husband has an waterprof allegen cover on his.

  8. I'm just the same as all above. I think of it as just one more of my numerous minir ICD behaviors, which I liken to a giant game of Whack-a-Mole. When one is down, another is up. Help her be okay with it and not base her self-worth on whether her nails look different from the cashier's at the grocery store. 'Cause seriously, when it gets bad for me, that's sort of what I do... :(

  9. There are state parks - which have many of these things - and DEC campgrounds - which tend to be more primitive. Either way, you can reserve through ReserveAmerica.com and see all the amenities offered. Many state parks will also have cabins, while DEC campgrounds are only tent or trailer. All of the ADK Park camping is on DEC land.


    We love, love, love having so many truly wonderful state parks nearby!

  10. It will definitely be cool then, especially at night, so plan to bundle up if you're in tents! We've camped at Nicks Lake and Scaroon Manor on Schroon Lake. Our extended family goes to Lake Durant every year and loves it. All are DEC campgrounds.


    Here's a good guide to many of the Adirondack Dept. of Conservation campgrounds. You can see what towns each might be near, like Old Forge, Lake Placid, Blue Mountain Lake. I second the Adirondack Museum! Ausable Chasm is great, too.


    There's plenty of hiking, biking, boating, and fishing. Any beaches with lifeguards will be closed by then, and swimming won't be allowed there. There might be non-public beaches where you can swim, but it might be too chilly.


    Have fun!

  11. We buy all of our chickens for the year in June and September. We only have two meat eaters, so our needs may be less than yours! We have our farmer cut most of them in half so that I only need to thaw half a chicken. We've been doing it like this for 4 years, and I love it. We buy 25 chickens a year plus 15 lbs. of additional meat (beef and pork) each month. We get a discount on the chickens if we order early in the spring, so I think they're $3.25/lb.


    You may be able to find a meat share in your area; it's like a CSA, but meat! That's what our extra 15 lbs. comes from.

  12. I rewigged a doll. It wasn't hard, but the hair wasn't anywhere near the quality of an AG doll's, and it wasn't cheap. It's fine to do it for a display doll, but I wouldn't other for a play doll. Downy Dunk all the way! You can also use a plastic clothing steamer - if you can find one - and it will really smooth out the hair beautifully. I found one at thrift shop and did my daughter's rewigged doll, and it even helped her hair. I also did the Josephina mini doll, and she looks tremendous.



  13. We've used the gitd paint to decorate sheets, and it works great.


    Also, we've found that some colors of light don't charge the paint at all. We use yellow bulbs at night, and that color doesn't charge it. I doubt you have yellow lights, but I thought I'd mention it!

  14. So tempting, though...imagine 110+ books showing up! But it could be like on 1/2 off day after our library book sale, where my daughter and cart home so much carp and then I donate it all again. But we do save on the nonsense series books that she might want to buy for more if given the opportunity!

  15. You could check out http://www.walkscore.com/ . We have one car and live in Syracuse. We walk everywhere or take the bus. According to Walk Score, ours is the 15th most walkable area in town, but we live right between the 2nd and 3rd most walkable and a short bus ride from the most walkable. One problem I noticed about the site, though, was that some of the really walkable neighborhoods weren't safe neighborhoods. I wouldn't want to walk there, and I feel bad for the folks who do need to live and walk there out of necessity. :(

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