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Everything posted by Junie

  1. Good Morning! I did go back to sleep for an hour. Also, I never print assignment sheets. I think better with a pen in my hand, so I just write their assignments out each week.
  2. Lunch is pasta with clam sauce. Go, iron stores, go!
  3. I breakfasted. I churched. I napped. That's all I have accomplished so far. I am getting ready to lunch (at 4:00). When we got home from church I was too tired to eat.
  4. I was just wondering if he was a photographer for a newspaper or magazine.
  5. Is your brother a journalist? (Journalism was my unofficial minor in college.)
  6. We watched four minutes of the Kentucky Derby. The important four minutes. We did not wear hats. We did not drink mint juleps. We did not win $200.
  7. Good Morning! I woke up at 7ish, tried to start the day, and couldn't keep my eyes open. I went back to bed. Now I'm ITTing while the Goomba vacuums for me. ?
  8. I found one that I want to try, but this month is too busy to start.
  9. Hypothetical Question: If I were to commit a crime and leave blood at the crime scene, would the two blood donors' DNA also show up?
  10. I'm probably not the right person to ask. I thought I was ok before...
  11. If you gave 1 - $20 bill 2 --$10 bills 3 -- $5 bills 4 -- $1 bills and 5 -- quarters the total would be $50.25. Maybe you could come up with a creative way to use counting to 5.
  12. Good Morning. Not feeling any better (or worse) than usual. My friend at the hospital (the nurse in pediatrics) said that when she had a transfusion it took about 24 hours to notice the effects.
  13. Also: Prairie, thank you so much for the heads-up last night that they might do a transfusion. It was so much less scary to hear the words since I knew they might be coming.
  14. When I got to the hospital they said that I would have to wait a few hours because they didn't have a bed. Then they decided to check other units in the hospital to see if I could get a transfusion in another part of the hospital. I ended up in pediatrics. This was actually wonderful for me because a friend of mine is a nurse in pediatrics and she was on the floor when I got there. She was very reassuring.
  15. I don't know yet. I've been tired/not 100 percent for so long that I don't know what normal feels like. I don't know how much of my fatigue was from the RA and how much was from the low iron.
  16. Hi. Sorry to worry everyone. I went to my ob/gyn this morning and she ordered me to go to the hospital to get blood. So I got two units of blood and it took most of the day. At least I had a good book (My Antonia by Willa Cather) and playoff hockey to keep me busy.
  17. And now I remember why I stopped taking iron. #5000burps #iwishiwerekidding #iwanttosleep
  18. *Chasing two iron tablets (as recommended by the rheumy) with a big glass of orange juice (as recommended by Prairie). :)
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