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Everything posted by Junie

  1. Because we school year-round, sometimes our curriculum doesn't match the season. Dd7's spelling list this week has a Christmas theme, so we found a Santa hat for her to wear while taking her test. :)
  2. Wow, Paige!! I'm glad you had such a great trip! And free!
  3. Dh has noticed an increase in my energy since last week. I'm wondering how long my iron was that low.
  4. Today's recap: Ds17 got immunizations he needs before heading off to college. The kids found a turtle in the backyard. Actually, he was at the bottom of our walk-out basement steps. I hope he didn't fall, but the reality is he probably did. Dh put him back in the woods. I organized some boxes and toys in the garage. I cleaned the (really gross) 1/2 bath that I never use. I cleaned the stove top, including the burner plates. We had waffles (with whipped cream and fresh raspberries!) for dinner. Dh replaced some boards on our deck. It was a busy day!
  5. No it's not horrid at all. It means that I haven't been limping around the house barely able to walk. :) It's just that I was so pleased that I had actually remembered... only to realize that I hadn't.
  6. Slache, you don't need to set an alarm for me. :eyeroll: I'll learn to remember it myself. Some day.
  7. There is no set time. I like to do it after the kids go to bed. So anytime between 9pm and 1am.
  8. I don't have a smartphone. It's written on my whiteboard calendar every week. I just don't "see" it.
  9. I was getting a snack out of the fridge and saw my medication. I was so pleased that I was finally! going to remember to take it on time. Except that I was supposed to take it on Monday. Sigh.
  10. I have an aunt who helped to raise her granddaughter, but I doubt that anyone in Kindergarten knew it. My aunt was 17 when my cousin was born and my cousin was 17 when her daughter was born. My aunt wouldn't have even been 40 when her granddaughter was in Kindergarten.
  11. Oh, and the Cornerstones of Freedom books. Ds read them over and over and over...
  12. Prairie just listed many of our history books. I also agree with the Liberty's Kids recommendation. I like the Abeka 3rd grade history book. (It's the only Abeka history book that I like.)
  13. (((Critterfixer))) I hope your blue mood passes quickly.
  14. I just made a couple of very inadequate sushi rolls. ?
  15. *goes off to the kitchen to scout around for ingredients*
  16. Umm. Our garage hasn't been cleaned out (to my standards) since we moved here eight years ago. It's kind of a scary place.
  17. My walk-in closet is kind of a disaster, too. Our current project is cleaning out the garage. Dh took two trips to the dump on Saturday -- mostly empty boxes. I wish I had kept more of my books from childhood for my kids to enjoy. We have a couple of my Nancy Drew books, but not very many. I gave *one* to my sister because it was the first book she had ever read for enjoyment.
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