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Everything posted by Junie

  1. I went to First Church of the Livestream this morning. I am enjoying the solitude. I just wish my headache would leave me alone, too.
  2. I was a good girl this morning. I put blueberries in my yogurt instead of chocolate chips.
  3. Good Morning! I slept well last night. Bedtime snack was: carrot sticks, mixed nuts, pasta
  4. Nope. After so many years of babies who wouldn't sleep, I am really enjoying being able to sleep through the night. 1ish to 8ish is a beautiful thing. :) 4ish to 8ish was not.
  5. We're thinking the same way. Gradually work the carbs down. :)
  6. This is exactly what I've decided to try. I'm hoping to cut the carbs in half and still get enough to sleep well. After so many nights last year of not getting to sleep until 4 a.m., I don't want to mess up good sleep.
  7. I'm an O's fan and ds17 is a Nats fan. However, in the post-season I often cheer for the Red Sox. Once the O's are out I root for whoever has the best shot at beating the Yankees. ;) OP: If your son is a Yankees fan, just pretend that this post doesn't exist. :)
  8. I think it's the carbs that are helping me sleep. I've tried yogurt and salad and a few more things that I'm forgetting. Pasta, rice, or Chocolate Lucky Charms seem to be the magic sleeping pill for me.
  9. I quit gluten cold turkey. Frankly, it was awful. I had to call dh home from work because the withdrawal symptoms were so bad. I don't have the strength right now to do cold turkey again.
  10. And adding food items to my online grocery cart on another tab. Sigh.
  11. I am watching youtube videos about sugar addiction. :(
  12. We just sent the Goomba to vacuum under dd10's bed. It was kinda scary under there...
  13. I have never had a plain baked yam/sweet potato. I have always topped mine with butter and brown sugar. I am trying to add in fresh fruit and carrot sticks to snack on instead of cookies or whatever. The problem is that I grew up underweight and developed bad eating habits.
  14. You should make a 12 days of Christmas song out of this.
  15. I am definitely addicted carbs (in this case to rice/rice pasta) and I am trying to make small changes. I did a huge change 10 years ago when I went gluten free and emotionally I'm not ready to make another big change. I have trouble with vegetables, especially right before I go to bed. I ate peppers tonight at dinner and I will probably pay for it. :( I might be able to add some chicken or meat to my pasta and eat fewer carbs that way. I don't drink coffee; mostly I drink water. I drink sugary green tea at dinner sometimes. Thanks for brainstorming with me.
  16. I would have a really hard time giving up all pasta. I eat bread maybe once a week. I have eaten pasta nearly every day of my life. I can't do yoga, but I am looking for a Tai Chi instructor. Daily walks are a no. :(
  17. Thank you. I know I need to cut down on the pasta. I eat some meat everyday, but it's not a comfort food for me the way pasta is. I sometimes skip breakfast. Maybe I should try that more often.
  18. Hard boiled eggs -- I would have to eat a ton of them to feel full. :( Ok, maybe not a ton, but at least 6? Chicken salad -- Wouldn't the mayo be just as bad as the pasta? I haven't really tried anything in the past. Weight gain is a new thing for me. Other than pregnancies, I weighed the same + or - 5 pounds from college graduation until about 2 years ago. I would like to lose about 30 pounds.
  19. I don't think that I've ever been out alone with my brother. Ever*. Hmmm. I had never thought about that before. *As adults.
  20. OK, Slache and other healthy eaters. I have been gaining weight and would like to lose. I can't exercise much at all, which means that I have to figure out how to lose weight by making better food choices. My major dilemma is bedtime. I have been having a bowl of pasta (a large, dinner-sized bowl) almost every night at about 11:00. And I have been sleeping so well. Really, really well, which is an awesome change after my bout with insomnia last year. Other carbs work well, too, but pasta is my favorite. I have always been a bedtime eater. I wake up hungry in the middle of the night if I don't. So, does anyone have any ideas of foods that I can eat at night to keep me full that don't have a ton of calories? ETA: It's a healthy-eating Booyah. I liked the Brownie Booyah better.
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