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Everything posted by fluffybunny

  1. Thanks: at least I know I'm not alone! :-) He did his WWS assignment today in 8 minutes flat, and it was a good one! So, yesterday it took 3 hours and today 8 minutes. He cannot explain why, and nor can I! We're going to see the Educational psych tomorrow and see what she has to offer.
  2. For an excellent parent's study, I would highly recommend Abridged Koran It just gives the 'facts', which are based on the best sources available. You could then introduce the aspects you want to, but you will have a solid foundation yourself. But Persia has a longer history and deeper identity with Zoroastrianism, as you probably already know. That would make a wonderful study before going to Persia, and then seeing all the ancient temples, visiting existing fire temples and experiencing that culture that still exists in Iran today (despite persecution at times). And have you read the story: "The Other Wise Man"? It's wonderful!! About a Zoroastrian Magian who goes in search of Jesus. The pastor who wrote it had a surprising knowledge of Zoroastrianism. ... sorry I got off topic, but I love ancient Persian history! Have fun on your trip.
  3. Some days I feel like I'm going crazy. My son will take 30 minutes to do one small maths problem, then 30 seconds to do the second one of equal difficulty, and I have no idea why he is so erratic. He is on the largest dose of Concerta for his weight. Anyway, this morning for WWS, lesson 7, he took nearly 3 hours to type 2 sentences. His current typing speed is 21wpm. I have him read aloud the assignment for the day and all the reading (his reading level is good for his age), then I sit with him as he types. Occasionally I have to walk away and take some breaths as it's just so frustrating. He plays with fonts, colours, sizes, then plays with letters, ie doing things like kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk etc. I keep reminding him what he's supposed to be doing. He complains of feeling 'hyper' and I tell him that he still has to work even if he's feeling hyper. (If I gave into that we'd never get anywhere!) Then he wants his weighted jacket, so I go and get that. Then he wants a drink, I get it, then he wants a chewy tube, I fetch that. Then he changes more fonts and colours and starts doing pages and pages of 000000 in large sizes. I get him to erase it and he accidently erases the two or three words he has managed to type already. I re-type them for him. He gets back on again and starts making noise, flicking his pencil in front of his eyes and sitting in weird positions. I remind him of what he's supposed to be doing. We stop and go for a brisk 2 mile walk and I try to get him to run. We come back, and it's no better. Finally after 3 hours he writes 2 sentences that are 'acceptable'. By then I'm so exhaused I can't do anything more with him. This happens about once or twice a week. Other days he does a good job, but he is very hyperactive and can't sit still even for 3 minutes, unless he's reading or constructing lego. If anyone has an miracle suggestion or cure, please let me know!
  4. Teach him to touch-type as soon as possible. Mavis Beacon has a good program, but you'll have to sit with him and guide his fingers. I started when my son was 8, and now he's nearly 12 he can touch-type 21 words per minute, but can barely write his name. While we're addressing that issue, he is able to do assignments and put his thoughts down by typing.
  5. My 11 year old ds is doing WWS, and the only way he succeeds is because I sit down with him and he reads aloud the stories and instructions. Then I sit behind him when he is typing on his laptop, prompting and scaffolding where necessary. I could never leave him to do it by himself, not even for 5 minutes, or he starts playing with fonts and pasting in pictures etc. Hard work for me to have to stand over him the entire way, but it's the only way we are getting through it! I know it says the student has the responsibility, but I guess some kids just aren't ready for that step. Mine certainly isn't, but he can work at his grade level with my help. The way I see it is that he will eventually become more independent as time goes by.
  6. The WWS program is geared for children in the LOGIC stage of development. Even if they can write well, and know how to narrate and receive dictation, or even if they are very smart, they are still not up to this stage until they are adolescents, ie at least 11 1/2 years old - grade 6-7. So, I think that introducing WWS too early would be a waste of time, and then she would miss out on the skills this program introduces since her stage of development isn't geared towards it yet. I would keep doing WWE4 until she is at least 11.
  7. My ds (almost 12) is also not independent with WWS, or anything for that matter. I read the day's lesson the night before and understand it myself first. Then I sit down on the sofa with ds, and I read the instructions, while he reads out aloud the story, and some of the instructions. I also explain further when needed. I then need to stand over him for most of his work. He learns a lot more this way. I intend to slowly, slowly do less for him. But this could take 1-2 years. I don't see him being totally independent for at least another 3 years or even more!
  8. My ds(11) has major problems with maths. He has a tutor 3 hours per week, and they do MUS Beta together, while I try to do another 1-2 hours with him also with MUS. But to be quite honest, it is exhausting for me and I have housework to do etc. So, I wondered if I should set him up on Matheletics when the tutor wasn't here. Anyone using Matheletics? Is this program good for children who need remedial maths?
  9. My son has Aspergers, and we used WWE4 last year, and have just started on WWS. There is no way he is independent, and I need to stand over him the whole time, but it seems to work for us, for reasons Momto2ns pointed out. He also loves the stories, as well as the SOTW series. We haven't got to the 'choose a topic' stage yet, if it even exists in WWS1, but if we do I will definitely be either choosing for him, or giving him an option of two or three.
  10. I have mine read aloud while sitting next to me on the sofa. I also read some parts as well, especially the instructions. My aim is to slowly and gradually put the responsibility onto him. I also take my son on brisk 3km walk with me early each morning, which helps him concentrate better.
  11. The reason I chose WWE and WWS was because the thought of sitting through 8 hours of parent training videos of IEW gave me a headache. WWS works great with my very reluctant writer. Plus he has already had years of SOTW and knows "Susan". So, if he says: "I don't wanna do it this way", I merely have to say: "well, Susan says you have to to it this way" he will do it. - I hope that if you are reading this, SWB, that you'll get a laugh out of it. - I also told him that "Susan" was writing the next book WWS2 so he'd better make sure he finishes this one in time, and he replied: "What, you means she's still alive!!!?" LOL
  12. I was looking on amazon.com for a DVD to go with Canterbury Tales stories, but so far found nothing suitable, in cartoon or whatever :crying: If anyone has a suggestion, or has found some elusive dvd somewhere, please post! BTW, I highly recommend reading the CTs from the child's version first translated by Barbara Cohen ISBN 0688062016
  13. Thank you for your replies everyone. I can tell that everyone else is struggling with this one as well! Kathrine, I think that everyone has 'specks' in their eyes, as we're all just human and no one is perfect in this life. We can't beat ourselves up for lack of perfection! :-) I did get a great reply from Martin Cothran (of Traditional Logic I and II which I have read), and the "go between the horns" technique has generally answered it for me. Jesus was confronted by a "dilemma". There are 3 ways to attack a dilemma, and "between the horns" is one way. This is what he said: _________________________________ The purpose of a Tu Quoque argument is to discredit an opponent's position by pointing out that he does not act in accordance with it himself. If Person A says, "I think everyone should be a vegetarian," and Person B, in order to disprove the Person A's assertion, says "But you eat meat, don't you?", that is a Tu Quoque argument. Jesus' admonitions in these two cases are not attempts to say that adultery is okay, or that the condemnation of sin in general is wrong. He is not impugning his interlocutor's positions about adultery or sin, therefore, it is not a Tu Quoque. In the first case (of adultery) he is using a technique for short-circuiting a logical dilemma called "slipping between the horns." In the second, he is simply cautioning someone about the dangers of committing hypocrisy. Does that make sense? Martin
  14. Thank you Denise. Saying that not everything in life is dealt with by logic, or turning it into a syllogism, would not really answer my son's question .... nor mine. When can you legitimately say to someone: "take the log out of your own eye first, before telling me I'm X or Y."? The question is still driving me nuts! Does anyone know of any expert I could contact? I tried James Nance, but he doesn't reply. Doug Wilson has no contact; tried that. Martin Cothran; no contact found.
  15. I've been through 9 books on logic and thought I had a good grasp on it, but while studying Tu Quoque with my son, he asks, very innocently, if the biblical saying: "take the log out of your own eye before taking the speck out of your own" is also Tu Quoque. :confused: This has stumped me. There must be a difference. I know I have heard the "log" accusation hurled at people who make an argument, in order to shut them up, but have never been able to put my finger on when there is a legitimate use. Wikipedia writes it like this: A makes argument P A is also guilty of P Therefore, P is dismissed So, The Pharisees (A) argue that a woman should be stoned for adultery as it is the law (P). Jesus says the Pharisees (A) also commit sins (P). Therefore, their argument (P), that she should be stoned, is invalid. How is this not Tu Quoque? :001_huh:
  16. Can you go straight from A1 to B1 levels? Or do I need to get A2 in the middle? Thank you! :001_smile:
  17. Does anyone have God's Great Covenant NT? I like the look of the text, but as I live in Australia the shipping costs a lot so I want to make sure I get the right thing. My son is 12 and won't do anything that's too babyish. So, please give your reviews! http://classicalacademicpress.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=102&zenid=e365fd9495208cf949297574b540ee80
  18. I love AoA as well. Ds likes all the pictures and adverts, as well as the dialogues between Tiffany and Socrates. I've read 9 books on logic, both informal and formal (just to train myself), and actually found I learnt more with AoA and DoD than any other book so far. Though I haven't reviewed CT.
  19. Does anyone know of a beautiful CD of Shakespeare's sonnets, preferably with Midsummer Night's Dream "lullaby" in it. Or one that is both oral narration plus music or songs? Thanks :001_smile:
  20. Thanks; it looks great! I ordered the guide to The Giver; one of my favourite novels ever, which I am planning to read with DS towards the end of the year.
  21. Thanks everyone. I found this resource here, with lots of sample pages that I have printed out. http://www.heartofdakota.com/index.php
  22. I am looking for a Christian resource that will help me guide my son with books that are read, where I can coach him to evaluate characters and ideas, to determine whether they are in line with basic biblical values and principles. Does such a resource exist? Or would I only need to make a list of headings under the Fruit of the Spirit, and the Sermon on the Mount, and have my ds write about a particular character using those as a guide? thanks :001_smile:
  23. Thanks so much everyone! I am buying the DVDs and books you have recommended just now. Which Midsummer Night's Dream is best on DVD? (there are no plays where we live until next year)
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