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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. I don't know, but it probably should've been longer, with, say, an Edpo on the first line. :svengo: In court?
  2. So, I told him, not exactly, but there are math competitions, and he was like "yeah!". So, I googled Math Kangaroo... and their registration deadline was Dec 31st. :banghead: Since I know a bunch of you are into these kinds of things, someone please correct me if I'm misinterpreting that (the contest is not until March 15), or with ideas for alternatives. I had no idea that he was interested in stuff like that... I'd asked the kids like a year ago, and neither was interested in stuff like that then. For those who can't read my sig - he turned 7 in November and is officially in 2nd grade by NY cut-offs.
  3. I cleaned the toilet and the bathtub/shower. Shower curtain is in the washer. Yay me.
  4. I've never been to CA. It'd also cost something like $240 in gas to get there... and then the same to get back. Also, the kids will have swim&gym on Tuesday, so I'd have barely any time there. Sorry Krissi, I'm going to have to take a rain check.
  5. Google says 39 hours and I'd probably need to add at least an additional hour for stops to get gas etc. 10 hours from where I think Jean is at. Hm... wonder who would win?
  6. I think they legally have to identify their station every 30 min or something. Want to race and see who gets their fastest? (I don't remember where Krissi lives... CA?) ETA: CA... checked her profile.
  7. I'm a bit too excited that the heater at the music school is broken, and I won't have to take the kids to guitar/violin today. Though I kind of wished that especially Celery would learn some new songs. ETA: not happy the heater is broken - obviously, that's a cost for the owner, so that sucks for them. Just glad I won't have to go anywhere.
  8. Yes, this... one time I had this happen a couple of weeks before the card was going to expire... I'd had it for *years* unsigned without issue, but they made me sign it right then and there (and it was a card I used all the time too, the debit card from my primary bank account).
  9. Me too. (I'm seriously contemplating getting in the car and driving south. But, DW isn't home, and the kids are, and they have guitar/violin lesson in a couple of hours)
  10. I made pancakes for dinner. (in NL pancakes are a dinner food - I made them with bacon & cheese).
  11. I'm from NL. We have 1st xmas day, and 2nd xmas day. We also have 1st easter day, and 2nd easter day. We don't bother counting further. Normally I leave the tree up till Feb or March or so (and don't put it up until the day before xmas or so either... my record was putting it up 2nd xmas day, which y'all would consider to be the day after xmas...) Well, *I* would eat guac left in the trunk for 24 hours, but it'd also be a brick of frozen solid guac here. If the temps you mention are correct, I'd eat it... I just don't know that I'd trust the temps you mention, since cars heat up in weird ways.
  12. Realistically, Google has pretty high technical standards for hiring, afaik. So, it's hardly a fair study, because they're not including people with mediocre technical skills. So, yeah, once you've got great technical skills, soft skills are more important than having genius technical skills... but that doesn't necessarily mean that soft skills are more important than having technical skills. For all we know, this study just means that it's good to be great at everything. And I think we all already knew that soft skills are important too.
  13. Btw, I was pretty amazed that I managed to do a 2000 piece puzzle in the living room without losing any of the pieces. My kids are getting so big!
  14. At least the kids had the sense to ask if they could help me with my puzzle, unlike the DD of someone out in the sea.
  15. I'm thinking that maybe Broccoli blabbed to the in-laws about helping me put my 2000 piece puzzle together that I'd gotten for my birthday. The one that I whined a zillion times about being too big (I like puzzles, but I've figured out they don't need to have more than 1000 pieces). I mean, it was good-natured whining, and because it was a world map, it wasn't too bad, but... the kids do NOT need a 1000 piece puzzle. I probably put 1850+ pieces of that 2000 piece puzzle together, so, it's not like they helped a lot. Broccoli helped a bit with the outside edge, and then both kids helped when there were a very few pieces left, and then argued about who could put the last piece down, so it was decided that DW could do that, since she hadn't put down any of the pieces yet.
  16. I needed the space because the kids got a puzzle from the in-laws for xmas. I'm not looking forward to the puzzle. It's 1000 pieces. Which means I'm probably going to have to do most of it, and I don't like the picture. Who on earth thinks that a 10yo and a 7yo need a 1000 piece puzzle??! Unless, of course, the kids are known to do large puzzles - I'm sure some kids that age do. But really, 200 pieces would've been plenty for them, or 150, or even 100 would've been just fine. Boeja!
  17. I also put the xmas tree away. I think this year that was a record for putting it up early, and taking it down early, for me at least.
  18. I think it's a fairly new feature - I don't think you could do that a year ago.
  19. DW was like "I bicycled past a zillion cars that weren't moving or that were moving extremely slowly - it'd probably have taken me half an hour longer to get home by car". Me: "yes, but you'd have been warm and safer". Her: "I had bus fare if I needed it, and since the cars weren't really moving the risk was higher of me sliding into them than them sliding into me". Me: :banghead: (okay, I said some other stuff too, but, :banghead: )
  20. For those who can't get their car started... DW bicycled to work this morning, and just bicycled back home (got home like 5 min ago). Never mind the weather service's "travel is strongly discouraged" statement about blizzard and zero visibility conditions, and feels like -15 and gusts up to 45mph and all that stuff. (no, not recommending this - annoyed with DW... btw, our car probably would've started just fine - I'm refusing to go out there and try, and I'm sure she didn't try)
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