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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. I'd use it for that once in a while, but not on an everyday basis. Maybe when company was coming.
  2. Well, in the bathroom, sometimes. Occasionally with the hair dryer and the shower curtain. (LOL just kidding. I have no idea what your thread was about).
  3. I have a habit of doing more for my kids than I probably should, because it's faster, or easier, or I think they're too young... I know I do that. I need to consciously pay attention to letting them do more for themselves or with me, instead of me doing so much for them. It's good to think about!
  4. Definitely call back and explain and ask them if they can prescribe something cheaper, or if they can give you samples!
  5. Can you poll the group and try to figure out a third day that would be better for them than Friday, but that would still work for you? Otherwise, just tell the group organizer the truth- that you wanted to do it because you looked forward to scheduling fun field trips that your family would get to participate in but that if the group is going to switch to wanting field trips on days you can't even go, you're going to have to decline as it would be too time consuming for something you can't even be involved with.
  6. Well, I don't keep supplies in my kitchen. We do work at the kitchen table, and I do let the kids hang up some pictures they make on the closet doors and whatnot, but school supplies are all kept in the next room (computer room/den, whatever you want to call it). That's where I have a closet dedicated to homeschool and craft stuff, my computer, a cabinet also dedicated to homeschool/craft stuff, a couple of bookshelves, etc. I grab what I need for the day or the morning or a few things at a time or whatever and carry it into the next room (kitchen) each day, and put it back when we're done.
  7. I think you should just keep doing what you're doing. Lots of hands on stuff, creative stuff, helping around the house stuff, nature walks, reading lots of books, some crafts, gardening, whatever you're into... live life! If he expresses an interest in something, respond as you have been, but don't decide to push him into harder work (like writing) before he's ready just because you figure he already knows everything else... no sense in rushing through childhood! There's a lot to be said for a lot of freetime and just good old fashioned play, at that age. A couple of books you might want to check out just for the heck of it... "Better Late Than Early," by The Moores, and "The Power Of Play" by David Elkind. You might not totally agree with them, but they might give some good perspective and help you find a balance as you decide what to do over the next couple of years.
  8. I say go for it!! I went on a 9 night cruise when I was pregnant with my son. It was my husband and I, and his brother and sister-inlaw. My daughter, then age 5, stayed with her grandma and one of her big (teen) cousins and had a blast. (My oldest was already a teen and was spending the summer with her dad in NY anyway). I called my 5 y/o a couple of times from an international calling card while we were gone. Before I left, I made her a "count down calendar" so she could cross the days off each night, to see when we'd be home. I put little messages to her on it. I missed her like crazy, especially toward the end as I'd never left her anywhere near that long before- but I sort of saw it as a once in a lifetime opportunity- or close to it- and almost 5 years later, I don't regret that I went. It was a great opportunity for my husband and I, and I'm glad we experienced it together and didn't pass it up. I wish I could do it again one of these days but it's hard to even be ABLE to leave your kids for any length of time (i.e. getting someone willing and able to watch them). For me, anyway! So who knows if or when we'll ever have another opportunity like that one! Your kids have a loving grandparent willing to care for them while they are gone, they enjoy being there... enjoy your cruise :) P.S. Most of the time we DO take our kids on vacations. That was a one time thing, other than a couple of random overnights here and there.
  9. I'm in PA. Once in a while a store clerk or someone will use the term. Not all the time. I know that they mean it to be respectful but I'm not crazy about it, it does sound "old" to me lol.
  10. Very nice! I wish I had a separate room to use as a school room. But that's mostly because I would love to be able to organize and decorate it. Not because we really NEED it lol.
  11. To publish a book And... as for YOUR number 2, I'll be happy to follow you in my RV and keep an eye out for you at least. Not that I have an RV. But I would like to have one and travel all the states in it. lol.
  12. Melanie, That Belafonte/Muppets song was pretty cool! But FYI I also really love "The Rainbow Connection" by Kermit The Frog and always have lol- the melody, the lyrics, all of it. Jackie, Wow, I'd love to see all the unpublished verses, too! I didn't know that! And LOL I hear you on the "and now I'm sitting on a homeschool message board, which sure isn't where I thought I'd be, if someone asked me twenty years ago." Music sure gets one nostaligic, huh? :D hornblower, Thanks for posting that Nancy White song! I haven't heard to the actual song so I don't know the tune or anything but I LOVE the lyrics! Those are great! Kelly, Yay, more Hallelujah. I think I've listened to more versions of this song in the past 12 hours than I don't know what, but I just never get sick of this song :D She did a nice rendition, though it doesn't give me chills like some of the others did... either that or I'm starting to become immune after so many listens LOL. jazzy, I know! Wasn't it awesome? I loved that show, and the series finale had my husband and I both tearing up! I watch it every now and then on Youtube again, those last six minutes. The way they showed all those flash forwards but kept going back to Claire so young and fresh looking, with her whole life ahead of her, but you just knew what was coming and that it couldn't be stopped. That what seems like forever ahead of you is never really forever. It was a really powerful ending. Crazy!
  13. Excellent!! That's a lot of miles! I think I have a pedometer somewhere, I should try to find it and start using it! LOL well at least it was just HALF a Hershey bar! Like Jean said, post sometime today instead :D That's good! It feels good to be doing something proactive again even though I'm disappointed that I'm basically starting all over again!
  14. That's great, Heather! Yes off to bed for me, too. Nearly midnight here. I'll post again tomorrow after I've made myself do some exercise then. :D
  15. LOL. Now that I have managed to appear quite lecherous, I think I better head to bed. It is nearly midnight, which is past my bedtime (hey, I'm not a young thing like Jason Castro anymore haha). Thanks for the conversation and the music, ladies :)
  16. Yes, and so adorable, I'd like to put him in a cage and keep him for a whi.... err.... never mind.
  17. LOL that's okay. It's a touching song though, that particular one. I like a lot of their songs though. Meatloaf was the second live concert I ever saw (after Aerosmith/Skid Row). Maybe, but he did it so well lol.
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