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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Well, if you're looking for the inside of the body only, then that's what you're looking for. But insofar as body parts go, I don't think there's anything wrong with picture books for preschoolers that show underwear OR naked body parts. We have a really cute one my 4 y/o loves called The Bare Naked Book. It focuses on various body parts and how they are different for different people (i.e. straight hair, dripping hair, tangled hair, curly hair, where is your hair? Or No teeth, lots of teeth, wiggly teeth, teeth with braces, where are your teeth?) It shows people of different shapes and sizes, even someone in a wheelchair, and there are quite a few pictures that show little kids' butts, kids in underwear, and there is a page for a boy and a page for a girl that shows drawings of the kids naked... but to me it's tasteful and beautifully illustrated, realistic, and entirely appropriate for kids of all ages.
  2. And here's one more update since I weighed in today! Status Report: Nance, 37 y/o, 5'7" Weight Watchers food plan with TOPS for my weekly weigh-ins/support. 8/26/10, Week "0" Weight: 237 1/2 lbs BMI: 37.2 9/2/10, Week 1 Weight: 235 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.9 Weekly Change: -2 lbs Total Loss: 2 lbs 9/9/10, Week 2 Weight: 234 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.8 Weekly Change: -1 lb Total Loss: 3 lbs 9/16/10, Week 3 Weight: 231 3/4 lbs BMI: 36.3 Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs Goal: 58 lbs. 5 3/4 lbs down, 52 1/4 lbs to go.
  3. LOL...actually I was talking to the OP about you, not vice versa. That was confusing huh? hehe.
  4. Please, don't think that I meant that you AREN'T taking steps or protecting your son! I'm really sorry if the way I worded my last post made you feel bad. I guess I just had a really strong reaction- not to you, but to the situation! And truly I hate to think that you are worried about being laughed at, or whether you would be over-reacting, or embarrassed to call to report this sexual harassment... that's... I don't know, like a victim mentality, a being nervous to tell kind of thing... but I don't think you should feel like that! If YOU are really comfortable with just letting the school handle things for now, that is certainly your choice, and that certainly is taking steps to protect your child. I just think that FOR ME it's gotten more serious and needs to go a bit above and beyond the school, so that EVERYBODY involved- the school, the bully, the bully's parents- knows how serious this matter really is. AND so you have some very good documentation if anything even remotely like it ever happens again. You don't want to be kicking yourself later thinking "man, if only I'd done this or that" while your son, meanwhile, is feeling like a victim yet again. So I guess I would just pull out all the stops at this point if it were me. But you are the one who is his mom and who knows him, you are the one who is going to hear firsthand what the other kids and his parents and the principal have to say, so do what you feel is right/best!
  5. I went for my third results weigh in today. Status Report: 8/26/10, Week "0" Weight: 237 1/2 lbs BMI: 37.2 9/2/10, Week 1 Weight: 235 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.9 Weekly Change: -2 lbs Total Loss: 2 lbs 9/9/10, Week 2 Weight: 234 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.8 Weekly Change: -1 lb Total Loss: 3 lbs 9/16/10, Week 3 Weight: 231 3/4 lbs BMI: 36.3 Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs Goal: 58 lbs. 5 3/4 lbs down, 52 1/4 lbs to go. --- This past week I had two days that I ate a bit off plan (Sunday we went to visit my aunt and uncle and they took us out to brunch- at an all you can eat buffet no less! And Monday we hosted a barbecue for our homeschool group, with everyone bringing side dish or dessert). While I ate a bit off plan, I was conscious of what I ate and how much and I definitely did not do horribly. Still, because I ate a little higher points/calories than I might have, I ate lower points on Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for it. I also worked out at the gym on Tuesday. I guess mixing things up like that worked out okay, because I had almost a 3 lb loss this week, which was my best loss so far! Tomorrow I go back to the gym, as of now I can manage getting there 2X a week, and it's going to have to be enough for now! My husband, on the other hand, gained 3/4 of a pound this week, but he says he's feeling pretty good, and he's still down 6 1/4 lbs total so far.
  6. OK, thanks! My son is still in a toddler bed but I was wondering if a "real" bed might make a good 5th birthday present in November. I think it just might!
  7. As opposed to just skipping from a crib to a "regular" bed, then at what age did you get your kids a "real"/regular bed instead of the toddler bed?
  8. Last year for "Health" (with my 9 y/o 4th grade daughter), we read: The Care & Keeping Of You, The Body Book For Girls and The Care & Keeping Of Your Emotions. Both were by American Girl Library. We also visited a dietician at a local hospital as a homeschool group event, and she talked about nutrition, and we attended a "Healthy Eating Tour" at a local supermarket (more for the younger kids). When I file my portfolio each year, I include a "Summary," summing up the types of things that we did for each required subject (health being one of the "required subjects." For that, I said: "We used “The Care & Keeping Of You, The Body Book For Girls†and “The Feelings Book, The Care & Keeping Of Your Emotions†for our Health curriculum this year. We discuss the importance of proper nutrition and food groups (we also did a study on Nutrition as part of our Science curriculum this year and around that same time, our homeschool group met with a dietician at a local hospital). We also participated in a “Healthy Eating Tour†at Giant Supermarket. We discuss the importance of getting enough rest and fresh air and exercise, brushing teeth and other personal hygiene, and we have age appropriate conversations on the dangers of cigarette, alcohol and drug use. Alexa sees her medical doctor, eye doctor and dentist regularly."
  9. But why do you feel like you have to step back and let the school "deal with it" by themselves? This is YOUR child and there's no way in hell I'd be trusting the school to sort everything out on their own, if they haven't by now. It's progressed to sexual harassment- bottom line- and you need to take any and ALL steps to protect your child and to send a message to this bully that this isn't going to be tolerated. If the school is going to do that in regard to what happens on school property- great! I hope they do! But if it were my kid? You can bet I'd still be sending the police to his house, letting him AND his parents know that this is no longer a joke and that it's going to get a lot more serious than the school principal threatening to suspend him or the school guidance counselor saying "you stop that now." (Or whatever it is the school might possibly be able to say or do). ETA: and the suggestions about "just tell your son to punch him" aren't necessarily all that realistic if this kid is bigger, stronger, a better fighter or whatever- all it might do is end up getting the OP's son physically hurt. Maybe badly. So I don't agree with that statement. But I would absolutely take it to the next level above calling the principal (oh wait, it wasn't even the principal that called the OP, it was the VICE principal). Yep, I'd call the cops, regardless.
  10. I haven't had time to read this yet, but I've read plenty of other nasty, negative comments about homeschooling in response to other articles, and all I can say is, take it with a grain of salt. There are a lot of judgmental, ignorant and crude people out there who will bash anything from homeschooling to nursing a baby to co sleeping to taking your kids to a restaurant to just about anything. I can't even be bothered to waste any time or exert any emotional energy getting worked up about nonsense like that. All I know is that in MY real life, I've never gotten a single negative word, look or anything of the sort for any of my parenting choices- be it homeschooling my kids, nursing them in public, or putting a safety harness on a toddler. If some faceless nameless people on an internet somewhere, who have no bearing on my life or my relationships with my family, want to spend THEIR time spouting off about those things on a website, more power to them. I'm not going to lose sleep over it!
  11. Today we had shrimp (sauteed in some healthy oil with some seasonings) over pasta (I use Smart Taste pasta), with broccoli and "sauteed" (again, healthy style) mushrooms. I am on a diet so I just used I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray and some garlic and a little salt on the pasta, mixed it all together, and it was quick, easy, tasty and healthy :D
  12. I never start doing this to begin with. I just don't see it as a necessity.
  13. We usually tour a firehouse once a year. We make a fire escape plan for our home, and then my daughter writes it out and draws a diagram. We include that in our portfolio. We also sometimes do "fire safety worksheets." Here are two places you can find plenty of those: http://homeschooling.about.com/od/holidays/ss/fireprint.htm http://home.comcast.net/~askpauline/hs/homeschoolfire.html And we list fire safety websites in our "Summary" when I sum up what we did for each required subject to include with my portfolio. Examples: http://www.dos.state.ny.us/kidsroom/firesafe/firesafe.html http://www.smokeybear.com/kids/default.asp?js=1 http://www.ou.edu/oupd/kidsafe/fire.htm http://www.sparky.org/index.html
  14. You know. I'd call the police and tell them your son was sexually harassed at school by this teen and you want them to go and talk to him and his parents. Maybe THAT would scare him off a bit more than the school would. You can also let the school know in no uncertain terms that you're doing so/have done so, so that this will be on record, and that as far as you are concerned, your son has been both bullied and sexually harassed and they'd better take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that it never happens again, or a lawyer will be your next phone call.
  15. <sticks tongue out at JoyfulMama> She used to be in our group but she flat left us because most events were too far for her! LOL :) (Ok I don't blame her but I wish she would have been able to stay in the group)!
  16. Yep! I'd have voted Oak Meadow, but that's not one of the options, and there's no place to click "Other" and add it in. Plus it says that votes must be received BEFORE 9/15, which would mean as of yesterday.
  17. Oh, I had missed this thread! Here are my stats so far: Nance, Age 37, 5'7" Weight Loss Goal: 58 lbs Weight Loss Plan: Weight Watchers, using TOPS meetings for support/accountability 8/26/10, Week "0" Weight: 237 1/2 lbs BMI: 37.2 9/2/10, Week 1 Weight: 235 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.9 Weekly Change: -2 lbs Total Loss: 2 lbs 9/9/10, Week 2 Weight: 234 1/2 lbs BMI: 36.8 Weekly Change: -1 lb Total Loss: 3 lbs 9/16/10, Week 3 Weight: BMI: Weekly Change: Total Loss: Goal: 58 lbs. 3 lbs down, 55 to go. I'll fill in that week 3 tomorrow, which is when I weigh in again. Wish me luck! :)
  18. Can you tell him that "B is for Belly"- and B carries its belly before it/in front, just like he does? (Then, by default, D will have a back, not a belly).
  19. No tablecloths here. It's so much easier to clean a table than it is to clean a tablecloth! Not sure about the grip.
  20. That's awesome! I love it! With my Kindergartener, for Health, we're doing a chapter on "My Wonderful Body" this month. The topic we're currently covering is "My Body Parts." It doesn't really focus on the inside of the body (other than to say, for example, how skin protects it, and we must protect our skin)... but we also traced his body and hung it up and he helped me label body parts. Something like this would be a neat way of demonstrating how much more there is to a body than what you see! Love it!
  21. Ditto. Not only that, but you might not have all the information in regard to what she actually means. I've seen people send out mass email forwards containing truly ignorant and offensive political statements, and I have to tell you, I think such statements make people look ridiculous, too, only they're too ignorant/narrow-minded/prejudiced or whatever to realize it. Maybe this is her way of taking a stand against such attitudes, and if so, good for her!
  22. Ah, yeah, that can be tough! Maybe you can start your own! :)
  23. You're welcome! Where in PA are you, anyway? (PM me if you want). I'm in Schuylkill County. If you're in it or nearby, I belong to and help organize a great meetup group consisting of homeschoolers in and around Schuylkill County. :D
  24. Yep, that's what I'd do. Submit the list of books and texts. I also submit a "Summary" just sort of briefly summing up the types of things we did for each "required subject"- because I like to submit minimal samples (3-5 per subject, typically), and I think the "Summary" helps round it out a little bit, and (hopefully) prevents them from giving me a hard time about my portfolio. But anyway like I said, they've never given me a problem about the reading log. I agree! Better not to "over-comply" and then feel forced to do so every year! And sometimes it works out fine to stand your ground, too. Like when I submitted my first portfolio, I gave the 3-5 samples per year, and my district called and tried telling me I didn't submit enough and "he wants to see all of it, all of your work, you should just bring in everything you have." I refused, told them in no uncertain terms that the law says SAMPLES, not "everything," that I'd given them the samples, I'd given them the evaluator's letter, I'd given them the summary (that wasn't even legally required). I told them (after confirming my position with the PDE) that if they felt an appropriate education wasn't being received, they could send me a certified letter saying so and detailing what they didn't have enough of in order to determine that an appropriate education was being received, and if they did that, I'd get them "a few more samples." They backed down, never sent the certified letter, and accepted my portfolio without question the next year (said portfolio containing the same number of samples as that one had). Ditto!!! Pauline's site helped me SO much when I was a brand new homeschooler- and sometimes it still does. :D You know, I have on the sidebar of my site the book logs I use, and the "Objectives" I use. I should put up a page with a sample of the "Summary" I send in!
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