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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. :lol: Me, too! And I'm STILL closer to 30 than to 50 (37, over here!)
  2. I can't wait to start the Harry Potter series with my daughter (and read them again myself). Sometime in the near future we will do so!
  3. She has a reason. she's scared. I used to suffer from horrible nightmares and I ALWAYS found my way into either my mother's room or one of my brothers up until I was probably about 11 years old. If she really needs that comfort, I'd let her have it and hope she'll outgrow it soon. I wouldn't let her sleep in my bed, but I would tell her if she was scared, she could bring a blanket and pillow into my room and sleep on the floor. If I was totally against that, I'd sit in her room and read til she fell asleep. But if she woke in the middle of the night scared, I'd let her in my room (on the floor).
  4. My daughter doesn't end up going to sleep til between 10 and 11 PM and wakes up around 9 or 9:30 AM. She's a nightowl, like her dad!
  5. Oh my gosh, really? I feel old now lol. :lol::lol: You're right. There are definitely better things I could do with my time. But I'm going to have fun anyway! LOL I'm just kind of glad I'm not the only one who even knows who he is. I guess on this board I won't bother admitting that I've not only seen him in concert already once a few years ago, but that I watched all those horrid Rock Of Love shows... ...oops. (In my defense it was on my DVR AFTER the kids went to bed). (And yes I definitely had better things to do then, too). :lol:
  6. LMAO! That's FUNNY! Nance (who needs to go fix her cup of coffee with Splenda and a wee bit of fat free vanilla and a splash of 1% milk but who sort of misses being able to dump as much non fat-free flavoring in as she likes) hehe
  7. I don't even know what possessed me to start this thread. While on a diet. Because some of these things sound really good!
  8. For how old of a child? Here's an interactive site: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/railroad/ And you can probably find others if you google interactive slavery website. For a younger girl, the Addy books (American Girl) deal with slavery.
  9. Are you talking about me again!? Leave me and Team Jacob alone already, will you?! hehe. Love, Mrs. R.
  10. If it's any consolation, I love the strawberry frosted ones :D
  11. LOL, well, he was right. The blatancy of it would have bothered me!
  12. I've never had the pleasure (or not?) but that's how I felt about "His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut." It felt like it dragged forever, I was glad when it was over.
  13. Play along! (Oh, stop it!) :lol: Me: Peanut butter and jelly (1 tablespoon of each, to be exact) on 5 fat-free saltines, and bottled water. Next?
  14. Ah. Thanks for the info (re Water Babies)! I'm filing it away in my brain for now... ugh so many books, so little time. :P
  15. You might also want to take a peek at this link: http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/solids/first-foods.html In one part it says: "Cereal is not at all necessary, particularly the baby cereals. Regular (whole grain) oatmeal is more nutritious for your baby." and in another: LLL suggests this progression when introducing your baby (6 months or older) to solid foods: Ripe banana, avocado, yam, or sweet potato (sweet like breastmilk) Meats Whole-grain breads and cereals (rather than baby cereals) [wheat and corn are usually delayed until baby is 9-12 months old] Fresh fruits [citrus fruits are usually delayed until baby is 9-12 months old] Vegetables Dairy products after 9 months [cow's milk is usually delayed until baby is 12-18 months old]
  16. lol... well I just ordered "The Daring Book For Girls" for Alexa and "The Wind Boy" for Ben... ...but I do want The Neverending Story... ahh I will get it, just not tonight. <sits on hands>
  17. Is that the same story as the movie?? The one that started out as a movie but then went to cartoon?? If so, I loved that movie (and had no idea it was also a book).
  18. From the same place that "Boys are made of greasy, grimy gopher guts; chopped up monkey meat; percolated birdies' feet; French-fried eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood... oops, I forgot my straw!" came from? Just a guess!
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