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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Well now. I guess my memory isn't so bad after all. :)
  2. Are you in Winnipeg? My company has an office there. A very SMALL office, but an office nonetheless.
  3. You all spend too much time on the internet. :leaving:
  4. Are these the same people who wouldn't come to your house because of the pets?
  5. I really miss the one we had at our last place.
  6. My short term memory is much better than my long term memory. I also don't bother remembering things that aren't really important. Sometimes I forget the important stuff, too, though.
  7. Impressed because I Googled DS' birthdate 2 seconds prior to posting? My, you ARE sleep deprived!
  8. You think I am being a little harsh, and I think she she was a bit overly offended. We all have different POVs. I just don't think MCT needs to give every definition of every word to avoid offending someone, especially when his curriculum leans towards the etymological side (IMO) to begin with. As a PP said, discuss it with your child. I simply have chosen not to be offended. Seeing as how the OP liked my response, I think she understood where I was coming from.
  9. I don't mind dissecting brains and eyes, or mixing chemicals at my kitchen table, but just the idea of sticking pins in bugs is giving me the heebeejeebees. I have no idea if that is how you spell heebeejeebees.
  10. Wouldn't it be pegAcorn? With an i the g says /j/ and that just sounds weird. And what about unisus? Why was that not an option? Or cornasus?
  11. Watched it last night! I didn't think it was scary, but i readily admit to watching scary stuff regularly, so ymmv.
  12. Depends on whether the female was the Pegasus or the unicorn? Pegasus is male, no? So my vote it would be a unipeg. *FYI - I'm not sure what I just said.
  13. Your students have figured out how to push your buttons. :lol:
  14. The definition he gives is most certainly a correct definition, I would argue. Just because the definition you are thinking of is more common, it is nonetheless, not the only definition, nor the original. I'm not the least bit offended by his definition. I am a bit offended that you feel I should be offended.
  15. Hire someone else to run it!
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