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Everything posted by nevergiveup

  1. You are able to take a $6 outfit and make it look like a high end outfit. Sounds like a business opportunity to me.
  2. If your "friends" look down on your for having less, they are not your friends. Don't assume that they are that much better off. Maybe they are in debt up to their eyeballs. Maybe they suffer abuse. Maybe they envy you.
  3. My cats and I hate the pate. Hubby calls it kitty paste.
  4. I like Costco for the entertainment factor--never know what new products they will have. Need saffron? Yep, they have it. Gluten free--new stuff all the time. Real maple syrup. Got it. And, if you plan it right, you can eat enough of the tasters to have a full lunch. If you didn't plan it right, you can get a 1/4 pound beef hot dog plus a drink with free refills for $1.50.
  5. What Creekland said--if you have more to share I'd be interested in learning more about it. Side note: I had read that bouncing on a mini trampoline helps with lymph drainage.
  6. Hi Creekland, I simply logged onto 23andMe and got their kit. They ask some questions about what one is interested in learning about. I was able to see the link you posted. The article made me sad and discouraged--with so many kids being diagnosed as autistic every year, what hope is there for them unless they go against the mainstream like this family? How is one to know if viruses and funguses are an issue with an older child or someone with a chronic condition? And can one treat for them without a doctor's approval (it's hard enough to get extra things tested for on a blood draw)? So many directions one may take.
  7. Hijack away! Boardies helping boardies! :001_smile:
  8. Thanks, Sparkly--but you shouldn't have felt the need to restrict your opinion! That's why I came here :001_smile:
  9. I posted a quote that I received from a geneticist in my original post.
  10. Nope--it was never suggested and I have never heard of it. Off to Google. Thanks!
  11. I hear you, Creekland. My own sister had a brain tumor and I did an immense amount of research. Suggested supplements based on what was standard in other countries and in medical studies. Asked doctors about them and immediately got the eye roll, dismissive attitude. They gave her 4-6 months to live. She lived 4 more years. My son, who has learning disorders, has been labeled autistic, aphasic, dyslexic, ADHD, mildly mentally handicapped... We have tried medications, supplements, therapies, alternative therapies, sleep studies, elimination diets, allergy testing... And I feel I am missing something--some days he is sharp mentally, some days not so much. Medications/supplements seem to help for awhile then not (homeostasis). He seems to have less energy than someone his age should so I keep looking for answers and am now pursuing genetic components. Doesn't seem it should be this complicated and that I should have to figure it out on my own. sigh.
  12. Thank you so much, iamonlyone! I am looking for nutritional and supplement advice and will look into your suggestion. All of this has gotten me wondering if the folks on here with the MTHFR mutation are just slugging through it on their own with trial and error?
  13. Yes, and you and your neighbors would be running over to us to have us fix it for you since we own all the stuff necessary to fix EVERYTHING.
  14. So, I had genetic testing done on my son through 23andMe and he has a few abnormalities (+/+ for CBS C699T, VDR Bsm, MAO A R297R) and some heterozygous results for others. I uploaded the data to genetic genie and trying to figure out a plan of action is putting my brain in a panic mode. If one were wanting a doctor or counselor or someone to help with this, who would you seek? An online site, medical doctor, naturopath, functional doctor.....? How did any of you who have gone this route, decide? UPDATE: I sent an inquiry to a metabolic geneticist at a major university here expressing my desire to find help with a nutritional and supplemental program and here is what she said, "Unfortunately 23andMe testing does not have great clinical implications/impact and management changes based on those results are generally not recommended. I’m sorry, I don’t know of any genetics professionals who can provide you with this type of information. " Huh. Is she saying not to bother? That it doesn't matter after all? Interesting.
  15. Did you read the thread? I said I wondered because I thought it would be important the her, and I noticed because she was showing me what she was wearing at the time. I didn't say she needed spanx or a thong--I stated she is thin and fit. I also stated she is a friend who is concerned about her looks. Shouldn't I, as a friend, point out things I think would bother her? Doesn't a friend try to help their friends be/do/achieve whatever is important to them regardless of personal opinions? This whole thread has gotten me to think about what people will and will not do for their friends. It has been very interesting.
  16. Oh Hell No. I am always aware of what time it is and, therefore, if it is close to an eating opportunity.
  17. Her "stretchy things" (sorry for all the confusion), ended just above the knee and were tight. They were not biking shorts. Seems inquiring minds wanted to know. :001_smile:
  18. I didn't say they were biking shorts. I said they were tight stretchy things. And she was going biking. That lead to your misunderstanding. Sorry for that. FYI: one is not supposed to wear underwear under biking shorts. And they have padding. I own some.
  19. Seems I touched a nerve for several of you. I don't go around judging women's butts. She was wearing tight cut-off stretchy things with a short top for biking and was showing me. I couldn't not see her butt. As I stated: she is fit and likes to show it--nothing wrong with that. She values her looks--nothing wrong with that. I try to support my friends. So, I tried to put myself in her shoes. Not easy since she is 5'3", small, blonde, and I am 5'9", large, gray. I decided that I would want to know if I were her. I was curious if others would tell their friends given the circumstances or if it was totally gauche. So I asked. Ageism? We are both 55.
  20. Yes, but dogs aren't supposed to eat corn anyway. Maybe the dog just had a corn allergy regardless of it being GMO?
  21. I understand--however, as I stated, her looks are very important to her and by ignoring something simple like this that could make her look better, why not tell her? I personally do not care, but I feel that *she* would. I made no judgement on her character. I have helped her through the years with tons of stuff; maybe I look at this as helping?
  22. Well I would want to know if my butt crack was showing! I have known her for 15 years or so. We talk about a lot of things. Even (gasp) politics and religion. I am fascinated that others care so little about their friends to let them go about with their butts hanging out.
  23. I don't think she knows.. She was crouching down in public once and her butt crack was hanging out. I called her on that one. No one wants to see a 55 year old butt crack... She prides herself on being thin and fit. Her undies make her butt cheek squish out in an unflattering way when she walks. I don't think she looked at herself walking from behind.
  24. Would you tell a friend that her underwear is not flattering? She likes tight clothing and has unsightly lines... Disclaimer: I am not into fashion and am currently wearing an old pair of my son's shorts.....
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