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Everything posted by sadiegirl

  1. I just enrolled my sons in Mrs. Runkle's Geography. The time of class is 8:15-9:45 however I noticed on registration that they said to please note that this is U.S. ET and that TPS observes DST...so, for someone like me that is in Central, does this mean our class begins at 7:15 or 9:15...I know this is silly-just chalk it up to the movies/sweet tea vodka and lemonade but I just want to make sure that I haven't signed up for a 7:15 class. Boys will kill me! Also, when registering they asked for boys email address. Do your kids have individual email accounts for something like this?
  2. what grade level is this for? My boys like messing with electronic kits in past but they are going into 8th-9th. Is this for younger kiddos?
  3. I listening in as I just ordered textbook from Amazon yesterday...for the price, I hope we like it! I was wondering about the extras as well. Anyone?
  4. Wow!!! What brand is the blueberry? my husband saw peach-flavored last night but I was just introduced to this sweet-tea vodka at Bible study last week.
  5. Great ideas, ladies....I'm calling hubby with list to head to video store. Keep the ideas coming...I need to keep this list for next time they head to Grandma's house! Just remembered The Devil Wears Prada! Another great one! Love Meryl though. Has anyone seen The Time Traveler's Wife? Guy at video store said it was good but seems like I remember many of you talking about the book and I can't remember if it was good or bad.
  6. My boys are away at Grandma's and so while I am working on gardening, curriculum and housework(at least that's what I am telling the boys as they ARE working on the farm with Uncle and Grandpa in fields!), I am also working in time for some movies! These are the movies so far that my husband has picked up for me to watch: Julie and Julia It's Complicated Crazy Heart Only in Paris I have a couple more days of relaxation so can anyone give me some more ideas!! Oh, and has anyone tried the new sweet-tea flavored vodka...mix it with lemonade! Paula Deen would go crazy with it!
  7. When I was a kid, I remember being so excited about getting new clean notebooks...I remember just smelling the new paper and practice writing my name before actually writing them on my notebooks. Then, I was introduced to those little labelers that you click your name out with!!! I'm envious of those with kids in younger grades as my boys are going into 8th and 9th and the type of school supplies are different and not as many and my boys don't get into them near as much as I do!
  8. do you know anyone personally that has used this program? I definitely am interested in a class where there is one fee for both. Jann actually gave me a 2nd student discount for the Algebra which was a surprise. I will do a search and see if I can find reviews on History at our House as I haven't heard of it before. Thanks again.
  9. [ Jann in TX has online math classes. You'll have to search for her website. I found her website thru WTM and contacted her and we have talked via emails for the last two days. My 2 sons are going to be taking an Algebra class with her this fall! So, I have started the process and just hope the rest of my schedule comes together as I have spent way too much time today online reading posts and trying to make more subject choices. I am considering Potter's school and enrolling them in Runkle's geography...heard it was a good geography to use. I am also considering science online but not sure what and where! good luck on your journey!
  10. We are going to using this math this fall online and I need to order textbooks for both of my sons. Can you tell me where I can order online? thanks
  11. First, coming from a mom's point-of-view...remember that she just wants what is best for you. I'm sure this is a tough decision for her as I am going thru a similar situation. We live in a small town where there is not much as far as resources for homeschoolers to use so my husband and I are considering a small private Christian high school. My kids do not want to go and I don't really want them to go either BUT because of our circumstances, I feel like we should consider it. I only want what will make them happy and because they have always homeschooled and it has worked really well for us...they want it to stay that way. I hope for the best for you and your mom on this decision. Just know that we moms only want for our kids to be happy and we try to make the best decisions. Good luck to both of you.
  12. My boys are going into 8th and 9th this year and we are taking the leap into online classes...probably just 2 per boy...that is what many of you recommended for first-timers. I am hoping for the best as HS scares me to death but yet I don't want to turn them full-time to ps or private.
  13. I'm feeling the same insecurities as well. I have a son going into 9th and son going into 8th. I have always chose an eclectic mix of curriculum. However, this year, I am just freaking out. You may have seen a couple of my posts in the past week as I am considering enrolling them in some online classes. I am leaning towards math, and maybe science or geography. Math mainly because I am lousy at it and my oldest son struggles with it as well. Science or geography are also considerations because I want to give them a class they will look forward to since math is their favorite subject! Hang in there...we all struggle with doubts, and it can make you lose sleep...ask me because I wake up at 2:00 a.m. thinking about what to do. good luck
  14. thanks for the input...think I'll pass on the spelling and just focus on the vocabulary!
  15. what did you not like about it? Just curious as my kids hated Wordly Wise...
  16. If so, did your kids enjoy it? I have 8th and 9th graders and I am strongly considering enrolling them if I can get them in.
  17. What book would you use for 8th and 9th graders in this series? Do you start with Book A...on CBD, it says that Book A is for 7th grade and Book B for 8th and C for 9th...is it better to just start with A or skip to the B and C? thanks again....
  18. My boys are pretty good spellers but I think it is something I would like to give some attention to this next year. Can anyone recommend something for these grade levels? I have seen AAS mentioned but if you use that with this age...which book do you recommend starting with? thanks
  19. anyone have some suggestions for boys on books? my boys loved the Anybody series by N.E. Bode How to Eat Fried Worms all the Gary Paulson books Peter and the Starcatcher series Kensuke's Kingdom(anything by that author) Where the Red Fern Grows The Great Turkey Walk they love humor/old time stories...it is becoming increasing difficult to find books for middle/highschool age that fits in this category. Found a book called The Old Man and the Boy that my oldest son loves about a granddad and grandson...outdoor hunting and fishing stories...anything like that he loves? thanks for suggestions as I usually order books for readers to show them on first day of school
  20. Amazon has Idiots guide to American gov't And another one called Idiot's guide to U.S. govt. and politics....is there a big difference? ....one received 4 stars and the other received 5 stars.
  21. that is why I am considering math....we all struggle with math and I worry that even with Algebra 1 that my 9th grader would be lost. He tried LOF, Videotext which he found extremely dry and landed last with VideoText which he did okay with but still found it challenging. I think trying an online class might help him but I would like them both to have something fun online as well. I do agree 2 would be the best to begin with...
  22. Ok, I am freaking out as this year is my first of the HS years....I like many of those that I have read about are stresses that I can't do it, haven't done enough so far, don't have the energy,know-how etc. to do it all. After a much needed pep-talk/therapy session with friend(thanks, Krista!!!! as always!), I have decided to give online classes a go. Now, just when I thought my stress level would drop, I realize that I have to decide which classes to try, which online school to consider and how many classes to try with 2 boys(one going into 8th and one going into 9th). I have read several previous posts on this subject and gained some good advice. This is what I am considering...trying 2 classes per child. I am leaning towards Runkle Geography thru Potter with both boys...something fun and one that I saw that was recommended by others. Second, I am feeling like I need to consider math as we ALL struggle on math...in a major way so I need one that is good for those of us who remain lost in the math zone and break the whining. Does anyone have a recommendation for that? Third, I am considering either science or a second language. Science because my kids LOVE science and I want something fun for them. Spanish because we haven't done it and I can't do it on my own with them. Is it too much to try to do both? Finally, I want to say I feel comfort in coming to these boards as I sense many of you feel my insecurity/fear/confusion when it comes to teaching my kids in these upper grades. As I told dear friend, I just wish someone could tell me what to do...it becomes so overwhelming. Thanks for any advice/recommendations of classes. I am already seeing that I am probably late for some of the classes this semester but if any of you have specific instructors/classes that your kids LOVED...please pass info along.
  23. Are my kids the only kids on this planet that have no desire to learn a second language? I have one going into 9th and one going into 8th...I'm clueless as to high school curriculum...is a foreign language going to be something that is a requirement for graduating hs? I am curious as to how most of you decided what language to learn and how you chose your curriculum. thanks for info and input
  24. my kids each keep a notebook and we make a print a copy of the front of the book...they also write a review of the book and date they begin and finish the book. One of my sons loves to draw so he will often draw a scene or character from the book instead of using a copy off the computer. I like this idea for us because it will be something they can keep and look back in years to come to see how many books they read and what type of books they liked over the years.
  25. I am considering looking at using some online resources as well as a local private school this year for some of our subjects. Some of you mentioned K12 and I was wondering what you like about it and the things you are not crazy about. What subjects have your kids used and enjoyed?
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