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Everything posted by Terabith

  1. Did you guys know there's a new Psych movie??? Where Gus has a baby???
  2. I loved Blackadder and Red Dwarf! I sing the Red Dwarf theme song every time it gets chilly!
  3. I thought I was the only one!
  4. Clearly a sausage sandwich is a "Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler" meal!
  5. Depends on how much milk. If it’s liquid and flows, then soup. If it’s like how I make oatmeal and is a solid, not soup.
  6. Every vet I know is discouraging people from going into veterinary school. The suicide rate for vets is very high, up there with dentists. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone in any career who is recommending it to young people, which makes it really hard.
  7. I agree about both cold cereals with milk being soup and also hot cereals not being soup. I think sandwiches have to include bread and be closed. I don’t really think tacos are sandwiches or even open faced sandwiches are sandwiches, which is ironic.
  8. Oh yes, gyros are definitely tacos!
  9. It’s also the single best depiction of PTSD I have ever seen in media, and this clip explains grace better than anything else I’ve ever seen in my life growing up in the church.
  10. Also, are hot dogs tacos?
  11. I’m starting to low key panic because the forecast for where we’re going (Carbondale, Illinois) isn’t looking great. But logistically I’m not sure where we can drive to. It’s also not like we could just get a random hotel if we drove even to Texas. We booked many years ago for Carbondale. And traffic is going to be a nightmare.
  12. It pretty much seemed tailor made for you, personally.
  13. I'm going to have to try Ghosts. How did I forget West Wing and Quantum Leap? I like the new Quantum Leap, but I LOVED the old one.
  14. Yeah, we didn't get that far with my 2e kid. My oldest LOVED B and we got through part of C, but I didn't love how they taught subtraction with regrouping or multiplication, so we transitioned to Singapore at that point for oldest. (And I think D was the highest of the arithmetic that was out at that point, though G was out.) My 2e kid did A and part of B, but the mental math just was completely impossible for her.
  15. I loved Right Start math, but it was absolutely terrible for my 2e kid with dyslexia and dyscalculia. She did really well with the cuisenaire rods and Miquon, and well with CLE math.
  16. Oh man, Tap. I'm so sorry. This all just really does suck. I cannot pretend to even begin to imagine the layers upon layers of grief you must be experiencing. It's just a lot. I'm so very, very sorry. And you were there for her with love and grace and devotion for so long, under such incredibly trying circumstances. I'm so very sorry.
  17. I might also look into EMDR for her. It’s amazingly fast and effective, and this kind of trauma (discrete events) is what it’s best at.
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