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Everything posted by Terabith

  1. And some kids don’t know left from right and really cannot learn it. My kid was literally curling up in the fetal position in the hallway and under desks at school from the stress of having to open the lockers. It’s an absolutely ridiculous hill for anyone to choose to die on.
  2. Lockers about gave my kid a nervous breakdown when she was in seventh grade. She has working memory challenges and couldn’t memorize the combination no matter how much we practiced. Even with it written down, she couldn’t get it to open. There is very limited time in passing periods; she was terrified of being late, and she simply could never get the locker to open. I couldn’t get it to open when she was sick and I went to get her stuff. We wound up placing her in a special Ed homeroom because the special Ed teacher had a key and could open her locker for her. It was ridiculous and like 90% of her stress went away the next year when there were more kids than lockers and she volunteered to do without. She’s about to graduate from high school and hasn’t had a locker since 7th grade and she’s fine. And the locker thing was one of the most stressful things about her school career. I’m not a fan of mandatory lockers.
  3. We started an SSRI just after turning five. Both my husband and I take antidepressants, so we just talked about how they help our brains work better and help us feel better. We are lucky in that my kid is pretty much an optimal responder, and she can tell the difference if she’s even a few hours late with a dose, so she’s always been motivated to stay on meds. We did try going off them when she was eleven, which confirmed to everyone that they were still necessary.
  4. Me too. I mean, anyone who's tasted peaches can relate to that.
  5. We have a debate going on in my family and if anyone has done literary analysis of this song, I figure it’s the hive.
  6. My kid who hates movies and has watched like 12 movies total in her life loved Knives Out.
  7. The millennium broke us. I will admit, however, that I am annoyed by every radio station playing “best of the 80s, 90s, and “today.” Also, that appears to be code for mostly 80’s with some of the last year. Is it too much to ask for a 90’s alternative station?
  8. Yeah, this teacher is retiring too
  9. It’s AP Government. It’s March. They’re all burned out. There’s a lot more to the presentation than just this, but the teacher is trying to get them to be engaged.
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