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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. Great idea re: book coffee give away! 2 birds with one stone. Maybe even 3 birds, depending on your coffee requirements for the day :) Yeah, I'm having a bit of "Want to do photographs, NEED to get these kids on task" type of days. So far neither is really working out. I've gotten through core subjects but none of the fun stuff for them so no one is satisfied. Yes to yard sale. Probably in January. Will be just about everything in the house. Maybe not a great return compared to what I purchased the stuff for, but if someone else buys it at least I'm saving myself the fee/trouble of taking it to the dump, and recycling is better. So I'll do it and just look at it in a "at least I'm not paying them to take it" way, lol.
  2. Nothing worked for me, my late kids were stubborn. I had a friend that swore by walking. I think she did about 2 miles at a mall to induce labor with her second.
  3. I didn't know that rehearsal dinners were anything more than a dinner for the people who went to the rehearsal! Learn something new every thread ;) . Mine was at a restaurant 2 minutes from the church, we had a reserved room because of how many people, but that was it. There was dancing in the main part of the restaurant and one of my BILs took his now-wife out there to dance and I remember the rest of his family thinking it was disrespectful to leave the dinner to do that. I can't remember my own feelings on it, oddly enough. But it was just food. My sisters, with wildly different backgrounds and situations from me regarding marriage (from age, to economic status, to social status, to location, etc-- and I should add different from each other, as well) also just had dinners after the rehearsal with nothing really extra. Glad that you are talking about the bride on it! I'm interested to see if what she thinks of as a rehearsal dinner is more extravagant/involved, like what some posters are describing.
  4. Say you have a song from an opera, and you want to say "Song" from "Opera", with the 'from' in Italian. How do you do this? Is this correct: "Voi che sapete" da "Le nozze di Figaro" or "Voi che sapete" dalle "Nozze di Figaro" I won't be using quotation marks around the titles, but they will be on separate lines like: Voi che sapete from Le nozze di Figaro Any help would be appreciated, thank you!! :)
  5. Yeah, my house is a wreck right now. I had started a deep clean a few weeks ago. Then got sick. Now still sick, that low-grade sick where you can't really get out of doing stuff but don't have the energy to do it, either. DH has broken down over the past few days and is doing more and more house stuff, since it's getting to him. It's getting to me too...but I'd rather move slowly and drink tea, lol. So, no guests. Not only because of the house though, I just never invite people over. I'd gladly come over for refreshments but doubt there is any left now :) I'd come just for the company too, of course! As for the sink, that's what kids are for, right? lol IDK, it's good some weeks, bad some days, and we just do what we can. I find tying the finishing of dishes to chocolate is a good motivator.
  6. This was last December, like on the 15th or something. However, my parents DO put up their Christmas tree in October. Well, my dad does, and it drives my mom nuts. The Christmas boxes are out on the living room floor as of last Friday. I joke that they should dress up as Santa and Mrs. Claus for Halloween because by the 31st their house is completely red and green inside. My dad grumbles that stores these days put out decorations way too early, but he's probably their main purchaser in October, lol. eta: I think this is why they were So Horrified that our tree wasn't up yet, because they have theirs up so early, a tree up after the 15th of December is unthinkable, lol. The "reason" my daughter gave tipped them over the edge.
  7. It was supposed to be an 'easy' monday because one of the kid activities is on fall break. I am supposed to get an extra 1.5 hours this evening. I was going to be all on top of it with school this morning so I could have a true break tonight. But then, it turns out DH has appointments in town. So we can't do what we were planning in the morning. So he'll come up with me in the afternoon too. I have to figure that out, including food. Where we will meet, at what time, etc. At home or in town? He doesn't know how long his appointment will be. The kids can't focus without me sitting right there so even that isn't getting done. Sigh. I've given up and am sitting at the computer instead. And I just broke my mouse. Certainly can't trust Mondays, lol.
  8. Yes, DH has this a bit. He readily admits if he can't remember something, but some memories distort over time. Main one that bothers me is a debt we had 4 years ago. We were $3000 in debt that we got into together. We paid it off in 6 months, I took on two side projects specifically to pay it -- overall I paid $2k towards it, he paid $1k through side work. Today's memory is now: $6k in debt, I hid it from him, and he worked "night and day" to pay off my debt all by himself. He truly believes this. I correct each time it comes up and he will cede to me (even tho the 'hard copy' memory of his is stuck). Thankfully this is the only major rewrite, and I now know to correct as soon as distortions show up in retellings. He cedes to me immediately because we've proven multiple times that I simply have the more accurate memory for our life. (I cede to him on anything musical or book-learned, he really shines there.) My 8yo has this too, idk where some of her memories come from. Last year she told my parents the reason we didn't have a Christmas tree up yet was because [we told her] DH didn't have Christmas trees growing up so she couldn't have one either. ??!?!? DH always had a christmas tree. The reason we didn't have it up is because I simply hadn't gotten to it yet. I explained to her (with DH in earshot) that once everyone helped clean up the area for the tree and kept it clean for 24 hours, I would put up the tree. I asked if she wanted to help me clean the area right then, and she said naw it could wait. But then she told my parents and truly believed her version. ?? Brains are funny things.
  9. Good to know! So he was scaring me I guess. I'll stick to 75 tho :)
  10. AZ, 85 is a felony on highways, according to the highway patrol officer who kindly pulled me over at 84 mph. Maybe he was trying to scare me? Was let off with a warning. I live in a more rural area and a long stretch of 75 around me. Yes, people go 80+, but I stick to my happy 75 now (79 if I need to pass). I keep to the right if I'm the slow car of the day, but often am not, and have never caused a traffic jam where people need to make dangerous manuevers to avoid, lol.
  11. Oh I should mention a reason for my strong reaction: we had a 2 year period where 9 teens were killed in car accidents in our town. I can still name each kid because we have road signs and memorials up to them. Our police officers come down hard on teenage drivers now, the unofficial "first time warning" policy with teenagers here has been done away with (I benefitted as a kid, but my friends' kids have all gotten tickets for their first pullover offense, no matter the amount over).
  12. 84 in a 75 is bad to me, sorry. I think that is 1 mph under felony where I am ? Can't check now but pretty sure thats the case. Raining makes it worse because more variables that make driving harder, and he doesn't have the experience to now how to handle the possibilites as well. I allow for myself up to 4 over the speed limit in certain circumstances, but speed limit is the ideal. Speeding tickets aren't given for under 5 over (at least in my area), so if this was followed his legal negative consequences at least are avoided. I like the suggestion of imposed speeding tickets. You can always positive-reinforce with that money back to him, so it's a self-funding learning system :)
  13. I never knew CB radios were available outside trucks. I mean, it's obvious to me now, I just never thought about it. Parents have birthdays later this month, within 5 days of each other, we try to do lunch together. Every year I say I will do NaNoWriMo, and then every year I say, "wait, it's December already?!" lol. This year I know I'll be tapped out, but maybe I'll do a poetry run or illustrations for some past stuff. Basically, creative stuff without having to do a large plan or framework. As in, the exact opposite of you, lol.
  14. Is there something specific I should be looking at or asking when looking for a realtor? I know no one that can recommend a good realtor, so that's out. Are they all pretty much the same, and just ask them how long it takes them to sell a house? Do they need to come and see the house, or can I vet them without showing them the house? How soon before you intend to sell do you contract with a realtor? I'm totally lost, since this is my first time selling a house and trying to be on top of the ball rather than squished by it ;) Thanks!!
  15. DH does music work: composing, arrangement, orchestration, engraving. His business is all online, I help with client service, etc. I also do website stuff, design and development (not that much these days, but may need to restart this more). We just cut our last location-based income stream in June, so that's why we are now free to travel. It's scary because our work definitely fluctuates, but we've made it this far and just need to go all-in if we want this to work longterm. No room for anything bigger than a minivan, lol, so we need to sell this place before we can buy something that needs parking space.
  16. My house is a Skittles house. Peacock blue in the kitchen, Bright yellow green in the family room, bright orange in the the office, etc. I think my love of BRIGHT walls comes from my Mexican side. I think. No one else in my family has done this, though. Or in my neighborhood. But it matches the talavera vase colors, so it must be the Mexican side of me. And the houses I've been in across the border can be colorful, too. Though, I use white curtains on my bright walls, so maybe not. I'm not too much help then, sorry. Wallpaper seems to be an international thing, from my various research on decor, sourced on television.
  17. Congratulations!! :party: Seriously so excited for you, this is awesome :D
  18. Maybe suggest it comes out only on game days or on the back porch, if it HAS to be shown? Or above the TV? As an Indians fan finally being rewarded for my lifelong loyalty, I completely understand wanting to display team pride. Though I am vaguely annoyed that some people see me as a bandwagoner, and am at the same time vaguely suspicious of all of these other fans I now see. LOL. Maybe tell him that a brand new flag implies he is a new fan, and he should instead use a weathered one to prove he's a longtimer.
  19. Medications did not work with me, I'd get killer headaches with 2 or 3 different meds before stopping. I've tried natural supplements to some but not great results. Interested and hope to find something on this thread! Mostly now I manage via "created environment": Stay in warmer areas. If you know you're going outside into cold weather, put the gloves/extra socks on before you leave, not outside or afterwards; anything you can do to avoid fast and violent temperature fluctuations (grocery stores are a silent threat, lol). My DH found me some heat packs for hands, I use those in the winter inside my pockets if outside for a bit. Fingerless gloves don't really work for me, but I found gloves that have special material on the tips so that they work with touch screens and have a slightly better grip. I know other have had great results with compression gloves and gloves with copper dots; for me they felt great when worn, but once I took them off I would feel much worse. For me, avoiding lots of strain on hands and feet is pretty essential; I went bowling a few years ago at a company function, and about 4 frames in suddenly realized what I was doing. I couldn't drive or write for 2 days afterwards. For me, boxing would be out of the question, and I had to stop serious piano study. I hope he can continue to box/play violin and that his triggers do not develop similar to mine. Warm water baths for hands and feet can lessen my symptoms if I catch it early on, but I have to do it for a longer while and get my DH to help me keep the water at a warm temperature for best results. Fish oil seems to help, but idk how directly since I take it just for general health.
  20. Yes, it seems like all the signposts are pointing to this for us as well. There are still some considerations we need to think on, but I'd say we're in the 85-90% certain range at this point. The boys are oblivious (the 4 and 6) and the 8yo is excited because it is currently billed as a 2 year traveling adventure, lol. I don't think she understands we will have to sell the house :( But, baby steps, we will get her there and I know she would LOVE it. We contracted/built this house in a development (found out I was pregnant the same day we signed) and moved in when I was 6 months pregnant, so I think I associate the house most strongly with her, and it will be difficult. But I can feel it's time to move on. Now if we can just find an RV that runs, sleeps 6, can be modified for a small work area, and is actually in our budget, well then we'll call it destiny :)
  21. We are actually in the same boat move-wise. DH and I are looking at numbers so we will be able to sell the house and move into an RV full time after the holidays (my parents would kill me if I left before holidays, lol). I'd prefer to be able to try out the RV lifestyle for a bit before making a permanent move, but we can't upkeep both styles of living at the same time. So, we'll dive straight into the RV and have our regrets at leisure, lol. At least we know we like road trips :) Costco toilet paper. idk if it's better than everything else, but I've grown so accustomed to it I prefer it.
  22. No barkety's here. My kids are trying to talk me into a goldfish (would that be a gulp-ety?) but I can hardly keep the humans in here alive and fed, lol, my hat is off to people who can take care of other creatures on top of it. Bigger property?: only if someone else maintains it for me. I love the idea of more acreage, and grew up on a decent sized land next to then-unbuilt land. We ruled the desert and had "Ranger Town" and built all sorts of things. I'm slightly horrified at the idea of letting my 6 yo wander the desert now, tho, even with friends. I've been saying I'd do something with my 1/1024th (lol) acre backyard for the past 9 years, and it is still unfinished dirt. I'm just not a good steward of land right now, so my current situation is probably for the best. We're also combatting the travel bug, and large property wouldn't jive.
  23. I know mine, 99%. The thing that gives me pause is that on my first pregnancy one of the nurses told me my daughter had the same blood type as me, A-. I replied that I was O-. She got insistent I was A- and that I was mistaken, and pointed to my medical chart. It was 3 or 4 hours since birth and I hadn't eaten and just wanted sleep, so I just agreed. (it came up because of the need for the rhogam (sp?) shot thing). But, since then my doctor has urged me to donate blood since I'm O-. So I know I'm O-, but I still remember that nurse 8 years later and tell medical people idk if they ask.
  24. I'm sorry, you were probably talking to me, lol
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