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  1. He does, and TB testing is not a “treatment”. No chicken pox titers mandated. None of the other vaccines were required for employment or he got when he was military (and knew he didn’t have a choice). They aren’t even required to get a flu shot for employment.
  2. No, you miss the point….threatening someone’s livelihood is not giving them a “choice” and it goes against the concepts of freedom and liberty.
  3. I am struggling to understand this. In your work with ER staff, have you heard anyone give actual logical reasons for not accepting a vaccination? DH is weighing his options on quitting too. He’s adamantly against having a mandate and is a big believer in informed consent in medicine. Once you are required to get a treatment, you no longer have informed consent. For him it is not about getting vaxxed or not.
  4. That is interesting because my understanding and experience was the opposite. Mucus is designed to catch and help us move the bad stuff out. The only years I’ve ever caught respiratory bugs are my low allergy years without a lot of congestion.
  5. All of the above. It has a multitude of causes and there is some element of idle hands are the Devils workshop at work too.
  6. I’m not going to get into the reasons…but yes, I think they will.
  7. So, DH’s hospital has finally announced mandatory vaccines. He fully expects at least 20% to quit before the deadline. They are already so mad over management conditions. Some of those staff members would be fairly irreplaceable.
  8. The really sad disconnect here is that in order to get natural immunity sans vaccination that counts enough for social approval to be allowed to live your life; from this point forward you have to willing to commit the social faux pas of actually getting sick.
  9. Neither is the vaccine. As a point, DH works in a hospital. He has had fully vaccinated and previously infected patients come in who were asymptomatic for Covid who did not know they had been reinfected and were only caught because they were testing everyone who were positive…..BEFORE delta arrived.
  10. So, you weren’t aware that cowpox provided immunity to the similar small pox and was the basis for the whole vaccine idea (and how they derived the term vaccine). Delta is covid 19. It is the same virus as the original, and is a lot closer to the original than smallpox and cowpox are. More specifically there are studies for corona viruses as a class that show the same things….infection with one coronavirus improved immunity against the entire class.
  11. I don’t think so. There have been studies that show that exposure to one bug provides some protection against it’s kissing cousins. Such as cowpox and smallpox.
  12. Not to derail the thread…..but almost everything in “American” society can trace back to “the money”. Food, healthcare, education, etc; even tax breaks.
  13. I expect they’ll be through the nose expensive in order to coerce people to just go get the vaccine. Same with testing costs/procedures. All the rhetoric I’ve heard usually implies that no exception to getting vaccinated is really acceptable.
  14. There are some people who are against direct advertising of drugs to consumers for similar reasons as “follow the money”. It’s kind of a circle….drug companies market on TV to drive up demand of name brand drugs and increase profits….which in turn drives the development of new drugs for when the patents run out and drugs go to cheaper generics.
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