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Everything posted by KLynnTX

  1. Ok, I have a cage (pretty big) I've moved out to the barn. It's covered with screen wire, and it has plyboard on the bottom, top, and one side. We put hay up around it, to help it be warm. When I move the hen and chicks out there, do you think she'll be upset, at being in a cage, or that she'll just be happy to be with her chicks? I guess I'm gonna find out. It's either do that, or put them (without their mom) in our store room. I'd like to let the mama just stay with them as much as possible. Everything should be easy now, except she might not like being moved. The chicks are so cute! :-)
  2. What about my other hens and roosters? If I make a place for them in the chicken house, will the other hens and roosters bother them, especially while they are sooo tiny? They hatched this morning!! They are sooo cute! :-)
  3. Definitely just plain possum....Haven't you heard the Alan Jackson's song, Just playin' possum? George Jones was nicknamed the Possum....NOT O-possum!!!
  4. We have a broody hen sitting on 6 eggs. They are about to hatch any day now. I heard one of the eggs cheeping. So, here is the question. They are in a nesting box. I'd like to let the mama just raise them, but how will they get down? The floor is extremely muddy (due to a ridiculous amount of rain...) Will the Mama help them down? I just can't decide what to do...I want them to make it, but I'd really like the mama hen to keep them warm, feed them, etc. Anyone have anything to offer?
  5. I don't know about large amounts, but I know that our dogs have gotten into the cat's food many times. Several different dogs we have had have done this and never died from it. They have gotten into the cat's food in her dish, not into the bag of it.
  6. From one chicken farmer to another.... You rescue raccoons and owls, yet you shoot your rooster... I don't understand...??? To each his own... :-) Glad it all worked out! (Unless he comes back to eat your chickens!)
  7. What is your favorite curriculum for state history? I am specifically looking for Texas history.
  8. Anyone know of any good Texas history websites? Thanks!
  9. Thanks so much for posting this! My 7 and 9 year old love it! And the games are great! I'm getting addicted to mouse trap!!! I think this is wonderful! Thanks again!
  10. So, you people doing 30 Day Shred....How long is it? Do you really exercise for a full hour at that level? Or is it really shorter than that? I'm confused reading reviews....
  11. I have a coupon for a free rental from Blockbuster...It can't be a new or recent release, it has to come from the middle of the store. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone see anything good lately? Thanks
  12. How often do you run it? Do you always let it run till it quits, or for shorter spurts of time? I'm trying to figure out how to get the most out of the battery! :0)
  13. So, if I were to get a wireless router thing, can you access any website through the Wii? You said you could see You Tube. Can you check your email?
  14. OK, here is a stupid question....How do we connect our Wii to the internet? We have a DSL (plugs in to phone line, and then computer plugs into it). Our Wii is in a different room than our computer is... How would this work?
  15. The hard copy came out with a dark background for some reason. The original has much more detail to the picture, which is why I wanted to keep it. I guess it's ok if I can't retrieve the original. I still have the important part of the picture. I just thought I'd check and see if there was a way to retrieve it. K.
  16. THANKS!!!! That worked!!! We all look like we lost 75 pounds now!!!
  17. OK, I was using a borrowed camera, for our Christmas picture. We took the picture, took it to Walmart, and got it printed into pics. After I was home, I got to playing with the picture on my computer. I was editing it, cropping out the unnecessary. Well, on my old camera, and on my mom's camera, if you save the edited version, it'll also keep a copy of the original version. Apparently not with this software. It deleted my original, and kept the edited. I am not happy, I want the original back. Is there any way I can find it? It isn't in my recycle bin. Then, I was gonna make my edited pic my computer's wallpaper, and then, it comes out all distorted, like we all are way fat. Apparently when I cropped the pic, it changed the size that the pic originally was. So, if I can't retrieve my original, can I at least make the size of it normal on my wallpaper? Thanks for reading this, and hopefully someone will know the answer to one of these questions!! K.
  18. My dh really surprised me! He got me a Schwinn bike!!! My older kids went in with him, and that really made it special!! My parents got me some cute PJs and a robe and slippers, and My Fitness Coach for the Wii! And one of those neat magnetic necklaces....Don't know if you've seen those, but they can double as a bracelet... And my in laws got me some clothes! I'm very happy, but it's always fun, no matter what I get, cuz it's all about the kids for me! It's fun playing with their stuff!! My younger kids got bikes also, so we can all ride together!
  19. How did you keep track of time? Guesstimate? Stop watch? Regular watch? Other?
  20. OK, here is my dd's first snowflake!!
  21. Cool! How did I miss this when I was searching? Now if I could find some of these set to fun 80's music, or Christian music!!!
  22. There are some very solid bunks out there like you describe. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.petittresor.com/baby-furniture-young-america-isalina-twin-over-double-bunk-bed-untitled.jpg-773.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://www.petittresor.com/baby-furniture-young-america-isalina-dressing-chest/baby-boutique-catalog.aspx%3Fproduct%3D825&usg=__W_WBPucFzYDezuCWRJnCeuj46gI=&h=581&w=460&sz=129&hl=en&start=20&um=1&tbnid=yrUr72I2Pxu9dM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsolid%2Bwood%2Bbunk%2Bdouble%2Btwin%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 I googled solid wood bunk double twin, and then clicked on images. You'll find some really nice ones if you keep looking!!! Edited to add this one: from potterybarnkids.....my friend has one like this... http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/rustic-thomas-twin-over-full-bunk-bed/popup/preview-colors.html?sku=7391188
  23. Is there a way to play two things at once, so I can hear the Couch to 5k guy say "walk now, run now", while still hearing my music? Or is there any music that is upbeat with the walk now run now built into it? Thanks!
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