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Everything posted by Mom22ns

  1. I did that last Christmas with dd. One online class took the entire break to catch up. :glare: I have watched her more closely since. She does great with her DE classes, but online high school classes get pushed aside. I did learn my lesson. I'm not sure she did though. :lol:
  2. It simply isn't true that having taken the ACT without accommodations will preclude getting them later. I had heard that and I almost didn't apply because ds had taken the PLAN (from the ACT board) and had scored very high. He received ACT accommodations. I have since heard from others whose kids did well enough on the ACT without accommodations, but when when the accommodations were requested with good documentation, they got them. Here are a couple of threads on the Learning Challenges Board where accommodations are discussed: Here is a thread where I talked about receiving accommodations for ds. Here is one on SAT accommodations. If I can answer any specific questions or if you would like to see the letter I sent with our request, please feel free to PM.
  3. We had this issue. We wanted dd to take College Algebra at the CC this fall. She took Algebra 2 at home last year. She did her original Compass testing in the fall to register for Spring classes last year and only tested into Intermediate Algebra (appropriate since we were just a couple of chapters into Intermediate Algebra :) ) She retook the Compass in the spring and had no trouble testing into College Algebra. That said, since you aren't starting Algebra 2 until spring, so he may only test into Intermediate Algebra (the equivalent of Algebra 2). I wouldnt stress until you see how he test the first time. If he doesn't place where he needs to, just have him re-test in the summer and register late. Here registering late is very common at the CC.
  4. There is nothing special needed to prepare homeschool kids for CC or other dual enrollment classes. Typically, they just progress through high school classes until the level of their work is college level. When they are both academically and socially mature enough, you can enroll them in the DE classes. You will know when. Online AP classes have advantages and disadvantages. Some kids do well with online classes. They are typically more flexible in scheduling. Some kids aren't self-motivated enough for online classes or are challenged in a variety of other ways by online classes. AP classes counting for college credit are completely reliant on one test. That may be good or bad for the student. It can also sometimes be difficult or impossible to find a local school allowing homeschoolers to test. AP v DE is an often discussed topic here. Which is better for your student depends on their personality, their goals, and their destination University. With the ages of your kids, my advice is to stop looking quite so far ahead. Take one step at a time and relax. Right now, plan middle school. :) My kids both took online classes and did dual enrollment. They were each accepted to the University of their choice. Their credits were accepted by the Universities they chose to attend, although one AP for ds and one DE class for dd were not used to meet requirements, but just used for elective credit. If you want to see the final results for this years WTM grads, here is this year's list of college acceptances. It will continue to grow for the next few months.
  5. Lots of sleeping. Lots of computer time. Lots of time spent recording videos for his YouTube channel which was neglected the last couple weeks of the semester. A little time hanging with family, watching movies, and enjoying pets. Not exciting, but very relaxed and happy.
  6. It is up to you. It really doesn't matter. Every college gets transcripts from hundreds if not thousands of school districts. Every district's transcript is a little different. There are different grading scales and many weighting philosophies. It doesn't matter which you choose, just that you choose one and use it consistently.
  7. I don't think most people list percentage grades on transcripts, or anywhere else, only letter grades.
  8. Mine always went with soft food the day they got the braces on and the dinner after an adjustment. That was all. Ds has had his braces for over 3 long years. Dd's were on for about 18 mos. My best advice is a water pick. Both of my kids used the water pick instead of flossing while they had braces and it was a very, very good thing.
  9. :hurray: I'm so proud of you! You showed amazing self control!
  10. If they gave an A-, I put that on the transcript. Then I calculated that as a 4.0 in the GPA. I did not convert grades by percentages. Whatever scale the provide used stood for that class. So if they had gotten a 90% from a provider that called that a B+, I would have calculated it as a 3.0. Ds did have a B+ in one DE college class and I did put that on the transcript and calculated it as a 3.0, not a 3.25 or whatever a B+ is. That was as consistent as I could figure out to be.
  11. Good luck! Although I'd still like dd to retake the ACT to increase her scholarship, we skipped this one knowing she couldn't prep since she'd have CC finals the week before. I'm so glad we made that choice. She couldn't have handled another stress this week.
  12. I didn't use +/- or my kids transcripts. I used a 90-80-70 scale. I didn't explain it on my transcript. No one ever asked. I believe TechWife once posted how her grading scale was listed on her transcripts and I really liked it. If I was going to put it on there, I'd have emulated hers. Ds's University does use +/- grades (although no A+). My University didn't (still doesn't). Dd's CC doesn't. The University where dd will attend next year doesn't. I've always had the impression that most colleges don't use +/-, so I didn't see the need to on my kids transcripts either. As for outside grades, I'm pretty sure my kids only had A's from outside providers. However, what I would have done, was put the grade exactly as they gave it on the transcript, then used the same 4.0, 3.0, 2.0 scale to calculate GPA that I used for all the other grades (in other words discarded the +/- in the GPA calculation).
  13. I had dd email her prof last semester and found that she didn't need a code that would have made her book $100 more expensive. We just looked tonight and found she has 2 books listed with access codes and one "special edition". Each one is $120 new and less than $20 to rent on Amazon. Once again, she's going to email the professors. She won't get access to the syllabi until just a few days before class starts. So waiting to read the syllabus instead of bothering the professor doesn't give time to get the books ordered and shipped.
  14. Thanks Faith. I appreciate you are keeping the list for us this year. I enjoy these lists probably more than makes rational sense. :) Would you add scholarship to dd's listing? Thanks again!
  15. My niece got a ticket for pulling into the intersection and waiting for the opportunity to turn, then turning as oncoming traffic was stopped by the light. The police officer told her that it is illegal here, but in the neighboring state where she is from it is legal. He said he tickets out state drivers for it all the time. So if you were in my state, you were wrong and she was right. If you were in the state next door, you were right. I have no idea what state you were in or if it is legal there.
  16. I must be doing something very wrong. Christmas gets more expensive every year here. When they were little it was so easy to buy a bunch of inexpensive things. Now there are no little items on their list. Well, small items with big price tags maybe! I love Christmas too. I think I love it even more now that my kids are mostly grown. It is a time we get to spend together and that is precious now. Like everything else, each season of life has its own advantages and disadvantages. Seasons past are precious memories and the future is unknown. I always love the current season the most.
  17. I sympathize and would find your situation frustrating OP. However, I have to say that I ordered all my Christmas presents PRIME and have gotten almost all of them, with the last scheduled to arrive Monday. Some things did take longer than 2 days, but it always warned of that in the delivery estimates before I placed the orders. If you have had something sitting at UPS for days, I'd call your local UPS office.
  18. We used OM for health. That is a rather small sample, but I liked it. I seriously considered some of their history and English too. I've never heard great things about their math, but I haven't used it, so that is only hearsay. I'm not an "all one vendor" kind of person, but I wouldn't have hesitated to use more of OM from the little I saw.
  19. Dd got her acceptance to Missouri Western State University today. It took a lot longer than it should have because they lost her ACT scores. I had to contact the ACT board and get the date and batch number when they were sent. Once they found them (over a month after they arrived :glare: ) she had her acceptance in 48 hours. She will get a guaranteed merit scholarship based on her stats.
  20. When we visited dd's intended university, the tour guide told us they do a Pancake breakfast at midnight the first night of finals. I thought it sounded like a nice stress reliever, but I'd have preferred to have a dog. No harp music though. Oh my. No.
  21. Dh's Aunt and Uncle did this for their kids. They had 3 who all went to the same local State U. There was about 5 years from oldest to youngest, and the oldest actually spent 6 years on her degree, so I think there was always at least 2 kids living there. I have no idea how they came out on it, but I've never heard them lament the decision and I got the impression the kids liked it.
  22. I didn't put gender on either of my kids transcripts. It was on the college applications.
  23. Ds took his last final today. He slept all afternoon. He's planning to pack and come home tomorrow. I don't know when grades will be out, but for now I'm just glad to get him back for awhile. Anyone else? ETA: Dd finished her CC finals yesterday too. She has a couple of homeschool classes to finish, but all the stress is gone for both my kids. Ds will be home later today. Dd and I went out and did a little Christmas shopping.
  24. I don't see how yearly check-ins would help. An abusive parent who knows a check-in is happening would be careful not to leave marks for a week. I mean really. There are kids that die from abuse that are seen the day before in ps. I don't think someone having seen them a year ago would be of use at all, but maybe I'm just too cynical. In this area it isn't at all uncommon for kids to get pulled from ps because the parents are going to be in trouble for truancy. They are too lazy to get their kids to school, so the pull them and say they are homeschooling. I'm sure abusers do the same thing. I can't send my child to school with those bruises, it is time to say we are homeschooling. I don't know if being in a state with more regulation would help prevent that. I don't know if there is any research that says there is less child abuse (of homeschooled children) in high regulation states than in low regulation states. I think any research could be viewed as suspicious by high regulation states because they might claim more abuse is found there (a good thing). I don't know how you can actually get valid stats on something people are trying to hide (and too often succeed in hiding).
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