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Everything posted by DhanyaCali

  1. I just became a multi level marketing mom and none of my friends want parties :( EDIT I have 3 parties coming up, a book drive, and a festival booth. Freaking Baller!!! :)
  2. I feel like I am the only Christian on the Sonlight forums who is not uber conservative :( They's my SL peeps! But sometime I feel buried under the tidal wave of it.....
  3. Still free trial time, he is going strong. Just like real books he reads the same favorites again and again each day.
  4. I worked at Staples in Cali during the height of the Prop 8 thing and we sold SO MANY poster boards!! I try to type cast people as they were buying them for which side they would be sloganning with them, lol.
  5. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! I am so happy for us ALL! Gays and straights and none-ya business folks. I had no idea but happily all my facebook friends do and it's a sea of hearts and rainbows!!
  6. Technically we have started Kindergarten already! Taking all of Nov and Dec off for new baby + holidays, so I figure we may as well summer school it up. Our load is light. Boxed :My Father's World Kindergarten, the phonics are just review for him but their units are really FUN. Lots of ideas for bell and whistle activities. They have GREAT book basket storybooks and non fiction books but light on history/social studies, so maybe supplementing, we'll see. Boxed #2: Sonlight core A - because we started MFW K in May I think we will finish it well before DS5's official K year is over, whenever we do finish mfw k, probably midwinter, we will buy and begin SL core A which looks AWESOME! Math: Continue Rightstart math A. Considering Life of Fred apples since we are don't do RSA everyday Reading: All About Reading 1 maybe???? Possible Reading Eggs subscription???? Continue Happy Phonics Practice with readers and games other random stuff
  7. Thanks! We actually decided against a full year subscription at a time, so we will see how far this takes us :)
  8. He really likes it!! He was bragging a bit to his little friend about his 'video game' Skybrary today.
  9. oooh my one hope is that it doesn't just allow children to watch the video field trips. I think they are fine and good but I want DS doing that AND the books!
  10. If we can find the mouse (DH and I use touchpad) I will start DS on the free Skybrary trial today. What an awesome pun huh?? We are also being somewhat seduced by reading eggs, so that is in the back burner of my mind! :)
  11. Well hours might be too much anyways :) We tried abc mouse for awhile but he got really whiny and addicted about it, and it wasn't teaching him what he needed to know like blending. But that was a good while ago so I am ready to give him another crack at computer usage. Thanks for your input!
  12. Have you tried the reading rainbow app? What do you think of it? What do your kids (ages plz!) think of it? We have no devices but I just saw they have a web based app for computers! A) there's a free trial, 2 week! B) I could totally swing $50 for a year of it. My 5yo has been talking about 'video games' a lot. I thought it might be good for that now Or for a fun thing for him to do in Nov when baby comes and I am busy for awhile there :) We love LeVar and Reading Rainbow, we have over watched all of the classic shows avaiable on amazon prime.
  13. Ooo wonderful! And I never did expound upon my love of P4/5 for you, woops! Guess that's a moot point now but the variety of concepts exposed through the books is amazing! And the science is off the hook! And it's such a a cuddly program!
  14. Can't adjust the volume though sadly. Lol. We have a couple I like but one that drives us crazy :)
  15. I could wax poetic about P4/5 if anyone wants me to.... just saying since you mentioned it! :D But you have to add in the worksheety academic component, unless you are satisfied with DEL.
  16. The horizons preschool for the worbook (they have 2) looks amazing and fun and I am going to get it for my next 3 yo but I can't speak to either as a whole program, hmm is that like the definition of unhelpful?? Well anyways they have the look inside feature on the horizons page s I have done that.
  17. Yes but I find it cumbersome to search for books on it on my basic small b&w kindle. Is there a list of books online I could look at from my laptop?
  18. Right start math has this Cd covering math relationships (I think PS schools call them bridges?) ex/ "So bright is the sun, 6 is 5 and 1" "Salty is the sea 8 is 5 and 3" http://store.rightstartmath.com/yellowisthesunbookandcdcombo.aspx But it's justa couple sonds and is also on you tube for free. You should let us know if you want Bible too or just other subjects, cause people have LOTS of Bible memorization CDs, but that may not be what you are looking for :) But that's all my one suggestion so I will just follow along because you seem to have a neat idea! :)
  19. We are using Right start math for K. We did the first 12 lessons spread out with DS at the end of pre-k. i t's fun. It's not "hard" to prepare and o, but I know there are ones that are very easy, ones that are more workbook central. But we love the toys manipulatives so it's worth it for me to take a minute to get out the right ones.
  20. I was such a big fan of the family. I mean I did not become Baptist or have 20 kids. But I loved the show, have all their books, and did not understand the "haters" Soooooo, I feel dumb. Am I the only one? Every one else on here is like, "I never liked them," "I always suspected," is there no one else who bought the lies but me? There should have been immediate and severe reactions after the first incident, protections for girls. It is so very clear there was not.
  21. I was a fan. We didn't believe this until we did. It is too horrible to imagine.
  22. Do you have little ones? (5 and under, like me :) ) Because My father's world has awesome kids toys n puzzles. (the rest is Bible-yyy full disclosure!) I would get abeka too! They have a couple random fun items, I like it, and I a NOT an "abeka style" homeschool mom. EDIT don;t bother with Abeka I just remember how integrated the Bible portion is. Mmm but basically I agree with the above... get them all!! ;) Sonlight's catolog reads like a magazine, I do not know if the Bookshark (secular) one is similar but you could check it ou!
  23. I always wanted to homeschool, but the shootings, molestation, peer on peer violence and precocious sex acts, smart phone bullying, etc YEAH that is a factor in my reluctance to send them. So is the walking dead, all the elementary kids here play that during recess. G-uuuhg! But of course it is mostly about being my child's main influence and what is best for him, even outside of PS bad situations.
  24. They have these boxes you can get, they come with a variety of lady supplies to try. And chocolate :) and information. http://helloflo.com/?utm_expid=62424305-0.BZRSrcObSgiJvB8Wc94UrA.0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Helloflo-Conversation-Educational-Information-Celebration/dp/B00NTIETRK
  25. I would start her on the most plastic gentle glide type tampons! Yes there are great organic and 100% cotton tampons out there but to LEARN, I would giver her the ones with the easiest application. The diagrams in the packages are actually pretty good. EDITS: because the organic tampons usually have those ore simple cardboard applicators. I was 13 when my period came and started tampons a year or two later.
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