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Everything posted by Elisabet1

  1. I am upset about something that happened at my son's college. Basically, he ended up on a floor full of football players. These football players are quite often, not very polite. Some of them even like beating the walls with their heads and fists and there are some holes in the walls. Some door knobs to public areas have been broken off too. There is supposed to be no drinking. He is in a dorm where everyone is underage. Supposedly, the school keeps close eye on it. I always figured some kids would probably sneak around and do it anyway. But, I seriously figured that would involve SNEAKING around, not doing it out in the open. Apparently, the footballers were drunk on Wed night. They were smashing around in the hallways and being very loud, and some of them, acting very angry. They were playing something involving "WWE" or something like that, I think it might be related to video games. Anyway, my son was hiding in his room over this. Then he tried to leave to go to the bathroom and one of the drunk kids shoved him back in his room. He dropped his keys. He waited a short bit and stepped back out in the hallway and the keys were gone. Now he has to pay $150 to replace the keys because no one has given them back. It is $75 a key. He is on work study so he had a key to the office where he is working on campus. Nothing at all has happened or will be happening to the footballers for this. I am quite upset over this. Of course, I will sit back and let him deal with it. He is an adult now. But seriously. I was pushing this college for my daughter, and I think I will back off now. But I am actually worried that all colleges will be like this. This is a football crazy state, the only other state I can compare it to as football crazy is Nebraska. Iowa, MN, CA, and SD are nothing like this (even if they think they are, I have lived in those states, no one can compare to NE and TX in being over the top in to their football).
  2. My daughter has been accepted in to that too. I love that there is a residential college. To be honest, I did not like the general population and such at Baylor, so without the honors college, she would not go that route. IF she goes to Baylor, she will be in the honors residential college.
  3. I should add that my son had a GI problems that caused food to hurt his tummy when he ate it, so he would not eat. I am not sure if the lack of chewing helped. But he only started to gain weight when on the pediasure.
  4. My child had to drink liquid drinks. He was always drinking pediasure. Also, you should take her to a ped GI doctor if you have not already and get a complete workup.
  5. I think a vat of xanax would have helped this year. We are extremely stressed!!! I don't drink. But if I were to ever take that up, this would be the time!
  6. I know there are some rock things you can see... some Goddess area. I am not doing a good job here making suggestions I think!
  7. Also, making a child with Aspergers go in to a public school environment that is not fit for him would be like taking a person who is in a wheel chair and throw them on to a track with no wheel chair and then getting frustrated when they do not run along with everyone else, because everyone else can do it, why can't they? Seriously. I have to remind myself all the time of this.
  8. Public school was a disaster here. Public school already has a lot of problems. Throw in Aspergers and it can be a disaster. Just go back to home schooling. I doubt you will regret it. I was supposed to go back to school originally. Years ago, I had gotten full grant for a post-bac nursing program. It would have been a good career move. But it just did not work with my family life.
  9. I would not do a program like that for just this reason. When there are multiple kids, you are better off combining subjects such as science and history. Maybe you could see if the 4th and 5th grader can combine their classes for everything except where their skills prohibit it? Math and spelling are likely the only areas where they are too far apart.
  10. Work study is a big thing in our college decision. We found that the LACs tend to actually give work study and the universities sometimes "award" it but it rarely gets received. My oldest has a work study and it has been a great job!
  11. I don't like CC much. There is this feeling that if you are not headed to the a north eastern school, you are not good enough. However, they do have a lot of good resources. I know if I want the real info on a lot of stuff, their site is pretty reliable.
  12. By the way, I should add that I did just simply attend a state university and it was awful for me. Take in to consideration how your daughter likes to learn more than socialize. That will be a better measure of fit. Does your child prefer to have conversations about what she is learning? Then a school with small classes would be a better fit. Does your child prefer to take in a lecture and work independently? If so, then a large university could be a better fit. My daughter prefers to be in a collaborative environment. Every time she is in a situation where she is just supposed to listen to a lecture and study on her own, she hates it. She doesn't even do well. But when she is in the classroom and can interact and discuss everything at length, then things go great! So she would be much better where she can have small classes. Some people, shy or not, prefer to sit in a lecture hall, listen to lectures, and then do the work. So it really is not about introvert vs extrovert so much as it is learning style.
  13. The midwest has an incredible assortment of schools, you will not be short on looking. I am unsure where you are in the midwest, but my husband and I have talked several times about how if only we still lived in the midwest, we would have every variety of college choices so close by compared to where we are now.
  14. In the olden days, it was math and verbal for the tests. Now, it is math, reading, and writing. So when someone is saying verbal, they are usually referring to the old tests.
  15. You could try switching methods. For us, we have had a child where home schooling just did not work. That child went back to school. I do not recommend that for everyone. But I wanted my child's education to be optimized and being at home was just not working at all for that one child.
  16. When my daughter struggled and went slow through Jacob's Algebra, I added in Keys to Algebra and it made all the difference. I am guessing that MUS would have that effect too. I did it at the same time as the Jacob's Algebra. But I am sure that mixing geometry and algebra would work well. There is not heavy algebra in geometry, but it is there, sort of really. So, you could do that side by side.
  17. You can get a junior ranger badge at each national park. If you are going there, definitely do that. And what would the point of home schooling be if you just stuck to a pre-set order made by some publisher or curriculum writer? I say you should definitely "interrupt" whatever you previously had planned to dive as deep as you can/want in to studying these places.
  18. Not to make light...but this is a true statement... Many people think I am a well organized person with very well behaved children. LOL!! That is what they THINK. What really goes on is not quite the same.
  19. What is WKU? This program sounds wonderful!! I looked it up...Western Kentucky U. I do not think we have programs like that in Texas.
  20. Coming out of public school, kids tend to test "below grade level." However, in home school, you can move so fast that chances are, your child will be way ahead of grade level within a year or two. Just think, if your child ends up "on grade level" by home school standards, then you know your child is ahead of grade level by public school standards. So don't stress!! Just start where he needs and move on from there! Do not stress about "grade levels."
  21. Also, the point was that she does not do the work if she is not engaged and being held accountable. From my experiences of my son at a small LAC, he has gotten his work done and loved his classes and feels involved. For me, when I was in college, in large classes where home work was never turned in and I couldn't even sit close enough to see what the teacher looked like, I just really struggled. I think my daughter is the same way, as evidenced by how she handled her online math class. Plus, I do not think she is that self motivated to study things other people assign, unless she feels engaged in the classes. For example, she continues to spend tons of time studying Gaelic, a class she takes through the community. But still can barely get herself to pick up her math book, still. She swears she wants to major in math or a STEM major. Originally, she wanted to major in languages (Linguistics, but the language subsection). But that is a whole other thing. I just think she needs to feel an emotional connection, and large classes will not suit her at all. I think she will do fine at school when she has that connection. But she will melt away and go in to her depression and anger with frustration if not. Maybe this is related to the APD, I don't know. However, I did take her shopping yesterday, and during the trip, had a deep discussion with her where she actually listened to my concerns. We brainstormed some smaller schools she could like and do well in. She agreed with me (or at least pretended to, LOL, good enough!) She came home excited to get to work on the smaller schools and such.
  22. I have 3 sons on the spectrum. We did get her evaluated and they said no, she was not on the spectrum. But honestly, we really see this in her. She was evaluated years ago and had auditory processing disorder. This new eval was by people who generally deal in Autism Spectrum Disorder, not the other things, like APD. I do wonder if being a girl, it was harder to get her DX'd. Most people dx'd with this are boys.
  23. My 12 yr old has Aspergers. I am not sure how much of this is the ASD or just being a 12 yr old boy. I went through this with my daughter, only way worse. Anyway, he does not like me giving him lessons. Today, I had a hands on lessons about circumference and area of a circle. No way! I thought it would help because he keeps forgetting the equations for these. Instead, he got all upset and did not want to do it. He drug his feet (and fingers) every step of the way. Finally, I gave up and told him if he felt he already could do this without any fun instructions from me, then he was fine to be on his own. I wrote his lessons on the board and sent him to his seat. Is there anything better I can do? Or just keep chugging away at this? Thanks!
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