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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am going to guess she is almost out of TP and can't make it to the store until later?
  2. Our lines run from our back deck to our garage. We just used plain clothesline rope from lowes. I don't hang out undies and socks because I am too lazy LOL. I add some vinegar to the wash for fabric softner.
  3. I am just making up gift bags that I got from the $ store. Nothing fancy, but it's the first year we are doing it. I am excited!
  4. Could be. I just want it to STOP lol. I feel like I am finally getting healthy and fit and now I will be healthy, fit and bald :lol:
  5. Thanks everyone. I did buy some organic eggs today and am going to try to eat one each morning. I am going to look into the vitamins and supplements recommended too. I don't mind eating fish and chicken and am going to think @ adding those back in. I just feel so good and have been losing so well I don't really want to change things around.
  6. I started notice hair loss @ a year ago and didn't really pay much attention to it until April or May of this year when I went to a new to me hair stylest and she urged me to see my Dr because the top of my hair was really thinning. I went to my Dr who did some blood work and everything was normal except for my liver levels and billirubin, but with my gallbladder issues that wasn't a suprise, and I am deficient in Vit D. I have also been on thyroid meds since forever, but had switched from levothyroxin to armour in July of last year because I heard Armour was better for you. I did a bit of research and found that thyroid meds can cause hair loss and so can Vit D deficiency. I just recently started taking 5000 IU of Vit D a day and also trying to get out in the sun 10-15 minutes atleast 3 days a week. I also switched back to levothyroxin because I never had trouble with it and thinking maybe the Armour was casuing the hair loss. In my research I found that stress and losing weight quickly can cause hair loss. I did lose alot of weight, but it has been slow and I feel I am eating healthy. I wonder though if my vegan diet is playing a role in the loss? As far as stress, I have been under a lot for along time, but most of the research showed that you will have a period of hair loss after the episode of stress/weight or whatever and then it starts to regrow. My hair loss has been going on for along time now, so I don't know if it could be from the weight or stress. If so, shouldn't it have stopped by now? I know it's only been @ 2 weeks since I changed thyroid meds and started the Vit D, and also started using Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy, but it seems the hair loss is worse. I have to clean the shower drain and my hair brush every day and can easily pull out a small handful of hair without much effort. I am getting very concerned! My Dr was clueless and told me to use better shampoo? That was it. Now what? I did make an appointment with a dermatologist for next week, but in the meantime, I am afraid I am going to be bald! What else should I be doing? Should I switch back to eating meat/eggs/dairy? I do take a multi-vitamin, B-12 and fish oil. Thanks if you read this far!
  7. We hang out 85% of our wash, we have been shutting off the AC at bedtime and making sure all the lights are off at bed. The kids were bad @ leaving bathroom lights or out side light on. Also, shutting down computers & printers.
  8. I just read a bunch of reviews on the LoF web site and I like what I am seeing, but I am wondering how self-teaching these books are? I was looking into DVD options to help me with the teaching, will I regret not having dvd and going with LoF?
  9. Are these stand alone math courses? What would your 4 year high school plan look like using these?
  10. I looked at the site real quick, but I didn't see a pre-algeba course? What do you use before Alg 1?
  11. Any review on these? How would you use this? Watch the DVD and then read the book for that lecture? Or read, then watch? Or...? Would watching the DVD and reading/discussing the book be enough for literature? Or would you add in a lit guide in?
  12. I just checked amd my library doens't have them :( Do you know if the schedule attached would work for the new Apologia chemistry?
  13. I had this once, but my kids never watched them. Now I notice it's on sale and I was wondering what everyone thought of these dvd's? Are they hard to line up with Apologia Chemistry? Good buy or not?
  14. On the first day of public school we always get donuts and chocolate milk, a rare treat, and head to the play ground. This year I am going to make each kid up a gift bag with his/her supplies and stuff and give them that when we get back. I usually have everything opened and organized for them, but I think they would have fun doing it themselves instead. We will get our binders put together and probably do math and english and call it a day! :)
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