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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I had mine out a month ago. I did eveything I could to keep it and it was a 16 month struggle. I really wish I would have had it out sooner as I had some problems after that I believe were/are directly related to waiting too long. The surgery itself was a breeze. Everyone told me that and I was skeptical, but really, it was so simple and I was up and about that night.
  2. Thank you all :grouphug: I am glad that I am not the only one feeling overhwlemed. As of today I am planning on sticking with TOG ( of course this is subject to change lol). As someone pointed out, I have bought it and sold it twice and keep being drawn to it. I am going to rest in my descision to use it this year and tweak as needed.
  3. I think this is what we will do and see how the year unfolds.
  4. I will keep that in mind. Right now I have the first 9 weeks mapped out and will try to do the next 9 before we finish with them. Thanks!
  5. LOL yes! :blush: I do want to like TOG, I just get overwhelmed with the planning and the actual using it. I think we will try TOG lite and see how it goes. Maybe after a few months it will click and we will love it.
  6. Thanks. We have already done SOTW so I wanted something dfferent for our next go around.
  7. I am dealing with this right now too and saw a dermatologist last week. She wants me to get my thyroid retested and also suggested checkng my iron stores. Ferritin ( sp) levels I think is what she called it. She diagnosed me with: http://www.aocd.org/skin/dermatologic_diseases/telogen_effluvium.html which is caused from things such as thyroid, low iron, stress ( which I know you have been dealing with :grouphug:) and some illnesses. But I would definitely start with blood work and go from there. Best wishes!
  8. I did look at the samples the other day and it looks like a nice program and I probably have the majority of the books, too. We are doing Ancients this year and I need to make some sort of descision soon as we start the 25th LOL! I think I am seriously having last minute jitters. We have such a full schedule this year :eek:
  9. Good idea. We can just start slowly and work into it. I forget we will be going through this again in 4 years. Thanks!
  10. I have bought the Writers Inc books, Writing Strands, Format Writing, the Wordsmith books, PTIW, Writing Trails, and I am sure some others LOL. My biggest problem is ME. I need to stick with a program and just teach it. This year I bought IEW and hope we can work through it.
  11. My high schoolers are using text books and my 13 yo on down will be using TOG. I just feel, I don't know, guilty? for not using TOG as is. Maybe I am just having cold feet LOL
  12. Has anyone here simply read from a spine, added in some good literature, maybe some narrations & summaries and maybe some map work along the way and that's it for history? I have TOG bought, scheduled and ready to go, but the more I look at it, the more overwhelmed and nervous I get. It looks like a wonderful program, but I think I want something lighter. I'd love to follow something sort of like Ambleside, but the thought of pulling it together with multiple kids makes my eyes twitch LOL. I read LCC a while back and am hoping to reread it. Maybe that's what I am looking for? I don't know what I want :confused: I think I am an unschooler at heart.
  13. We have co-op classes on Thursdays and it's hard to get everything done before 11:45 which gives us enough time to eat and leave. I was hoping to do math & latin in the monrings those days. I will have to look at our schedule again. Maybe we could get up extra early that day. I do have our TOG week starting on Friday so we can do reading over the weekend.
  14. Can this be done? We used to do a 4 day week and the last 2 years we did 5, but I am thinking a 4 day week would be wonderful again. The only thing I am worried about it TOG.
  15. I just bought this but haven't looked at it yet, do you watch the DVD's alone and then teach your student or do you watch them with your student?
  16. The way I look at it is when you are older and past being able to have a baby, will you regret not having one more? Or if you did have one more, would you look at that child and regret having him/her? Maybe give it a few months and see how you feel and then decide.
  17. I completely understand. To me it wasn't about whether home was better than hospital, it was about choice. A woman should have a choice about how and when to birth her baby. Period. You have educated yourself and you have made a choice. Stand your ground.
  18. I know I am weird, but I love being pregnant! I do get morning sickness, but it's not terrible and usually only last until @ 12-13 weeks. My biggest complaint is my sciatic gets really bad and with my last two-three babies my pubic bones seperated making walking expremely painful. But I still love the whole process and the reward is worth every minute of being uncomfortable.
  19. I follow the suggestion of someone here and soak the steel cut oats over night. In the morning I just bring it to a boil, stir and turn down to a simmer and they are done in @ 10 minutes.
  20. My 18 yo was very late losing teeth. They thought he might no have adult teeth, but he did and they were just taking their time. He had his last baby tooth pulled when he was 16 LOL.
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