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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Another vote for R&S grammar and I think I would start in either book 6 or 7 if you have't done much grammar yet.
  2. Drat. Hopefully the walking will help. Hang in there, almost over! :grouphug:
  3. I did end up getting an epi with my 6th (7th and 8th) because my 5th's birth was so traumatic that I was literally sick with fear from the moment I found out I was pregnant with # 6. Then when we decided to home birth with our 9th that fear came back and I think the fear had something to do with my bodies refusal to go into labor, although I don't think I was ready when they tried to evict her. When I got pregnany with my last, another planned hb, that fear was there and I prayed daily for peace. By the time he was born, at home, I had a peace about the pain and actually had a very easy labor and delivery.
  4. I have still to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe a nurse or a midwife or something with natural diet and nutrition. But all of those things were influenced by my life so far. Had I not had children, I probably would have gone a totally different route.
  5. Yet! Wont be long now if he is to be born between 12-1am :D Good to hear you called and she had time to make changes to be ready.
  6. I would call her to let her know so she can be ready, but I wouldn't want her to come out until some contractions started. Of course when you call she might prefer to come on over now anyhow.
  7. The only non labor time my water has broke, it sort of just trickled out. No big pop and I wasn't sure what had happened. I hope this is IT for you!!!
  8. Just now seeing this and I am glad she is ok! Praying for her.
  9. Let's see my 4th was 15 days late and weighed 11#s and he wasn't my latest nor my biggest :D Hoping todays the day Aubrey! :grouphug:
  10. I ordered some from www.classroomdirect.com an they have free shipping over $50 :D
  11. Two of my sons have used Saxon's upper level courses and have done well with them. If you are looking for an alternative, what about Chalkdust?
  12. We have 7 boys and out of the 5 that can read, all enjoy reading except my 15 yo, who has recently begun to read more on his own! We have never allowed them to read super gory stuff and don't agree with the article at all.
  13. Well every single one of my kids were late. The earliest I have gone is 9 days over and I tried everything I could. Praying you have your baby today, but in the meantime relax and pamper yourself. :grouphug:
  14. Thanks, Heather! That looks like a nice doable schedule.
  15. Oh, how fun! We love ordering from hometraining tools and it's like Christmas when the big brown truck arrives. Have fun!
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