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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I do a big shopping every 2 weeks and then on the odd week pick up a few items. On the big shopping trip I get these items from SAMS: 5# bag of shredded either mozerrella or cheddar 5# block of sliced cheese 4# butter 7 gallons milk( last less than a week) two # 10 size cans of crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce olive oil three bunches bananas ( last less than a week) 15 # bag of potatoes two 5# bags of carrots large bag raw broccoli large bag celery large bag raw spinach green peppers few bags of fruit Once a month or so-SAMS 15 dozen eggs 25# white flour 5# honey onions large bag frozen blueberries 50# bag of white sugar-last a few months 25# white rice-last 1-2 months depending. I eat brown but they prefer white. I try to buy one large jar of spice/seasoning per month Yeast-every few months pasta noodles/spaghetti brown sugar & confectionary sugar tea bags a box of 45 rolls of toilet paper-a month :glare: salad dressing/mayo as needed ketchup/mustard On average I spend @ $400 a month at SAMS. I order my grains and baking supplies via a food co-op and probably spend @ $50 a month there if I average it. I don't really know how much I spend there because I have been stocking up so it's been a lot higher. From the co-op I buy: wheat berries brown rice rolled oats & steel cut oats peanut butter raisins nutritional yeast baking soda baking powder Then I go to Wal-mart every two weeks and buy: coffee jelly dry beans/lentils frozen veggies salsa cleaning supplies shampoo/soap/toothpaste etc trash bags diapers & pull ups any odds and ends to put together meals. I am sure I am forgetting something here but it's early lol On the odd weeks I pick up milk, fruits and veggies any odds and ends. All together I spend @ $800 a month on everthing.
  2. When we first started home schooling I spent @ $1200-$1500 a year for 7 or 8 kids. Now I spend quite a bit more than that but we are using a few different curriculums that are more expensive. In a few years I should have eveyrthing I need purchased and only need to purchase a few items a year.
  3. I used to work from home in a teen chat area for a major internet service provider. I was talking to one of my friends via IM about a co-worker and really going off until I realized I was talking to the co-worker who I was complaining about. Whoops.:blushing:
  4. We have 2 twoels for each person, but I still wash towels every day. I have a lot of wash cloths, but I have no idea how many is a lot lol.
  5. I agree with everything that has been said above. I combine history, science, latin, read alouds, Bible, art, music etc. The only subjects we do at grade level, in the younger years, is math and grammar.
  6. :iagree: My Dh did 2 routes while in college and those money gifts at the holidays really helped.
  7. Can one use the dry home made recipe in a front loader? Thanks!
  8. When my oldest DD was a baby DH, her and me were in the audience of People Are Talking and the show was about people who married young. The host, same guy who now does America's Funnies Home Videos, asked me and DH to stand up and asked us some questions. Our 15 minutes of fame. :D
  9. One of my younger boys got the chicken pox and broke out during church one Sunday. He was fine that morning, started looking sick at church and I noticed he was warm. We brought him home and saw the tell tale signs. The man who has been sititng at the end of our bench had never had the chicken pox. He got very very sick and was in the hospital for days. I don't remember all the details, but I remember he was hospitilized and after he was very angry with us. I apologized and did feel bad even though I had no idea the kids were sick when we left the house that morning. So, if it were me and my kids were exposed with a good chance of being contagious, I would stay out of public until I was sure. Just my 2 cents :)
  10. This what happened to me @ 8-9 months ago. I went from 28 days to anywhere from 21-26. I saw a midwife who suggesteed progeterone cream, but I haven't started usingit yet. I turned 40 last month.
  11. I can't post on the TOG boards for some reason, but I am wondeirng if they will still offer the assorted books for the TOG units? Thanks.
  12. Thank you all. I do have a handwash/wool cycle on my machine( A front loader if that matters?), but I don't know if that means it wont spin it? I am going to try washing it this afternoon and I hope it comes out nice!
  13. I was blessed with a beautiful black wool pea coat. The only problem is the previous owner had a tan dog and a white cat so it has alot of hair. I used a piece of tape to remove as much as I can, but it still needs to be cleaned better. Can I wash it and hang it to dry? The tag says nothing about cleaning. It states it's: 60% wool 30 % polyester 5 % rayon 5 % other The inside is 100% polyester Thanks!
  14. Thanks everyone! I am doing a lot of the things you all mentioned already, it's just hard to see the big picture when it's in front of you in the day to day. Thank you for the encouragement!
  15. I feel like we are just getting our work done each day so we can check it off the to do list. I'd love it if my kids loved learning and seeking knowledge, how do you teach that or create that love in your children?
  16. I absolutely love Neutrogena's Mineral Sheers Powder Foundation. http://www.neutrogena.com/CosmeticsDetails_424.asp?lProductLineID=4
  17. I used a baby food mill and would just grind up whatever I was eating. So if we were traveling all I needed was the mill.
  18. DH is still at work, I sent the kids into their rooms to play/computer time and I am browsing the boards while watching House reruns. Major excitement :glare: :D
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