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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. DH said it was caused by the lint and dust gathering in the bottom of the dryer, like under where the lint screen is. I will definitely never again run a dryer while not home or awake!
  2. Something inexpensive. He doesn't really have any hobbies besides reading. Doesn't have his own vehicle yet. He is done with school and will be working full time until fall when he starts college. I am drawing a blank!
  3. We have laundry going 24/7 here it seems and had just put a load going in the dryer and then I went to bed. TG my teens stay up late because one of them noticed the smell and DH and the boys were able to deal with it almost immediately. I hate to think what could have happend had we all been asleep! No more laundry going at bed or when we aren't home.
  4. I watched a clip of them and they said they ate plain oatmeal for breakfast, PNBT and jelly ( 1 tbsp each) on homemade bread for lunch and beans/rice on tortillas for dinner and drank tang for Vit C. Doesn't sound too healthy really. I am thinking instead of tortillas, which can be pricey if they bought premade, they could have added some canned veggies atleast. The could probably do beans, veggies and rice or potatoes for lunch and be filled up more and healthier. It cost just a few dollars to toss together a large pot of veggie soup. Toss in a can of beans and your go to go. That could have fed them lunch for a week. Be an interesting experiment though.
  5. My Ds has two finals left, both on Monday. He is reallly looking foward to having a break and is already registred for his spring classes.
  6. Thanks, Karen. I saw those but not exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate the link though!
  7. for one of the history assignments. I don't see it on my loom CD. Anyone have a link to one? I know there are some in the WA book/CD but I don't have that. Thanks!
  8. :iagree: I was trying to type a reply and couldn't word it right. Well said.
  9. MIT to be tuition-free for families earning less than $75,000 a year. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/tuition-0307.html I knew Harvard was doing something like this, but I didn't know MIT offered the same! Sorry if this had already been posted.
  10. Would I need the writing aids book to do the project?
  11. We aren't using WA and are using IEW instead. I planned on continueing with IEW, but I have seen a few posts mention the writing in R level. Now I am wondering if we should do WA instead next year or maybe in addition to WA?
  12. I have pre-ordered the new year 2 and am hoping they hit 450 orders soon!
  13. LOL same here. We had our first 8 in 10.5 years! I did have some lovely person leave a negative remark once on my blog re: family size and I just deleted it. People have no class. I will gladly keep popping em out as long as He blesses me with them.
  14. Thanks for the encouagement. Year 1 is going good! It's taken a while to go from simple one word answers to putting some thought into the Q and A (and we still aren't completely there). I have been happy with how are week goes and what we are doing, but I am still torn over whether to continue or not. My Dd isn't a history lover and doesn't see the point of studying it LOL. She does the work, but I'd love for her to love it, kwim? We are only on week 13 and I do feel like we are finally getting into a groove and it's getting easier. I also worry whether "I" am cut out fo this! I have never done lit analysis myself, how can I teach R level TOG? :eek: I think I am afraid of failing, kwim? Anyhow, thank you all!
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