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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Have your older children help you. My children correct each other's math. They show it to me after and I go over any areas that need help. It saves me a ton of time and some sanity :D
  2. Thank you all, I appreciate the ideas and information.
  3. I know the ACT they aren't so they are encouraged to answer evertything. Is the SAT different? If they don't know something should they leave it blank? Thanks.
  4. It is very sad, but I wondered the same thing. Why not just drive the kid to school?
  5. I am thinking my 12 yo might be ADHD but I haven't had him evaluated. What natural things can I do to help him before we go the eval/med route?
  6. We keep preschool very light here. My 4 yo will be using R&S preschool books and HWT get ready for school. I chose workbooks for him so he could do school while the big kids do.
  7. I put other. If TOG doesn't sell a printed version of year 4 by the time I need it in two years, I will most likely order the DE and have it printed, but I really really don't want to.
  8. The bolded part right there is the most important. Enjoy your babies, let your kids be kids. It really does go by in a blink.
  9. You can buy a pronounciation CD for Henle. http://www.acbooks.net/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=ACB&Product_Code=STAx2r
  10. Ok, I called. Part of the why I wasn't sure what to do was because the Dr who did his neuropsych eval wanted him to switch to a new neuro, who specializes in children and happens to be local to us, instead of his old neuro who is 1.5 hours away and sees patients of all ages. We hadn't gotten our first appointment yet so I didn't know who to call. I called their office, explained what was going on and we have an appointment on the 10th with the new neuro specialist!
  11. Bible Study Guide For All Ages Chalkdust Alg I Apologia Physical Science TOG year 2 IEW Medieval Based Writing Lessons CLE English 9 SWR spelling Intro to Logic I Henle Latin I SOS Spanish I Vocab From the Classical Roots A Meet the Great Composers Short Lessons in Art History
  12. We had bears often in Maine as well as moose and other critters. I ditto getting a diog or dogs. Other than that we just leave them alone.
  13. Thank you Laurie. I think I am looking for list grouped by sounds. Too bad there isn't an already made resoucne LOL. I can put list together as we work though. I think that would really benefit my 12 yo.
  14. My almost 10 year old son has been disgnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD and undiagnosed with some sort of processing issue. He has generalized tonic clonic seizures at night and they are thinking absence seizures during the day. He is on Lamictal 150 mg twice a day. He has been recieving OT, with the same therapist, for @ 14 months now. They moved into a new building in Janaury and he has been going there twice a week since. Everytime we are there he uses the bathroom and he knows his way around the building fairly well. He has always found the bathroom himself without trouble. Monday he asked his therapist if he could use the bathroom, she said yes, but he then looked confused, kind of turned around a few times and then asked her where the bathroom was. She showed him where it was, thought it was kind of strange for him, but didn't give it much thought. Tuesday he saw her again and the same thing happened. He asked to use the bathroom, started walking towards the hall and then had to be shown where the bathroom was. After OT he has ST in the same building. He had been chewing gum and realized he needed to throw it out to do his lessons. He couldn't find the trash and had to be shown where the barrel was. He definitely knew where it was before. After his OT spoke with me yesterday I remembered that during his reading lesson yesterday he seemed off. He has been doing well but yesterday was back to not knowing his short vowel sounds and I had to remind him a few times. The therapist wondered if what happened Monday and Tuesday were seizures, but this doesn't sound like a seizure to me at all. What does this sound like to you? Should I call his pedi or the Dr who did his neuro-eval or his neurologist? Wait until his next neuro appointment? One of the other kids has an appointment with our pedi next week, should I wait and bring it up then? He is supposed to be having a 3 hour EEG soon( it's been 5 weeks already though) and when he can get scheduled, a 24 hour EEG at children's hospital. Thanks if you read this far!
  15. My 6th grader's plans for fall: Bible Study Guide For All Ages Chalkdust Basic Math Apologia General Science TOG year 2 IEW Medieval Based Writing Lessons Rod & Staff English SWR spelling Henle Latin Vocab from the Classical Roots Living Memory The Fallacy Detective Meet the Great Composers Short Lessons in Art History
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