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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Just wondering if you have your R level kids doing a timeline. Thanks!
  2. I have the new WTM but I don't think I want to use the US History recommendation. What are you or have you used? I have both Spielvogel's HO and WC for world. Thanks!
  3. My Dd is in 9th and working through Saxon Alg 1/2. She did CD pre-alg last year and we tried CD Alg 1 this fall, which was a bomb, so we started Saxon Alg 1/2. She is on lesson 67 and math has been taking her longer and longer do complete each day. Today she has been working for over two hours and is still not finished. She is getting a large % wrong each day, which we do correct. I have the Art Reed DVD's plus my 17 yo helping her. She just isn't getting it. I have no clue what to do at this point. We have 12 weeks of school left so I don't really want to start a new program right now, but I can't see continuing at this pace either. I purchased Saxon Alg 1 for fall but I don't see her being able to move up to that. I am open to any suggestions.
  4. Did you notice the site they linked? Her sling cost $269 :svengo:
  5. We just did this! My 13 yo wrote to Jelly Belly and recieved a reply today with a free sample of jelly beans! My DD wrote to Mars @ M&MS. I am looking forward to her reply letter :D
  6. I got the same letter and wondered the same thing!
  7. My Ds is finished with the Notgrass Government. If you want to look through it let me know.
  8. I'm not sure if you would be interested in Teaching the Classics, but you can dowload a syllabus from the IEW yahoo site that combines Teaching the Classics and Windows to the World into a year long course. We have been using it this year.
  9. Yes, exactly! I have a list of books I want to read that aren't on TOG's list. I do think I will use some of TOG's books, but I pretty much want to use the list in TWTM and use the study guide format from WEM.
  10. I have been toying with the idea of doing a GB study next year with my 9th and 10th graders. But I just thought why not keep TOG for the history, but use WTM/WEM for the literature. Do you think this would work? I know some of the lit would not line up perfectly with the history but I am ok with that. I'd like to take the lit a little slower anyways. This way I could keep all my kids in TOG and be on the same page with history. Am I crazy for considering this? :D
  11. We don't eat processed foods and no fake meats except maybe once or twice a year we will have seitan, which is made from wheat gluten. Just because something is vegetarian doesn't make it healthy LOL. We eat just as you described beans, rice veggies, smoothies, whole grains etc.
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