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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I do have one and am going to tape it up today! Thanks for the tip!
  2. See I had planned to eat the way I was forever. Then I started a nibble here and a nibble there of things I knew I shouldn't be eating and slowly the scale started moving in the wrong direction. A few pounds here, a few there and wham it ads up fast.
  3. Thank you all. I really appreciate the replies. I am an emotional eater too and this last year has been rough. I have lost weight before and put that weight back on too. I need to find out why I keep losing and regaining and break that chain. I was thinking about joining overeaters anonymous. I found a local meeting but haven’t been brave enough to attend yet.
  4. About a year ago, maybe a bit longer, I posted here how I lost over 100#s. Well I have gained a lot of it back, not quite all of it, but close enough. I lie in bed every night regretting that I didn't stick to a healthy eating plan during the day and vow to start tomorrow. Repeat the next day. I know how to diet, I know what to eat and what to avoid, I know I need to exercise and have the equipment to do so. I even have a gym membership. I am worried about diabetes and have enough risk factors for it to be a real concern. So what is my problem!? I seriously need to get motivated and I am hoping that coming clean with you all is step one. Hitting submit with a red face :blush:
  5. We live in a rental house and the under the cabinet microwave stopped working. It was probably 15 years old, atleast, but I still felt we should replace it. I wanted to do this without spending a fortune though. I found one for $30! It looks almost new and works perfectly! I know this isn't homeschool related but I wanted to share my blessing!
  6. I second gallbladder. I would have sharp pain under my right rib but I would also have pain that wrapped all the way around.
  7. Thanks everyone! We will aim for a chapter a week but slow it down when needed.
  8. How quickly did you move through the chapters and exercises? Did you use this in addition to another program or as a standalone program? Thanks!
  9. Community college- calc I and comp II (fall) Notgrass Economics SOS Spanish II Apologia Advanced Physics ( he is just about finished) He is going to be studying for the Physics SAT II test when he finishes the adv. physics in a few weeks. We might add another science in the spring at the CC. He has enough credits right now though so I am not sure.
  10. We live in NW Arkansas. Our July gas bill was 41CCF and $40.98. July's electric bill was 4,310 kwh and $385. This month's should be about the same or a bit higher as it's been so hot the AC has been on 24/7 and can't keep up. In the winter the gas runs @ $150-$175 and the electric @ $200-$225. Our house is older and poorly insulated. We freeze all winter and roast all summer. We plan to find another rental in the spring.
  11. I made copies/printed all the papers/worksheets we will need for the year and have them filed by the week.
  12. Thanks everyone! He started his antibiotics today so he should be on the mend.
  13. Interesting. We must have a high rate per gallon. Our last bill was 20XXX gallons and $174. I do think we have a leak or one of the kids left the hose on or somethig because my new bill is 40XXX gallons and $296! I about fainted when I saw the total.
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