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Everything posted by Tsuga

  1. I came into my face at around 32. I had quite a baby face until then. Even my mom noticed. Now I'm getting fine lines. So I had like... 5 good years. Does anti-aging cream work?
  2. Honestly, I find it more inAppropriate knowing the details. An admin or faculty, the whole school? That's a fundamental misunderstanding of email at work. A housing manager, only his charges, follow up in the basement? What the heck? This guy has the keys to the rooms? I would not be at all mollified by the offer to discuss this privately or in the basement on Wednesday afternoon. I don't want to know why you sent out an email on the female orgasm. I want to know who hired you and what your qualifications are to manage a dormitory.
  3. Yes, I do agree with that. However, it's also a good springboard for a student than needs more time to develop. There's always moving forward to office manager, or going back for a teaching degree, you know?
  4. As a vet tech, she needs to be able to pass college level math at the community college. She's on track and should do fine with that. My question about chemistry: if she's passed algebra, why not standard chem? She doesn't need to get an A or even a B. Getting a C through hard work and applying herself is perfectly respectable. After all, she's not trying to get into medical school. She's looking at an allied health-type position. It sounds well within her reach. Do you think she'd fail chem, or just not ace it? One thing I think homeschoolers tend to do is not accept kids not fully getting 100% of the material. But the fact is, for a young person who is a hard, diligent worker but who isn't naturally talented at math, a C is just fine. In fact I would say pushing herself should really be encouraged. She'll need chem at the CC level and this will help her ease into it. A young woman who's pushed herself and tried her best in HS and gotten through Trig, chem, and possibly physics as a senior, will be well-prepared to take an allied-health level track at the local CC, where they work with many students from all backgrounds and she'll have the chance to get credit for her hard work. I wish your daughter the best. That sounds like a rewarding career and a great career for someone who hopes to raise children--flexible. Also, though it's not very high pay, the field is a BIG growth field, so there's stability.
  5. Holy cow, at 7! That's really rough. I'm sorry your son is facing this.
  6. I separate night training and day training. My kids were night-dry from like... literally three months they'd wake up dry and I'd pee them over the potty. But then, THEY NEVER F*&%ING SLEPT SO NO SURPRISES THERE. I'd take a bedwetter over a non-sleeper any day of the week. Literally. Take my insomniac children.
  7. That is true. Also, only an a**hokey would not let you actually install the seats in a car you plan to buy. Bring them along, make sure they are clean (ish) and strap them in. I wouldn't buy a sedan if I could not personally install the seats.
  8. All these remind me so much of this post, reposted by HRH George Takei and gone viral on reddit:
  9. The Nissan Rogue is absolutely tiny and easy to park. It drives like a car. The roof rack makes it possible to bring things around. Low gas mileage and cheap. It's my partner's car, not mine. I can't stand SUVs for myself. I drive alone most of the time [insert long rant about attempts to use transport, bike, and carpool] and I hate dragging all that around, but if I were mostly driving around kids I'd feel much differently about the car. The Rogue is not spacious. It's the SUV for someone who really doesn't want an SUV and doesn't need a huge van, but has more than five people in the family. Like us. :)
  10. Yep, can't go wrong with iTunes or Amazon gift cards. Failing that, just because she's well-off doesn't mean she can't be an interesting person. I understand if you haven't got time for thoughtful gifts for all the nieces and nephews, but if you have, I wouldn't write off a good book. My step-daughter is well-cared for and into all kinds of public school stuff like cheer, dances, and music of course, 14-going-on-18 describes it perfectly, but she is also thoughtful and appreciates a well-thought-out gift like a special book, or a little piece of art. You never know... she might rebel against her mother's materialism.
  11. The Handmaid's Tale contains a rape scene. It's pretty graphic. Not pornographic, I agree, but graphic. Just FYI to the OP. I think all the books recommended here are excellent.
  12. Ugh. Nope, and where I worked, it was mainly family places (so, adults there at all times, like, responsible, business-owning, upstanding adults). Plus Starbucks. Nobody at this Starbucks was pushing anything though. I'd have known. Really. I do want my kids to have jobs but I wouldn't ask them to work where I wouldn't work myself and I wouldn't work where they could be a shootout over a drug deal! OTOH... we don't live in Appalachia so we have opportunities that do not involve working for a coke dealer. I'm sorry you face that.
  13. Ahhhh. Yes, those details matter a lot. I googled it. Might as well post here: http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/uw-la-crosse-hall-director-reprimanded-for-email-on-orgasms-b99590429z1-330725971.html He wanted to have a follow-up discussion in the basement. Dear lord. Either he is a true creep or he has a steep learning curve ahead of him in terms of social expectations!
  14. I fit three across a Corolla. I could never swing it with more than one booster though. Convertible/convertible/infant or two infant seats with a convertible in the middle were the max.
  15. Never ignore potty-training signals. Windows may be rare! I say go for it.
  16. If the landlord is this cheap over a $30 check fee, I'd hate to see the state of the house. :( Whoever sent the check pays. I'd hand-deliver the next one. I'd also include the cost of bounced checks and late fees in the deposit if you're dealing with sketchy people. If you have to send your tenants certified mail for checks of $30, maybe re-think your client base?
  17. I have used one similar to that in that price range. It would be really great for a child under the age of 9 or so, who basically just wanted a really, really fancy magnifying glass. I.e. great as a science-related toy. I would not use it for science labs in a school / homeschool setting. Tough call on how to return it. How old are your kids?
  18. At 5, you are being mean. At 10, you are being strict but she'll learn. At 14, you are not being mean at all--but you forgive her because 14 is hard. At 18, she's the one being mean to you. She's eighteen. She's allowed to hate the shampoo. She's allowed to forget. She's not allowed to treat you like a slave to fulfill her sensitive, forgetful little head's every whim. Get your own shampoo, babycakes. You can't drive? Walk. You guys obviously don't live in the ghetto. Every adult I know has biked or walked at least 5 miles to work or school at some point. And that's not even that hard! Like that's nothing compared to what people used to have to do. She can figure it out. Frankly, if she were giving me flack, I'd probably have her get her own shampoo from now on.
  19. I would like to bring a different perspective to this. Edited: My perspective was totally wrong because this was, as per the post below, totally a question of a director of a facility spamming just the people in that facility. Unfortunately much creepier than old tenured faculty using e-mail to all inappropriately. :(
  20. I don't know. I do what Gil says and it never stops her from trying again. Someone make it stop please.
  21. That includes before they knew they were pregnant though. I didn't binge drink but I did have two drinks once! I didn't know. It was pre-morning sickness.
  22. No. Not really. I mean if he smelled nice and had a good personality, he definitely exceeds my physical baseline (two eyes, fit, etc.) but out of celebrities he is not my type.
  23. You learn something new every day. I do A and will continue to do so but now that will be in spite of the knowledge that B is technically correct. Huh.
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