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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. He saw it and brought up the EMFs. I’m pretty sure he will legally be allowed to see where they live sometime, too. I had to give him my address. I’ll probably just take that room. I ordered a twin for myself so I might be able to fit everything. The heaters will be in the hallway, not the room.
  2. I am just a renter. This landlord is the only person I could find in my area that rents without all the stipulations. One other rental required me to earn 3x the rent in take home pay. I couldn’t afford it. Plus, no pets allowed. He said I could bring my cat. And the rent is lower here than in the city. At this point I have been denied alimony so I’m scraping by. This man added on 2 rooms in the back (bedroom & laundry area) but I don’t know what that front room was. Maybe it was originally part of the living room? The closet is brand new so I doubt it was a bedroom. This home has no basement (not common to have a basement in Mississippi). I have not seen any evidence of an attic. I don’t know that anyone would *see* issues with the breaker box but it makes you wonder (higher chances of cancer down the line? Poor sleeping, etc). Dd has a computer modem in her current room in dh’s house because the office was changed to her room. I hate it. But I think it’s hard to move the modem because of the cords.
  3. Depending on what you ask it may not be a big deal. Offering child care is great.
  4. I’m seriously considering just taking this room. If I want to set up my craft tables I’ll have to put them in the living room or something. Without dh around, I don’t have to worry about the complaints surrounding my crafts in the open so much lol My dad bought things to help reduce EMFs in his house on the outlets. Dh recalls a sticker or something on my dad’s breaker box. My dad has a tester device so I’ll ask him if he tested the EMFs before/after using the sticker thing. I could put that on the box but might still take the room. I can sell dd on the other room easily if we switch (more space to play). I don’t think dd would mess with the box but that’s possible. Yes, that could be for the heat. Landlord says we’re going to have 2 floor heaters. I can’t visualize them and I asked him if they would be safe around kids... like you don’t touch it and burn yourself. He said it would be enclosed. But I have no idea what I’m getting.
  5. My house is behind schedule again (big surprise 🙄). I just noticed a gas line and the breaker box in the room dd is supposed to have. I don’t know how to make this work. Don’t breaker boxes release EMFs? There’s actually a breaker box in my current room but I never gave it much thought til now. Yes, they need to cover the box. I don’t know why it’s open. Can they cover up a gas line? I don’t want to have to trade rooms with her. I kinda need to extra space. Ds requested a bigger room which I already gave him. The breaker box is behind her bedroom door which is why I didn’t see it at first. I just noticed what appears to be a gas line. Didn’t even know what it was at first. would this stuff bother you? (removed images)
  6. You’re nailing it.... I keep seeing social media posts saying stop sharing personal stories. I personally think that can work sometimes, while other times it makes the story teller seem self involved (guilty). So, the advice I’m seeing pushed is to simply validate and listen. More or less. If someone keeps talking then maybe you can just say, “I hear you” or “ugh that sounds awful.” I think you’re doing great!
  7. I thought that was to me at first. I practically typed debt a center
  8. I’m not planning to get the vaccine. I found a used portable. I’m picking it up this week. It will fit in my SUV. I found the seller on Facebook.
  9. I’m not very willing lol I don’t have a truck and the majority of these types of places are an hour away. Rebt-A-Center type places, big box stores. I was looking at options that would deliver to my door (online shopping) or I could fold down my back seats for hauling a smaller box. I will ask around for someone with a truck if I have to, though.
  10. I’m double checking where the nearest one is. As far as things like Craigslist, those sites seldom work for our small town area. And given the size of these towns I guess I’m not optimistic I’d run into an individual offloading appliances. I’m in one Facebook group for the county but I seldom see anything I need.
  11. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money because there’s still a chance I’ll get my original set back. I bought them before the marriage with my own money. I guess laundry mats seem a little less ideal during Covid, too
  12. I’m looking at these portable washers with spinners. Most don’t fully dry the clothes, but they get them mostly dry. At least temporarily I’m losing my washer/dryer in the divorce. I don’t want to deal with laundry mats. I’m on a budget so don’t want to do the higher end ones. But, I’ll spring for a little higher price range if say one model requires you to move the hose twice during a cycle and another doesn’t. Frankly I’m confused by most of these products. They show people either using then in their shower/tub, hauling a bucket of water to fill the washer and then to place hose to drain or moving the machine next to a sink and barely reaching the sink with the hose. I actually will have washer/dryer hookups. I’m wondering if I can just hook it up there. But then maybe you have to unplug at the end of the cycle to drain, depending on how many hoses come with it. And many people say draining requires elevation so I’d have to prop the machine up. I probably wouldn’t be able to slide in in my washer cubby because it would stand too tall but I’d be able to set it close. I saw one guy bought a washer stand on wheels while another woman bought a cheap table. thoughts and recs appreciated... especially if you have BTDT. Ideally I’d like to spend under $200. I’ll hang dry a lot. And probably use a blow dryer on underwear lol
  13. The hearing was today. It didn’t go like I expected but I still have faith there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know what I can say here. It’s very complicated.
  14. I think it's fair to make boundaries that don't necessarily agree with the norm. I drove ds a whole year to private school, 20 min. each way. I hated it. Dd hated it. And I drove him 45 min. away once a week for kung fu for a year. The class was shorter than one way in the car. He didn't even want to go near the end. Since your situation is twice a week, not daily, I agree that there may be some way to make it work by finding something else to do in the area. When I took ds to an outsourced English class I'd take dd to the nearby park. Is there any option like that? How long is the co-op class? If she's gung ho about it, I think it will make it easier to get on board. And it sounds like she is. But, if it throws off everyone's schedule (ie. you have kids that don't deal with transitions well, there's no where to go during her class) I could also see saying this is not going to work. Or, see if there's a way to set up a carpool where you either pay the other parent gas or take turns.
  15. Oh, I had heard there was a season 2 coming. Guess it’s all wishful thinking/speculation. https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/amp35292050/wandavision-season-2-news-release-date-cast-spoilers/ I look forward to the next Dr Strange.
  16. Season 2 WandaVision finale is my guess lol like some cliffhanger for a season 3.
  17. Don’t count on me to get details right with this show — I thought her brother’s name was Pedro.
  18. I didn’t feel like she did much to make up for her actions, either. Did the town people even escape the hex? I need to rewatch but I don’t recall seeing anyone actually exit. Just noticed they ran. How much of Agnes’ time there was she ever under control of Wanda? That interaction with her in the car next to Vision vs the end vs her big reveal as a witch. I don’t even know what to believe. Or really what she wants. I agree the last couple episodes felt disjointed to me. Suddenly people have these (for lack of better description) shock collars on? We couldn’t see before. It was kinda too horror-like for my liking.
  19. I felt the same. I was very fond of the Quicksilver from the movies that appeared at her door. If Agnes controlled Pedro and didn’t know that much about Wanda, how did she know they both dropped their accents? Or maybe Agnes knew a lot more than I thought.
  20. Basically a recap that Disney plus threw together. A recap of some of Wanda’s life from other movies. I did rewatch some of the movies in full recently, too.
  21. I realized that today when I saw Legends. I said oh duh! But I doubt he’d be able to procreate.
  22. I was trying to get it in writing to make it easier for next year. That way I’d get even years. He’s very stubborn and may not let this year “count.”
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