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Everything posted by FrogMom5

  1. Praying for you and your precious son. Denise
  2. Thanks for posting the list. I did wonder how these levels worked. Denise
  3. I am laughing so hard I'm crying! Thank you all! Sorry, nothing to add yet. Denise
  4. When we first moved here, the closest troop & pack were quite small. After looking at another troop, my ds chose the smaller one. It's been good for him to see how an organization does and does not grow. He has experienced first hand the mistakes organizations can make and learned from them. He has learned lessons that I couldn't teach him at home. The troop and pack are now fair sized. Because my oldest was in on the ground floor (so to speak), he's better able to lead. Some of the boys don't really understand why certain things are important or why you need to follow set standards so closely. That's partly a maturity thing but I do believe the experience helped ds understand better how organizations work. I hope you find what you're looking for in a troop. Denise
  5. How do you know if you have blood sugar issues? Is it that you have slumps after eating? Shaky if you wait too long to eat? Or is that just normal anyway? Can you have the blood sugar problems and low iron together? I guess now I have to buy the book! It will be worth it if it finally gives me energy and helps me think straight. Denise
  6. Our pediatrician told me to use Selsen Blue. She didn't specify which one so I just picked one. You use it 2-3 times per week. It is drying so use a conditioner after shampooing. We also use the California Baby bath soap with tea tree oil in between the dandruff shampoo. Tea tree oil kills fungus which sometimes causes the eczema. I hope you can get rid of it. Ours has subsided but not completely gone away and it's been a month. Denise
  7. This will be the first summer my oldest isn't schooled during the summer. He got a job as a camp counselor so he won't be here. The other 2 will do "school lite." Denise
  8. No. There are other things like Engineering clubs, STEM camp, CC, online classes that I think are more important. Denise
  9. Here on the Gulf Coast of Florida the bugs are manageable. Certainly no worse than the Washington, DC area. Our city sprays for mosquitos. We have no flying roaches. We do have love bugs. They're weird but don't bite and only come out for a short time each year. Fire ants. It hurts when they bite and, if you have a reaction, can cause swelling for a day or two. Again, pest control and avoidance keeps them down. We have "no see 'ems" which are tiny bugs you can't really see but feel when they bite you. During the summer, we wear repellant if we're out in the evening. Alligators. We haven't crossed paths with any but, I have bad dreams about them. All the animals lovers need to forgive me now - any animal that views my children as food should be allowed to go extinct. Save the hippos, wolves, etc. Let the alligators go. You really never see them though. Denise
  10. I forgot to say that most Floridians are nice people. Not just polite nice, but sincerely so. The problems we've had center around the homeschool groups. Everyone else has been great. Denise
  11. How do you know when you've been accepted into a social group on this board? I didn't even realize they exsisted until I read an earlier thread and someone mentioned it. I clicked the "join this group" button but have no idea when or how I will be notified. Does anyone know how this works? Or, can you point me to where to go to read about it? Thanks. Denise
  12. I'm a military brat that lived mostly in the southwest - AZ, TX, UT. My mom is from the midwest so we spent a lot of time there too. I went to college in IL. We moved to the gulf coast of FL about 4 years ago and really like it. Some of the negative things people have said are true here as well. It's been hard to fit in, especially in the homeschooling community. We are the wrong brand of...well...everything. But, we've cobbled together some friends, mostly outside of homeschooling. On the plus side, there is diversity here. The weather, low taxes and so forth are a big plus. Btw, it's not that hot here. Yes, it gets into the upper 90's with high humidity but there is often a sea breeze to counter it. The ocean and pool help too! At first, I had trouble with boredom. That's kind of the story of my life, but that's for another thread. Anyway, it's been good for me to have to be more creative in making our own fun, instead of relying on outside sources. It's what I try to teach my kids anyway. Denise
  13. I checked "more often than not" because we've worked on it so much! :lol: Seriously, didn't this come automatically to all of us when we were in school? I don't remember the teachers reminding us to turn our papers correctly. Until now I thought we were the only ones. My oldest ds has dyslexia and ADD. I thought it was just one of his organizing problems. :D Denise
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought both the Syrian and Assyrian Churches had returned to full communion with the Vatican? I thought I heard that a few years ago. Denise
  15. You're right Rosie. My post should read, that's what the Christians want. Really though, I think everyone, or at least most people, are looking for a thoughtful and peaceful life. Maybe that's a better way to put it, I hope. :001_smile: Denise
  16. I haven't done anything yet, but my neighbor in Virginia began cooking classes for kids from her home. She put up flyers at the grocery store, bakery and local schools. I advertised for her in the homeschool groups so she let my son take the classes for free. Anyway, she taught healthy cooking. She grew herbs in her back yard and taught them how to identify herbs, kitchen utensils, etc. They made yummy foods kids really like. For instance, they made mango smoothies the first class. During the school year, the classes were once a week for 6-8 weeks (I don't remember exactly) for about 1 hour each. During the summer she ran camps. Week long, all day for each age group with a theme each week. She took them to the local farmers market for a scavenger hunt, toured the local bakery and so forth. They then came back and used what they learned that day to cook something. It was really neat and the kids loved it. She made a good salary from it too. I hope this helps spark some ideas for some of you too. Denise
  17. Are there any Coptics, Ethopian Catholics, Armenian Church people on this board? I would love to hear from them. I think there are other ancient churches too but I'm not familiar with them. Just for clarification - the Ethopian Church is not related to the Catholic Church headed by the Pope. However, the Eastern Rite Churches are part of what everyone is calling the RC. It really should be RC/EC or just the Catholic Church. I don't mean to split hairs, I just don't want someone from, say, the Byzantine or Syrian Church coming on this thread and being offended. They are not Roman Rite but they are part of the Catholic Church headed by the Vatican. Colleen - this really is a great thread. It is so interesting to learn about other churches and to listen to everyone's spiritual journey. In the end, we all want the same thing - to grow in holiness and to be close to God. I hope everyone here achieves that, regardless of your chosen church. Denise
  18. Sorry. I'm actually pretty straight laced. I will have a beer or margarita once in a while but that's as wild as I get. I do love to laugh though. Oh please bring the Cuban food. Yum! Maybe we'll have some lemonade too. Ok, I really am off to bed. :auto: I've had insomnia for the last month so I need to at least try to get some sleep. Goodnight. Denise
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