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Posts posted by cintinative

  1. White/off white or resistant to bleaching from acne meds

    cotton or cotton/poly blend not brushed

    Doesn't wrinkle like crazy

    not so thin it gets snagged easily

    not flannel or jersey

    cheap (<$30 for set)

    I spent part of yesterday looking and I honestly feel like this shouldn't be so hard

    ETA; maybe Kohl's The Big One Twin XL? But they are OOS of the white

  2. I found my peeps with the parking thing.  My husband doesn't quite get my depth perception problem.  Now that we have a minivan I am constantly parking crooked. I scraped the van pulling out of a tight parking garage.  Sigh.

    I stink at any sport that involves hand-eye coordination. Not that I am an excellent runner. LOL. But I would rather jog 7 days a week than play volleyball, baseball, tennis, etc. 

    If you have me do a new exercise video I haven't done before, the first couple times it will be a comedy routine for anyone watching.  Decades ago my friend and I tried Tae Bo and I laughed so hard at myself I was doubled over. 

    I'm not good at art. I could have a fantastic picture in my head, but what comes out on paper is around 3rd grade level.  

    • Like 3
  3. We have a decision made here too. For financial reasons, we were down to U Cincinnati and Wright State. He has decided for Wright State. We have lots of reasons for this. Anyone can PM me. I have spoken of it in other threads.

    He has a friend going there so we already have the roommate thing worked out. He has an advisor appt next week. He is coming in with a lot of college courses and CLEPs and since the school is small, we need to be very careful about scheduling. 

    • Like 11
  4. On 4/24/2024 at 2:51 PM, MagistraKennedy said:

    Great -- except her registration is set for 4/27 --- first available option for the FA meeting is 4/29. 

    I'm trying to stay calm, but the uncertainty is rocking my world.

    Wow, I had no idea you could register that early at some places!!  I don't think we will hear on FA for another few weeks at least.  I hope that somehow this works out for you all. It has to be super stressful. 

  5. There is one school that sends us emails two or more times per week. We tried to find how to decline enrollment and we cannot find it anywhere. We seriously spent 10 minutes at least. Are we supposed to just send an email?

    ETA: Maybe you are just supposed to do nothing?

    • Like 1
  6. Two friends of mine with daughters recently went through this (within the past two months). They are about nine years old. It is outpatient. After the surgery, they need meds every three hours (rotating Tylenol and Ibuprofen) and at about day 12 it starts to really turn and be much better. During those 12 days they needed to avoid dairy because that apparently interferes with healing. Needless to say, my friends were exhausted from getting up every three hours.  They both had it done for the reason you describe--frequent strep. 

    I had mine out at age five but I was inpatient and I don't remember much at all. Apparently the older you are when you have it done, the worse and longer the recovery is.  

  7. I didn't see one, so either I missed it (please advise!) or all of us have been too busy or too unsure to post anything. 😃

    This is my youngest and I am holding this schedule loosely. I am not sure if he will go to a four year school or a two year school.  At the moment he wants to study graphic design.

    Lit:  lit at home (light credit)

    Comp: Comp I at the community college

    Math: Precalculus at home (another light credit, followed by College Algebra CLEP). We really need to be done with math.

    Science: we're done--he has four credits with labs so no science planned

    Government (fall): home based government hopefully with CLEP at the end.

    Economics (spring): possibly Thinkwell or we can use the Glencoe book I used for my oldest if we don't want to do CLEP

    Electives:  Design Principles and Design Foundations (fall) at the community college; spring schedule is largely TBD. I want to see how he handles two studios plus a comp class first. We may end up dropping a class if the workload is too much. 

    He works about 30 hours a week so no extracurriculars. Actually I hope I can get him to reduce his hours.


    • Like 4
  8. We're still waiting to hear on honors scholarships from one college. His friend just heard yesterday. So today I asked if he had seen anything yet, and he (sarcastically) joked that the process was being held up by them passing around his essay and talking about how good it is. 🤣🤣(If you saw the essay prompt, you would understand just how much sarcasm was in this comment. This essay prompt was the worst.)  

    How is everyone else doing??

    • Like 1
    • Haha 7
  9. 10 hours ago, Bambam said:

    Do you have used curriculum sales local to you? I would try to sell it as a set. 

    There is one, but it is VERY poorly attended. 

    I think my best bet is going to be the local homeschool forum and/or facebook in hopes that a co-op needs supplies. I feel like most people don't do the level of chemistry we did at home anymore. 

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