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Posts posted by Tina

  1. On 9/3/2018 at 10:17 AM, stephanier.1765 said:

    Foyle's War and Grantchester

    Has she tried Broadchurch?

    Foyle's War left before I could watch much of it!  Finally decided to savor a show and they pulled it!

    I've watched all on her list and the few suggested.  I switched to lots of British crime shows.  Or Australian ones.  They seem better quality.  ;) 

  2. I had a tooth pulled a number of months ago.  Took longer than usual to heal.  Month or to after it closed, the next tooth had an infection in the gum line.  Cleared up with Propolis, hydrogen peroxide rinse, and staying away from sugar.  Was fine for a few months, then I did the same thing and it 'cleared up' again.  Hit me again this weekend, and now bottom tooth is irritated too.  Any ideas?

  3. My kids all made great friendships through the hs co-op we belonged to.  Ds will be in one of those friend's weddings next weekend.  All of them have at least 1 best friend from there.  This was a wonderful investment of time for us.  Most every other Friday everyone went to someone else's house.  We all did monthly field trips together.

    Sometime we invited one or two families with similar ages for ornament making or cookie decorating, or poetry reading times.

    There are also Scouts and sports teams to make friends at, tho the sports friends were seasonal in our case.  

    You can also set up some things as ways for the hs community to get together.  We had a monthly sport day, and anyone could play.  Summer's one of us moms gave tennis lessons or ran baseball games. Winters two moms were goalies weekly for the teen boot or skate hockey games.  Youngers skated or went sliding.   Lots of things you can dream up.

    And yes, some of my best friends are/were homeschool moms.  All our kids are done now.  :(

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  4. On 7/23/2018 at 8:56 PM, Pen said:

    Scratch “section 12”


    correct term is “Agency on Aging” and you can google it for which covers your area and how to reach them — again this only applies in US

     Check with senior options in the area.  When my fil lived with me, he qualified for someone to come in and shower him. Mil had a nurse come in to check on her (diabetic with both legs gone).   Depending on her income, there should be some services out there that are available to her.  Check with social services at the hospital, or check into the nursing homes.  They should know what would be available and if she could get in.  Some are private, but others are under the county here.


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  5. Very tight month here.  Dd's gone to camp as a counselor most of the month, so it's just dh and I.  We spend long hours at the office, so eat out a lot.  We've just gone a few times this month, and switched to eating only once a day for the most part.  Last two meals cost us about $10 each for the both of us.  I have also fixed some meals from things I found in the freezer.  Dh being willing to not eat big meals this month-- without my saying anything--has been great. 

    Had a wedding shower, and used cash I had put away.  Ordered the wedding gift, too, while I had options.  No lattes this last week and a half, at least.  Pulled out the ss bottle and I've been drinking lots of water!   The boys are going to switch to personal phone bills, too.


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  6. Not along the lines you were thinking, but how about a small journal or such with memories of times shared, perhaps photos, and a note of gratitude on how they've added to your life, things they've shared with you or taught you.  My folks always love this kind of stuff.  Us girls and our grown kids (okay--my sister built the book after we all sent our input) put together a photo book of their/our lives together for their 60th anniversary with lots of single liners from growing up with them, lines we associated with them that all our family recognized.  They have always loved the mushy' thank you for teaching me whatever as I was growing up' notes/letters over the years, too.

    • Like 2
  7. My last one, dd, graduates this year.  She just ordered her announcement/invites last night, tho she did FB invites a few weeks ago.  Need to get those in the mail pronto!  She only had one day in June available for the party, so that's the date of our open house.

    Tradition for us is a pig roast and lots of sides.  Dh reserved the grill months ago, so we're good to go there.  I've been searching for my food list the last couple days.  Wouldn't you know I saw it recently but apparently didn't put it in a safe place!  Lots of cleaning to do-- we serve out of one garage and use the second for indoor seating.  One way to get that done. lol

    All her friends are graduating through with 2 yr degrees from the local colleges, so that leaves her without a graduation ceremony.  She wanted to stay in the home school group til the end like her brothers, plus she was busy with soccer, basketball, ballet and New Wine.  Our homeschool group gave her a table to put pictures and momentos on at the  closing night, so she was pleased with that.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, GailV said:

    High school graduation happening on June 2.  We're doing it with a local homeschool organization, which is sort of like herding cats -- all the meetings to make sure everyone agrees on every detail -- yikes!  We have a meeting tomorrow night, as a matter of fact, so that's on my mind.  I'm on the committee to put together the program, and am currently trying to get people to tell me how they want their student's name listed in the program.  Also, how many do we need to print?  Seriously, if anyone has insight into that, let me know.  Is there some sort of rule of thumb, like # of graduates times 15 equals number of programs?

    College graduation happened last week.  Currently continuing to sort all the flotsam that has arrived back at our house from college student returning home for a few weeks before heading to her next stop -- summer in Ithaca, NY (anyone from the Hive in that area?).  

    And, about to head out the door to get 3 bags of bark mulch plus some plants for the pots out back.  I will use weeding, mulching, and planting as my time to be in a stress-free zone, not thinking about the blasted programs. Ugh, why did I volunteer for this committee? I just keep telling myself that a month from now it will all be over -- the graduation will have happened, older dd will be in Ithaca, I will be sitting here with the cats planning something fun like our vacation.

    We had a maximum number of guests everyone could invite.  Added to that were a couple per family and I was pretty close the year I was in charge of that.  Had some leftover.

  9. We ended up at the Hopsewee Plantation and then the Rice Museum in Georgetown.  We also did Fort Sumtner in Charleston, and ate some fantastic seafood. We did do some mini golf and the Pirate dinner show, too.  Drove into NC to check it off the list. hehe.

     Also,check out the menu at Blueberry's Grill which is open just for breakfast and lunch. 

    We will probably go again sometime.  Thanks for the options I'll keep on the list.  :)

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  10. My dd was just 17 when she became an aunt, and I was 60.  I"m glad my ds and his wife didn't wait to have kids, but he was 24, too.  They'll figure it out.

    my mil was too old to ever have our kids overnight when they were young, so she missed out on any time alone with them in the early years.  glad i will get that time as dil asks.  :)

    Just enjoy.  

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