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Posts posted by Tina

  1. So exciting to have time to do things that have been on the back burner!  Being self employed, we have to keep working, and we're a service business, too.  Luckily? this is a slow time for our business, so the techs aren't visiting too many places.  It would be lovely to have the free time!

  2. On 2/15/2020 at 12:38 PM, Carol in Cal. said:

    Glass bread pans are my go to, but I think I'm going to like my new to me Pampered Chef ones even better, if their pie pans are any gauge.

    She would probably benefit from a big marble board for rolling out things like cookies or pie crusts, if she is baking more than just bread.  Also, for pizza a peel is nice, although a flat cookie sheet works pretty well.  "Chez Panisse Pasta, Pizza, and Calzone" has excellent and unusual pizza recipes.  For desserts I love "The Back In The Day Cookbook".  For applying baking techniques to non-sweet food, "Savory Baking" is just WONDERFUL.  A supply of White Lily flour would be nice if she doesn't have it available locally.

    I love my Pampered Chef stoneware bread pans.


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  3. On 2/16/2020 at 10:39 PM, Ellie said:

    There doesn't have to be a sit-down reception. In the history of weddings in America, this is a pretty new thing. There's no reason that y'all can't have an early afternoon wedding with cake and punch and those minty things in the church hall afterwards. Seriously. So your expenses would be the invitations (which can be handwritten, you know), the bride's gown, flowers, wedding cake and punch.

    Both of my dds' told their bridesmaids to wear any dresses they wanted in a certain color scheme; one of the bridesmaids was a starving college student and she couldn't buy anything--she just wore a long dress that she already had.

    And FTR, the rehearsal dinner is only supposed to be a few sandwiches and whatnot for the people who will actually be participating in the wedding, i.e., the bride's and grooms parents and the wedding party. It isn't supposed to be a big ol' dinner **the night before the wedding,** y'all; don't do that. 🙂

    Since going with the bride to be was the only part of prep for the wedding I got to be a part of, I did go ahead and splurge for a big picnic type rehearsal dinner in our garage.  MOG was hard for me. lol

  4. The hooks on my side of the closet are for a 6' person, so useless to me.  I have a basket of off season clothes topped with a laundry basket where I drape my work tops and jeans.  Usually wear the jeans the next day, but rotate the weekly shirt collection between one week and the next--so two wearings before they hit the laundry.  Not the best, but it works for now.  I used to have a chair I hung them on, but dh now uses his chair and mine.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

    My entryway closet is supposedly a coat close on the floor plan and half your entryway closet size. However we have a door and so we “hide” the vacuum cleaner there. My broom is at my patio because that’s where it’s needed, we don’t have a mop. My coats are on a coat rack near the main door.

    I think it depends on whether the main traffic is through your main door or backyard door or kitchen door. A friend’s kids and guests mainly gets in through the backdoor so the coat rack is by the patio door instead of main door.

    While my family only has four of us, I have two jackets and two parkas out at a time, DS15 has three jackets, DS14 has two, DH has one. So 8 short and 2 long outerwear at one time. So we have to hang them on coat hangers on a coat rack instead of on hooks. I am also scared of cold so my parka is 80% down fill and heavy. 

    I would stick to a coat closet in your scenario unless the vacuum cleaner is heavy and better located in the coat closet. My vacuum cleaner is better located at my linen closet but we have no space there. 

    I have one closet that someone cut the corner area out of the shelf, so I have room for the broom/mop handles.

  6. On 12/21/2019 at 9:55 AM, matrips said:

    Kids this year are getting good shoe shining brushes and polish.

    Bought both boys a shoe shine kit one year, but don't think they ever used them.  They wear tennies most of the time.  sigh

    Life Savers, snack mix, jerky, nail files or clippers, got the women make up brushes and sponges one year. Toiletries.  Those carabiner clips in the sports section, duct tape, office supplies, hair brush or comb, small tools.

  7. Due to Dad's diabetes and everyone else becoming health conscious, I no longer make Oreo truffles, pecan crescents, and fudge.  Not many cookies at my place either.

    A wonderful shortbread is espresso shortbread!  But mom and dad are decaf people. 

    I started getting into the biscotti baking, but dil is gf, df, so will try to bake a cookie or two that she can eat this year.   How things change through the years!

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  8. One weekend I put up a few items on the mantel-- which reminds me that didn't include the nativity set-which maybe I won't put out as I'll have several two year olds on Christmas.  Last weekend dd put the string of lights on the window.  I managed to bring up the tree and put lights on it.  Moving so slowly this year.  I know I have some things for dd and dgs in my stash, and I picked up a couple books for one ds, but that's it.  Just have no motivation.  And the big family Christmas is moving to my house this year.  Yes, I have to cook dinner for 15, too, as my kids really don't want lasagna again this year. lol  I know we're having ham...

  9. On 12/2/2019 at 5:21 PM, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:

    Oh, I forgot to mention my big fail: inviting each set of neighbors near us over for a meal in my home.  We got swamped with huge gardening projects for our food forest and didn't follow through with new to us neighbors because we were exhausted on weekend evenings, so we just hung out a few times with neighbors we were more familiar with.  So, new to us neighbors get put back on the list for 2020. 

    We had a neighborhood party this fall, which we hadn't done for a number of years.  We had about 25 show, and they were happy that we set it up.

    I've gotten back in the habit of reading personal growth books for me and for work.  Trying to become the motivator at work.  Big job even for a small business.


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  10. 6 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

    All of them. Seriously. This is our first year that Santa isn't coming and all the gifts are from mommy and daddy. FINALLY! I get my much-deserved credit! I was tired of Santa getting all the props for awesome gifts. 😂


    I always gave the kids' lists to the family to shop for and picked out something they hadn't thought of - ice skates or rollerblades or whatever.  Santa never brought my kids the things on their lists.  An alternative...

  11. 20 hours ago, lynn said:

    I try not to think of it as depressing.  I miss the living room being taken over by Legos, battle bots, American girls etc.   We only have one home and she's 14 and has asked for only 1 thing but it's pricey so dh and I are debating..  The adult kids are hard to buy for.  My Navy kid will be home and will only have his back pack to take anything back with and needs or wants for nothing.  I miss the shopping and planning.  However we do have a grandson and since his parents and he are here all day Christmas I'm trying to find him a gift that's entertaining.  So that's been fun trying to find that one or two toys for him.  I'm thankful dd likes to decorate for Christmas with me.  I'm thankful for the many years I had while the kids were little and am embracing our new reality of life as semi empty nesters.

    My gs is 2.  I've been looking in the stores for toys, and haven't liked anything I've seen there.  I was in an antique shop and fell in love with an old Fisher Price camper.  Went to Ebay and found a complete camper set that I HAD to have. lol.  Showed dil and she said he's going to love it!

    Having the kids with one really makes Christmas...

  12. 5 hours ago, Chris in VA said:

    Things are different because we moved here. Only dd comes at Christmas now, although next year I want that to change. We had 2 Christmases where one son was in rehab, and that premature leave-taking left a hollow place in my heart. He is married now and has our granddaughter; I encourage my kids to have their own celebration at home and then come over as a rule, but he did come twice for Xmas and that was actually good (although we fought the last year we were home  the day after Xmas, and he said he'd never come to that house again--didn't know we would move and that turn out to be true). 

    Anyway, last year was really hard here, even tho we did go to the Church of the Nativity for a service Christmas Eve. It was amazing but I was terribly anxious in the crowds and homesick. This year will be better, and I only have to get thru one more til we can go home. 

    Hope you can plan something unique for this year, so it will stand out special in your memories.

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  13. 20 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

    The only struggle I have is sibling gifts.  There are 4 kids total.  Growing up my parents never instituted any sort of sibling gifts...what a pain to manage having Child A get for B, C, and D, making sure Child B gets for A, C, and D, and on and on .  DD23 however chooses to get gifts for her younger siblings (there is a very large age gap between her and the other 3.)  And it's just hard for me to figure out what to do....do I have them all get something for her?  And then if I do, do I have to also manage each of them getting for each other?   I dunno.  So far, we haven't done that....but they are getting older and last year, DD11 asked about getting a gift for her sister, so...blah.  


    My three will sometimes buy for each other, or sometimes just one will.  It varies.  I don't worry about it.  Youngest, dd, likes to make something for everyone most years.  It's totally up to them.


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